I ask that seriously. A few weeks ago, I asked PSU fans on this board if they could ever remember a PSU starter being suspended without knowing the details as of why (ie which would be a failed internal drug test), and one guy replied that he remembered a player 20 years ago that may have been.
Pitt needs to rethink its drug-testing policy. They should only test for performance-enhancing drugs which are banned by the major pro sports leagues. If its a drug that doesn't affect the player's performance, let the Pittsburgh PD worry about policing 20 year old college kids committing the grievous crime of smoking marijuana. Throwing a season away because a few college kids smoked weed is ridiculous.
Its funny because some of us, including myself believe that one day our administration will take the sport serious enough to spend half a billion on a new stadium, yet they continue to play on an uneven playing field and won't alter their drug testing rules and send a message that it indeed takes the sport seriously.