These are good points. I think at every school there are scales of prioritization of winning and tolerance for bad behavior by sports heroes. I have to say I am impressed that WVU has one that finally was breached. I thought for sure that they would swing a deal to let him stay on contingent on a successful rehab completion. It would have been fairly easy to pull off, really. But to their credit, this event was a (Ft Pitt) bridge too far, even for them. They actually had a line in the sand.
Pitt’s line would have been much further back of course. The mere gay comment about Xavier would have meant instant termination at Pitt. The DUI thing, it never would have gotten to that. In fact Huggins would never have been hired at Pitt in the first place going back to previous scandals. Winning doesn’t mean anything to Pitt in comparison, actually to a fault.
But in comparison, does anyone sitting here think that PsU would have pushed out a highly accomplished men’s football coach (the only sport that matters to them) for a gay comment? For a mere DUI? Their current coach engineered a co-Ed rape ring and threatened a victim to stay silent at his previous job. That was gleefully condoned by PSU. Before that, it took exposure of the most heinous scandal in sports history, rapes of children that had gone on for thirty years, before they reluctantly cut ties with Paterno. And they only did it because he was past his prime and many wanted a new coach. They also still clamor to honor him there every day. Nothing, nothing, nothing is further down in the dregs than that place. WVU is a billion percent better.