Duzz scheme working in the NFL?

If Duzz had NFL athletes, his scheme would work here, too.
His scheme has worked here. The biggest problems on D this year IMO were inability to consistently get pressure with their front four, and when they didn’t, poor tackling from the back seven. Losing talent to the NFL and not having replacements ready (can we say that?) ultimately falls on the staff. But it doesn’t mean the scheme is unsound.
His scheme has worked here. The biggest problems on D this year IMO were inability to consistently get pressure with their front four, and when they didn’t, poor tackling from the back seven. Losing talent to the NFL and not having replacements ready (can we say that?) ultimately falls on the staff. But it doesn’t mean the scheme is unsound.
This x100. Even in a down year, the defense was probably above average. You can only bail a horrendous offense out so long.
The defense was OK this year. Its really hard to look good on D when your offense sputters and your punter gives the other team great field position all game.

OK is about as far as I would go with this bunch. This was easily one of the worst slates of quarterbacks Pitt has ever faced. At least three of them basically couldn't throw a forward pass.
I love that this was a really interesting article that also gives a nice shout out to Duzz and most of the replies are pissing and moaning.

The defense wasn’t the big problem this year and if you think it was maybe stop watching sports altogether