I sure would like to see Pitt sell a Conner shirt with 100% going to Cancer Research.


All American
Sep 9, 2002
I know there are restrictive rules on marketing names but this is a unique story that could really make a difference.

I would really like to see a Pitt Jersey that turns out to be a force of positive funding for finding a cure for Cancer but maybe more importantly funding a wing at the Hospital that makes life a little easier for families that spend endless hours at the hospital.

I don't know what but this is a unique opportunity for sports to make a difference. I would gladly buy that $50-$125 jersey with pride knowing the money was going to make a difference.

Someone make this happen.
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Great idea....I would buy one!

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I know there are restrictive rules on marketing names but this is a unique story that could really make a difference.

I would really like to see a Pitt Jersey that turns out to be a force of positive funding for finding a cure for Cancer but maybe more importantly funding a wing at the Hospital that makes life a little easier for families that spend endless hours at the hospital.

I don't know what but this is a unique opportunity for sports to make a difference. I would gladly buy that $50-$125 jersey with pride knowing the money was going to make a difference.

Someone make this happen.

What's the rule on shirts like this? Pitt sells McCoy, Fitzgerald, Marino, and Dorsett shirts. Do those guys get a piece? Does the NCAA allow it if you are a certain number of years removed from college football?
I know there are restrictive rules on marketing names but this is a unique story that could really make a difference.

I would really like to see a Pitt Jersey that turns out to be a force of positive funding for finding a cure for Cancer but maybe more importantly funding a wing at the Hospital that makes life a little easier for families that spend endless hours at the hospital.

I don't know what but this is a unique opportunity for sports to make a difference. I would gladly buy that $50-$125 jersey with pride knowing the money was going to make a difference.

Someone make this happen.

Once a student leaves the athletics, there are no NCAA restrictions. Pitt already has been selling Connor t-shirts:

Now, there is a licensing right that gets paid to James himself, and there is one that gets collected by CLC for Pitt because they are in charge of overseeing the use of Pitt's logos (this rate is about 12% I think and I don't know what CLC's take is), and you may have some that goes to Fanatics that seems they seem to be the distributor (at least of this t-shirt), so you'd have to get a bunch of lawyers together to get to all the people involved to waive their fees and have it go to something the the Stanley Marks endowed research fund, etc. So if you could get Pitt and James to have their royalties go in such a fund, maybe you get 10-15% (that's a guess) of the wholesale price. A jersey/t-shirt sale isn't going to fund any wing on a hospital, which would be up to UPMC to build in any case.

I think there will be a lot of opportunity for James and maybe even the Steelers to work to raise money for the UPCI if they'd choose to, I just don't if jersey sales are the easiest way to do it.
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How about a half the Steeler shirt above (assuming he of course makes the team and his number) and half his Pitt uni shirt (throwback of course!) Sewn down the middle
I know there are restrictive rules on marketing names but this is a unique story that could really make a difference.

I would really like to see a Pitt Jersey that turns out to be a force of positive funding for finding a cure for Cancer but maybe more importantly funding a wing at the Hospital that makes life a little easier for families that spend endless hours at the hospital.

I don't know what but this is a unique opportunity for sports to make a difference. I would gladly buy that $50-$125 jersey with pride knowing the money was going to make a difference.

Someone make this happen.
Why not make a cash donation instead of asking for a something in return?
So the Jersey above....

Is it decided he is wearing 24 or is that some knockoff already? Obviously that reminds one of Ike, and someone else I think wore it at least in preseason last year

Maybe he breaks out 40
Nobody has 24 right now, he could wear it if he wants to I would think. They haven't "reserved" Ike Taylor's 24 yet as Justin Gilbert wore it last year, and yes he is already gone. I probably respected Ike's game more than anyone around here, but he's not one of the guys I think of that nobody else should wear their number again.