Long story, but my uncle works for a company that sells software to a lot of Large Architectural firms in the US. Anyhow a month back he stopped to meet with some people on a PR trip. As he was leaving he walked past a conference room. Could not see in but some food service people were wheeling in some lunch. He stopped to grab the door for them and for a second looked in as he was holding the door. Anyhow they had a power point presentation going on and the title was Upcoming projects and Team Leaders.. They had a slide up with a few Bridges a Soccer Stadium etc, but the one that caught his eye was University of Pittsburgh On Campus Stadium 2027/2028. He Only saw in for 8 or 10 seconds then the food people were in and he let the door swing shut. He called me from the parking lot. He said he was almost nervous someone was going to chase him Down. So that’s the story…