Home schedule for wrestling pretty awesome, at least from a traditional POV


Athletic Director
Jul 5, 2001
Oct 30 Blue & Gold
Nov 8: Bucknell
Nov 15: Lehigh
Nov. 21: Penn State at the Petersen Events Center
Dec 5: Maryland
Jan 11: Pitt Duals with UNC, Duke, Lock Haven, Drexel, and Eastern Michigan (with NC State and Bloomsburg also attending)
Feb 8: Clarion
Feb. 22: WVU
Mar. 8: ACC Championships at the Petersen Events Center

Away meets at Bloomsburg, Edinboro, Oklahoma State, UVA, Virginia Tech, NC State, and Michigan (along with the Keystone Classic in Philly and Southern Scuffle)

Interesting that both of Pitt's ACC home dual meets have been incorporated into Pitt Duals. I guess that makes sense since they are weaker opponents.

PSU moved to the Pete means bigger attendance...hopefully extra $ for the wrestling program.

Pitt is essentially wrestling a full EWL schedule as well...the only team missing from the schedule (at least as the EWL was construed at any time from 1985 to 2012) is Cleveland State.

I hope the ACC Championships draw well. It is the first ACC Championship even that Pitt will host and the Pete should be its natural home.

This post was edited on 9/18 2:08 PM by CrazyPaco
I have been to one Pitt wrestling match in my lifetime, and only because my roommate was on the team. That said, I have talked to some people and myself plan on going to the ACC championships. From what I've gathered talking to people and some who wrestle or have wrestled, they said Pitt should have no problem filling the arena up for the ACC championships.

If we do, I wouldn't be surprised to see us host it more regularly.
Are there only 7 ACC teams that have wrestling?

I remember getting that email and noticing only two "games" with ACC foes on it, and thinking it was awfully small. Guess that explains why.

Pitt, VT, UVA, UNC, NCSU, and Duke.

Maryland made seven last year.