Durkin coming back this week to coach UMD

Brady said he read the report issued by the commission the regents assembled, aimed at getting to the bottom of how Durkin ran his program. Guess he missed the part about bizarrely motivating players with food, or showing them savage videos of animals killing each other, or creating a caste system of haves and have-nots, or humiliating them by throwing trash cans full of vomit across the room. In the world of Brady and the regents, it was Durkin’s program, but he wasn’t responsible for the behavior of those who were employed in it.

Multiple players anonymously complain that the coaching staff would subject teams during meal time to disturbing videos. According to Gus Little, this included videos of serial killers, drills entering eyeballs, and bloody scenes with animals eating animals.
Accounts vary as to whether Mr. Court placed the candy bars on the player’s lap, dropped them at his feet, hurled them at the player, or poured a bin of them on the player and then forced the player to eat them while the rest of the team worked out.
During the workout session, the player in question had gotten sick and vomited into the trash can. Some sources, including former players Michal (“Gus”) Little and E.J. Donahue, alleged that Mr. Court then shoved the player against a refrigerator in the gym and forced him to clean up his own vomit from the trash can, which Mr. Court had thrown across the weight room. Others state that Mr. Court just threw the can against the wall, without touching the player, and the spilled vomit was then cleaned by a staff member.
Meh, a tad misleading. Still classless but still different from throwing vomit on or at a player.

Showing videos of animals eating animals? So basically every animal show ever made? Me and my little kids watch these all the time, it’s how animals eat, it’s nature. They can’t order pizza. I do question how an animal show motivates football players though.

Until a coach pulls a sherrill and castrates a bull in front if his team as motivation, i don’t want to hear it. Nothing beats that.
If true, the serial killer part seems really weird and sort of different than "yeah we're going to be the lion that eats the gazelle" or whatever theory they were trying to use to motivate players. I think an old fashioned rah rah speech and hype film of great plays is plenty?
From ESPN:

Jonathan Allen, Maryland's student body president, told ESPN that students are "outraged" by the board's decision. Allen will introduce emergency legislation at a student government association meeting Wednesday night that will call for university president Wallace Loh to fire Durkin. Sources told ESPN that Loh, who announced Tuesday that he will retire in June, only brought back Durkin after the board of regents threatened to fire the president if he didn't reinstate the coach.

"People are appalled at this," Allen said. "When I spoke to stakeholders -- media, alums, donors -- over the last few months, as this has been transpiring, they all said there's no way Durkin comes back from this. And yet he's returning and the president is the one that's leaving?

"When the system fails, the next obvious step is a grassroots push, being vocal and showing the outrage and sentiments students have had with these decisions."

Allen, who hopes to meet with Loh later Wednesday to understand his viewpoint on the decision, said board of regents chair James Brady is primarily at fault for the decisions to reinstate Durkin and athletics director Damon Evans.

"It could not have worked out better for chairman Brady," said Allen, a senior from Florida majoring in government and politics. "He didn't need to buy out Coach Durkin's multi-million contract. He did not need to buy out Damon Evans' contract, did not need to fire a president and potentially have litigation if President Loh deemed there wasn't sufficient cause, bought out [former Maryland football strength coach] Rick Court, who was the root of many concerns, for $315,000.

"The only person who paid, as the McNair family's representative said, was Jordan, and that was with his life. That's why we're outraged."

Allen reached out to McNair's parents, Marty McNair and Tonya Wilson, through their attorneys, and hopes they can attend Thursday's rally.
If true, the serial killer part seems really weird and sort of different than "yeah we're going to be the lion that eats the gazelle" or whatever theory they were trying to use to motivate players. I think an old fashioned rah rah speech and hype film of great plays is plenty?
How a drill thru an eye or any gory video would be used as motivation is weird. I see a drill shred up an eyeball, I’d feel sick. That wouldn’t make me want to pad up and go effectively pick up a blitzing linebacker or rush the qb.

How about the training montage in rocky 2? When adriane comes out of coma and tells rocky there is one thing he can do for Cue music and him doing one handed pull-up at playground with sunrise behind him.

That’s the crap I’d play. My teams would go undefeated. These coaches are clowns.
The players death was one thing but the culture created under Durkin’s watch was a contributing factor in how the player died.

Apparently he threw vomit on players, used some sort of metal weapon to inflict pain on his players while they were lifting weights and was generally verbally abusive and way over the top among other reasons cited.
He threw vomit on players? Where the hell are you guys getting this.

Someone else said that he made a player eat candy bars while other players humiliated him while doing this. Where do you guys read this?

I’m not saying it didn’t happen, just don’t see these ridiculous stories.

How do you throw vomit on someone? Out of a bucket like the Harlem globetrotters do with confetti? Who’s vomit is it?

From cbs sports

“That culture stemmed from the lack of oversight by Durkin pertaining to Court's conduct, according to the full report which was released earlier this month.
"This included challenging a player's manhood and hurling homophobic slurs," the report read. "Additionally, Mr. Court would attempt to humiliate players in front of their teammates by throwing food, weights and, on one occasion, a trash can full of vomit, all behavior unacceptable by any reasonable standard. These actions failed the student-athletes he claimed to serve."
He threw vomit on players? Where the hell are you guys getting this.

Someone else said that he made a player eat candy bars while other players humiliated him while doing this. Where do you guys read this?

I’m not saying it didn’t happen, just don’t see these ridiculous stories.

How do you throw vomit on someone? Out of a bucket like the Harlem globetrotters do with confetti? Who’s vomit is it?
Google is your friend
Read this and tell me Durkin was not responsible............he knew what the SC coach was all about and turned a blind eye...........\

UM put winning football games above the safety of their players.

Strength coaches as it pertains to football coaches at this level should be considered Deputy Head Coaches.

There isnt one power 5 head coach who isn't deeply tied to and connected to his strength coach and his methods. Period.
Strength coaches as it pertains to football coaches at this level should be considered Deputy Head Coaches.

There isnt one power 5 head coach who isn't deeply tied to and connected to his strength coach and his methods. Period.

Let's play - who said this?

Any Power 5 head coach who says he doesn’t have ultimate sway over what his strength coach does is a liar. A strength coach acts as the right hand of the head coach. Just listen to this head coach talking about his strength coach. “It’s so important, I believe, that the strength coach and the head coach are directly in line with one another in terms of what’s important, what’s the message we’re delivering, and [the strength coach] and I are,” [the head coach] said. “We’re totally synchronized in that and so he’s huge. He’s critical to all we do.”
Durkin should be in a jail for the criminally insane. And his entire team and coaches should have walked out on him. He's human garbage.