Again.....Pitt needs a Bobby Axelrod type of guy as a grad and avid fan to not only pony up some big $$$ but have that big enough personality to recruit other big money alums to pony up cash specifically for football and basketball.
Another thing, people with lots of money, usually have lots of money because they are smart and no how to make deals. And part of that is not parting their money without some return or some influence. I think what has happened with Pitt since Nordy/Pedey regime purged alot of he booster groups, Pitt expected these guys to donate like good soldiers and shut up and be seen and not heard.
Exactly right, but to be fair, it seems to be the attitude by every regime since the legendary Golden Panther "scandal" and/or fears about the SMU death penalty in the 80s. The influence was deemed too much at the time, right or wrong ... and ever since, the attitude of "give blindly" seems paramount.
Well, most know that simply isn't how it works in real life. Those with significant money and willing to donate it to something as, face it, frivolous as sports programs are not doing it for the good of humanity. They are type A (whatever term beginning with A you wish to affix) people with giant egos. Some good souls like the Petersens might be that way, but more are like T Boone or (shudder) Lubrano.
Pitt brass ... several iterations... hopefully are smart enough to know this too, but seem willing to accept being (and receiving) small potatoes in exchange for freezing out influence.
Some will now say that the release of Dixon is proof that our donors get too much influence. Well, my counter opinion on that (and it's all opinion of course, theirs and mine) is that Pitt was happy to leverage the gripes of donors to rid themselves of Jamie's big contract...but not interested in the least to give influence on the hiring to replace him. IMO, because there's no way in heck a donor with any real influence would have been willing to sanction Stallings. None. Zero.
The other side now will likely say, "the donors didn't donate enough to deserve that influence, aka, enough to afford a splash hire. " but my opinion would be, "if Pitt isn't going to give the influence, don't expect the big checks." (And, I'll also ask why did Pitt listen to them about Dixon in the first place?)
I'd really like to know which perspective is the correct one. Alas, there are no true reporters in this junk town.