ESPN interviewed several prominent seniors... interesting stuff

UPitt '89

Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 14, 2002

Some sampling....

On what they would change about college hoops:

Yogi Ferrell, Indiana

I would probably go from five fouls to six fouls before a player is disqualified so that guys don't go out too quickly in the game. This season, with the new rules, the referees aren't letting us play as much.

Damion Lee, Louisville

You know how students have to sit out a year if they transfer? ... If a coach leaves to take another job, I think he should have to go through the same thing. I know it's kind of crazy, kind of impossible, but I feel like somehow we have to level the playing field.

Road venue you're thrilled you never have to go back to:

Yogi Ferrell, Indiana

Penn State's Bryce Jordan Center. They have a dark gym. And it's a little quiet.

Buddy Hield, Oklahoma

West Virginia. I don't like going there. They talk all the time. They never stop talking. When I go there, I want to land at game time, play the game and win or lose, get out of there. You don't even want to stay down there.

And then the rifle. First time I heard it go off, I ducked so quick. I was like, "What's going on over there?" The fans are used to it, but not me. Nah, I don't like going there.

Lots of good stuff at the link. Love what Ferrell and Hield said about PSU and WVU, haha.