Holidays with PSU family members

I have a family full of PSU fans (I am the lone Pitt alum) and get along with them just fine. They know I have a healthy dislike for PSU but we can still discuss football, etc...without conflict and anger. We haven't talked about the Sandusky scandal in years because it serves no purpose. I prefer to get along with my family and friends at the holidays (and all year for that matter).
I have a family full of PSU fans (I am the lone Pitt alum) and get along with them just fine. They know I have a healthy dislike for PSU but we can still discuss football, etc...without conflict and anger. We haven't talked about the Sandusky scandal in years because it serves no purpose. I prefer to get along with my family and friends at the holidays (and all year for that matter).
I'm delighted that you and your family don't allow such issues divide you. They shouldn't.
My point however is that the mentality that led to the child abuse scandal at PSU appears to persist.
It almost seems that it could happen again.
If that was the case for us holiday communication would be a phone call!
Luckily we don't have any!
We don't associate with "talking point" Nitters in any way. Most that we know are completely one sided delusional non humans! That's been the case for years!
They have their talking points and talking points don't make for a discussion!
Same for politics who stick to talking points. We have a liberal side of our family who repeat talking points over and over again so they don't get invited to gathering anymore. Talking point opposites don't mix well at family gatherings these days!
The Merry Christmas phone call works well which eliminated a day of hell!
I'm delighted that you and your family don't allow such issues divide you. They shouldn't.
My point however is that the mentality that led to the child abuse scandal at PSU appears to persist.
It almost seems that it could happen again.

How do we know it isn't happening right now and has been going on uninterrupted for years? That culture up there is perverted and sick. So Sandusky is in jail. That won't stop them from doing it again.
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The lack of understanding by many PSU fans that the actions ( or inactions ) by at least 4 officials enabled this sick person to continue molesting children is the sad part of their culture up there. Regrettably this could again due to not enough change in the school to prevent it from happening again.

These 4 *officials:


* they don't deserve to have first names mentioned
I'm only infected with one PSU fan in the family (bro-in-law) and I give him a pass because:
  1. he grew up near Dillsburg (so it's genetic)
  2. he's a hell of a great guy who is 100% lacking the usual PSU sickening swagger
  3. he's been in the family for 45 years and I've never had a cross word with him
  4. the whole Paterno/Sandusky thing shocked and sickened him.
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I'm only infected with one PSU fan in the family (bro-in-law) and I give him a pass because:
  1. he grew up near Dillsburg (so it's genetic)
  2. he's a hell of a great guy who is 100% lacking the usual PSU sickening swagger
  3. he's been in the family for 45 years and I've never had a cross word with him
  4. the whole Paterno/Sandusky thing shocked and sickened him.

There are plenty of Nitters sickened by it. Don't have any family members but have 2 pretty good friends who are Nitters. They really don't even want to discuss it they're so disgusted with the whole thing.
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I have 1 family member who is a cousin and came out of the closet 3 years ago also a Nitter. He's one of those Obama is great and so is Paterno guys. So, he essentially has 2 strikes against him in my book and I barely acknowledge he exists.
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I have a cousin who is a psu fan (branch campus) and colts fan. She made a crack about Ben roethlisberger and his problems off the field, I made a similar joke about Joe Pa and of course this was out of bounds. Got mad and told me I have disgusting and didn't talk to me the rest of the night. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
I have a cousin who is a psu fan (branch campus) and colts fan. She made a crack about Ben roethlisberger and his problems off the field, I made a similar joke about Joe Pa and of course this was out of bounds. Got mad and told me I have disgusting and didn't talk to me the rest of the night. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Peddstate is just what it is.. cult.
Cults prey on the week, gives them self worth.
I have a family full of PSU fans (I am the lone Pitt alum) and get along with them just fine. They know I have a healthy dislike for PSU but we can still discuss football, etc...without conflict and anger. We haven't talked about the Sandusky scandal in years because it serves no purpose. I prefer to get along with my family and friends at the holidays (and all year for that matter).
I'm surrounded by PSU friends and family here in NEPA. I'm definitely the outcast, but I'm used to it. It's a bit annoying, but whatever. I even had 2 separate friends do the whole "open up Rose Bowl tickets on Xmas Morning" deal and you would've thought they hit the powerball with the tears and hysterics. Again, whatever. Not too much douche-baggery, though. They should be psyched for the year they had. Most give me begrudging props for our year (and that's without me hitting them with a '42-39') I try to rise above their arrogance; I'll usually point out the main difference between a PSU fan and a Notre Dame fan is the color of hat they were. Most don't get the joke...
So full of themselves.
So clueless.
Everyone snickering behind their backs, disgusted.
I'm surrounded by PSU friends and family here in NEPA. I'm definitely the outcast, but I'm used to it. It's a bit annoying, but whatever. I even had 2 separate friends do the whole "open up Rose Bowl tickets on Xmas Morning" deal and you would've thought they hit the powerball with the tears and hysterics. Again, whatever. Not too much douche-baggery, though. They should be psyched for the year they had. Most give me begrudging props for our year (and that's without me hitting them with a '42-39') I try to rise above their arrogance; I'll usually point out the main difference between a PSU fan and a Notre Dame fan is the color of hat they were. Most don't get the joke...

