Drop the ball? They are one of the few institutions, along with the Catholic Church, that I'm aware that has actively hid the sexual predation of children in order to protect the image and function of an institution, not to mention it was for something as frivolous as sport. That active suppression of these heinous crimes took place from the lowest to the highest levels of the institution, and was absolutely enabled by the fanbase's gobbling of self-righteous propaganda, cult of personality worship, and the institution's culture of rigorously suppressing any deviation from the official narrative at the cost of people's careers and reputations. Your comments and desire to excuse the massive problems that enabled decades of enabling serial child rape by equivocating it with other incidents shows loud and clear what type of individual you are. It is simply not ok, or at all true, to brush it off as something that happens elsewhere, because that is false and dangerous. You show how little you understand about the issue, how you and how your are right there with disgusting, card member carrying members of the cult lobbying for restoration of what they value as more important than children's lives. You're just as a flat out, disgusting individual.
Welcome to my ignore list.