This is one of the best post I have read in awhile. I was thinking of writing one like this. But, I FAIL to believe, PittPiker/TD_/TD_istheman/hamptonroads/SVP/whatever other user name he/she uses is a Pitt fan. I would put money on it.
It is just impossible... impossible that these people have negative opinions about EVERYTHING! I mean, not one positive post ever. There is no way he is a Pitt fan, none.
I mean, they will post something, and no one reads it, then one of the pseudo-names responds and likes it, then another, then when still no one responds, there is another person who suddenly has post number one agreeing with some asinine negative slant. Like there are people out there that think "wow, I just love Pitt football, but I really need to find a forum where i can go and as my first post just rip Pitt a new one, the coach, the team, recruiting, fan base, stadium, everything"... then sign up for the lair and then say "wow, this guy just crystallized my thoughts perfectly that until now I was happy not sharing with the world, and figured I would help hurt recruiting and positive energy to this team I love so dearly"
It's complete garbage, and BWI knows it, and long ago stopped it. I used to complain about that site, but they are right on, that is the way a forum should be run when its for the fans of that university.