How about this newspaper coverage . . .

All excellent articles. Very well-written and informative as well as objective. If only we could have, just once, a paper in Pittsburgh that was half as informative and responsible in their reporting as this Syracuse paper. Kudos to them.

I also liked the article on Concussion. Very accurate depiction of the goal of the movie and message in it.
The Syracuse paper has the same exact website design as pennlive in Harrisburg. Guess what the pennlive sports has at least 4 or 5 writers dedicated to nothing but PSU sports. What do Syracuse and PSU/Harrisburg have in pro sports........ as the previous poster said, Syracuse basketball is the only game in town.
great find, thanks for posting. really good reporting. we had 2 low quality articles in the pittsburgh papers.

OR just maybe, just maybe, the Pittsburgh papers have other sports priorities to cover, unlike a town like Syracuse. Again, big fish in a small pond vs small fish in a big pond.