...broadcast on XM. First, I am sure Bill Hilgrove is a great guy, but I am not exaggerating when I say I had no idea what was happening "play by play" 90% of the time. Seriously, until Bostik followed up ...no idea. Wrong names, general descriptions "the back is running with the ball," and gets actual plays wrong. At one point said the Pitt D blew up a screen then paused yelled NO and announced there was a runner about 20 yards down field. Really hard listen. Second, seems Narduzzi had a player rotation set in stone regardless of game situation. May have adjusted late, but it seemed as though he went into the game committed to getting the 2 to 3 deep on the field no matter what. He is seeing his team live for the first time and is trying to figure out the longer term not just win a game. I was as disappointed in the lack of domination as anyone, but far from panicked.