The amount of disrespect & ignorance is mindboggling. These young men made it to the final cut in he National Football League. I would luv to know if any of you who pass such critical judgment are as critical on yourselves, your children, etc. on the success or lack thereof in anything you do.....
IMO when any athlete is signed into a camp to compete to wear & represent the uniform of that city & franchise they are a bad MF'er.
It's not like Pitt is not competing in a premier conference.....we play in debatably the best conference in all of college football.
I know I played as long as someone thought I had something to offer & it ended entirely to soon for my liking because I luved being part of a team, competing, practicing, etc. The fact that these young men were asked to compete to play for money at the highest level & against the World's greatest football players is something that each & every one of them should be extremely proud regardless if they made the team or not.
H2 Pitt !!!