Harve, saying that our defense this year is not much better than last year seems to be a marginal opinion even among the critical eyes on this Board. We all recognize the issues and the breakdowns and the mistakes, but I think most people would say that our defense is improved from last year. Tuckshop's post about 2pt% is real and is also on point regarding how an interpretive number like DE is calculated.
KGSB's allusion to the endless discussions about soccer penalty kicks is extremely subtle. Although the odds of success are quite different from basketball, I agree that the new rules make it difficult to figure out what defense parameters are meaningful. Players, coaches, and stripes are still working on it, too. Yesterday's game may just have been some sort of anomaly. The "last game" offensive efficiency numbers for us and Notre Dame were 2 and 6, respectively. Those numbers may have fit an expected narrative of "two great offenses versus two poor defenses," but 2 and 6 OE taken together with 347 and 350 DE seems totally logical yet somehow totally meaningless.
The issue is whether our defense is actually as bad as Pomeroy's numbers indicate. There are a lot of systems, but using Team Rankings for a comparative perspective is not unreasonable. Under that system, as bad as they evaluated us for yesterday's performance, we are significantly better than Pomeroy's ranking. Using KGSB's and Joe's exchange above regarding a reduced set of realistic NCAAT prospects, more than half the 86 teams ahead of us in Team Rankings' DE list are out, placing us well within an average range of numbers.