The color of the hat is no joke... absolute truth.
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I have 1 family member who is a cousin and came out of the closet 3 years ago also a Nitter. He's one of those Obama is great and so is Paterno guys. So, he essentially has 2 strikes against him in my book and I barely acknowledge he exists.
Lot of ignorance and stupidity in this thread, but I think this one takes the cake, just barely edging out Buffett's masterpiece above. Congrats.
The most repulsive wear PSU garb 365/24/7...socks, hair bands, jewelry. A relative has a 409 pendant she wears. I am not kidding. I asked her if she was a billboard for Formula 409 in an attempt to scrub the stain from JVP's legacy. Hasn't talked to me since.

Yeah in Nashville Tennessee for midnight mass a guy had a penn state hat on in front of us. God just teaching me tolerance I think
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Don't think for a moment that the discussion of the blind faith, simple minded, Ped St fan did not come up when the 4 amigos talked this through to cover it up!

It could definitely happen up again up there. The slap-on-the-wrist that they got was no deterrent. That was immediately obvious from their picks as head coach and AD: both came to UPS with skeletons in their closets.
If that was the case for us holiday communication would be a phone call!
Luckily we don't have any!
We don't associate with "talking point" Nitters in any way. Most that we know are completely one sided delusional non humans! That's been the case for years!
They have their talking points and talking points don't make for a discussion!
Same for politics who stick to talking points. We have a liberal side of our family who repeat talking points over and over again so they don't get invited to gathering anymore. Talking point opposites don't mix well at family gatherings these days!
The Merry Christmas phone call works well which eliminated a day of hell!

You should just send a text so you don't even need to hear their voices!
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My Nitter Brother is also a huuuuuuuge Hillary supporter, so the tension was rather intense this year. We usually try to keep politics and football quiet during our family celebration but this year was tough. It was all going well until my favorite Uncle opened his present and proudly donned his "Make America Great" hat that I just accidentally put in his gift. OOOOOps. Loved to watch the squirming and disguist from our family liberals. The deplorables had to stick together this year and we didn't even have to bring up the Pitt thumping of the Nits to get a rise out of them. What fun.
My two sisters are Peddo grads who are extraordinarily touchy about the sins of their alma mater and do not understand the outside world's perspectives on Paterno. So we have an unwritten code of silence about Pitt-PSU, broken only when my smartass brother-in-law, a Nit fan, takes a swing at Pitt. He was quiet as a tomb this year..... and for family peace I kept my mouth shut as well...... Kohl's and Sears stores have apparently put the Sandusky business behind them, as pre-Christmas PSU displays dwarfed Pitt swag. Not so at Dick's... college stuff was consigned to the leftover racks as they are pushing Pens and Steelers now.
big argument at Christmas between my sister (who has no affiliation but bitterly despises PSU football and especially JoePa) and my parents who for some reason were defending PSU football (2 grandkids are students at PSU). Neither side would back down, a lot of cursing and yelling ... what happened at PSU is disgusting but not unprecedented ... what is unprecedented is that people still actually try to defend PSU and JoePa when they sold out little boys to (unsuccessfully) protect their football legacy.
Nothing really earth shattering nor revealing in this thread, eh? Come on. We know they are a brain washed cult. It has been defined in these tales so many times over the years. Do we need to rehash? I prefer to forget and ignore them.