Heinz Field fiasco again.

Yep, so this will be the schedule:

YSU - 1PM, weather should be 88, no clouds

OKST - noon - ESPN2

Rice - 12:30 - FSS syndicated, 55 and rain all day, 20K people show
it's funny but in all honesty, its true.. damn you noon games, damn you to heck..
I was impressed with how well Pitt had everything organized on Saturday. We went to enter at Gate A and were told that it was only for former players and recruits. I thought that was a pretty cool idea and didn't mind walking to Gate B. There were no lines to get in. My youngest granddaughter will be a year old on Saturday and security let us take the stroller and diaper bag in with us - very family friendly IMO. I was actually surprised by how many concession stands were open. Not a long wait at all.

The only complaint that I had (and I'll take this opportunity to vent) had nothing to do with Pitt. We signed up for our 4 grandchildren to go on to the field with the Junior Panthers. So when they announced that the kids should start lining up at section 105, we took them over. We waited there for about 20 minutes (those last 3 minutes of the game seemed to take forever). There had to be a couple hundred kids waiting to get on the field. When the game was over, the kids started going on to the field through the aisle by section 106. But it didn't take long for adults to start coming over and going through the bleachers in section 106 and getting in front of the kids. I couldn't believe how inconsiderate these adults were. There were so many adults jumping line that the kids didn't move for what seemed like 15 minutes. As a result, a lot of the kids hadn't even gotten on the field when they announced that the meet and greet would be ending in 10 minutes. Still a great day in spite of this. Done venting. Good job Pitt!
Yep, so this will be the schedule:

YSU - 1PM, weather should be 88, no clouds

OKST - noon - ESPN2

Rice - 12:30 - FSS syndicated, 55 and rain all day, 20K people show
it's funny but in all honesty, its true.. damn you noon games, damn you to heck..

The Pirates are away for the OKST and rice games but they will be noon anyway
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I don't think it's as easy to just make a call gameday. Why would the other concession stands be stocked and ready to go on a random Saturday during the off-season? Most likely making a switch like that last minute is a logistical mess.

Pitt made the right call given it's April and the OP is being a douche for complaining.

It was. My phone said 80, it felt like 90 in the sunny side......but that's probably because it was the first time most of us were in the sun since the Penn State game last year. It did seem "brutally hot."

Perhaps they could have made a gameday call to close off the sunny side and have everyone on the other side but then people would complain about having to walk all the way to the other side to get to their seats since most people come from the Great Hall side.

Its got to be said if being too hot and sunny for an April 15 scrimmage is a complaint item, then that is something a lot of places would like to complain about.
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