I disagree with some on these Individuals and the New Trustees and Penn State Alumnus.
They all deeply care about Penn State University and are prime examples of being some of Best & Brightest Penn State Alumni in achievements and notoriety. If you met them you would not hate them, and actually come away admiring them, while disagreeing in their efforts to overcome mistakes they thing Penn State made over the Scandal.
Unfortunately, like Zeigler as the Victim's Voices grow and the Media continues to dig and publicly back Sara Ganim's reporting that Children Abuse cannot be Silence in the Name of Winning or Building a Football Program anywhere and that includes Penn State.
They will eventually become part of the solution to Unite Penn State. they will recognize that Joe Paterno Legacy and Pride of Penn State can be respected Privately by all Penn Staters, but will never be the same nor respected Publicly by future Penn Staters.
They are trying to resurrect a Penn State Past during these Present Problems that cannot lead into a Better Penn State Future.
In my opinion, they are now realizing that until they all join to Unite Penn State and no longer Ignite discourse by standing by Paterno's Legacy that is forever tainted.
The pursuit and demand for the Full Truth that never fit the image based on Slogans covered with misguided Secrecy and Silence with Current Trustees they disagree with on how the Scandal was handled?
Now that the Voices of Victim's are coming out, Secrets in Settlements will continue to be revealed, and Criminal Trials nearer an end, the better minds will prevail, and there will be a compromise reached on how to Honor Paterno one more time, and then let him fade away as it is happening anyway.
See, I think you might be upside down on this little bit here. Most of these crusaders have already cornered themselves into an all or nothing position. I can't see a Lubrano walking it back. It's more likely that the establishment Trustees that tried to position the University as taking an aggressive stance to put this all behind them, will win over, in the end.