How do they get away with this stuff


Lair Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001
We had a great young man here at Windber that was a 4 year stud running back. He earned a scholarship to St Francis where he red shirted as a freshman last year. So he shows up at camp last week and what happens. The coach takes him aside and tells him there’s a recruit who wants to transfer in so they are taking his scholarship away. Just like that. If he wants to play he has to pay his own way. These effing pricks should not be allowed to do this. Wouldn’t be so bad if they informed him during the summer. But they wait till he gets on campus and in camp.
Ex IUP and Pro football player. I'm sure most on this board know who he is.
So you are saying that Chris Villarrial is a dickhead? Marco Pecora is on his staff. Pecora was a walk-on special teamer at Pitt under Wanny.
That is really bad how they treated that player. Name and shame was required.
So you are saying that Chris Villarrial is a dickhead? Marco Pecora is on his staff. Pecora was a walk-on special teamer at Pitt under Wanny.
That is really bad how they treated that player. Name and shame was required.
I am hearing this stuff 3rd hand so don’t take it as gospel. You know how that goes.
We had a great young man here at Windber that was a 4 year stud running back. He earned a scholarship to St Francis where he red shirted as a freshman last year. So he shows up at camp last week and what happens. The coach takes him aside and tells him there’s a recruit who wants to transfer in so they are taking his scholarship away. Just like that. If he wants to play he has to pay his own way. These effing pricks should not be allowed to do this. Wouldn’t be so bad if they informed him during the summer. But they wait till he gets on campus and in camp.
That really sucks for the kid. Slimy way for the coach to handle the situation. Of course, it's all perfectly legal since scholarships are year to year propositions. This triggers a thought...why not allow schools to offer at least two options in terms of scholarship. The first would be a year to year scholarship that allows either the school to drop the player or the player to transfer at any time. Second option would be for a full four year committed scholarship. School must provide the scholarship regardless of whether the player plays or is injured. In exchange for the guaranteed 4 year deal, the player agrees that they waive any right to transfer during that time. Of course, like virtually any contract the terms can be modified if mutually agreed by both parties, so a 4 year deal could get terminated early if both the school and player agree but you would eliminate situations like the one described in this post. Just a thought.

So their scholarships aren’t 4 years was the question.
They are a D1 program. FCS variety
I’m pretty sure scholarships are guaranteed for 4 years. They can’t cut your athletic aid for any reason but a personal conduct violation. It can’t be for athletic performance. That’s how it works at Pitt and St Francis is also D-1.
1. There is no way this happened.

2. Maybe if Windber didn’t suck so bad and get their ass kicked by Glendale this would not happen!!!!!!
That would have never happened 20 years ago when I was at Windber. But times are different. No hazing. No staying out at a Camp Hamilton for 2 weeks. Not saying it was all right but made us more of a team and made us a better group.
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That would have never happened 20 years ago when I was at Windber. But times are different. No hazing. No staying out at a Camp Hamilton for 2 weeks. Not saying it was all right but made us more of a team and made us a better group.
You sound like an old man already.
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I have been a bit skeptical of St Francis and its recent recruitment of the local District 5 and 6 talent. Few of these kids seem worthy of roster spots at that level and I suspect it has been done to pad enrollment. I think parents and students are not being truly honest either when it comes to divulging scholarship information.