If Pitt wins, it will be because:

Stay away from the many Pittsburgh bridges.

So TRUE! This McKee Place nay-kabob is a tedious, dour self-loather with an entitlement complex and the single-note tune of "everyone cheats (pays players) but us... so we can't compete". And then tells us he doesn't have time for the piss poor team he's certain that Pitt is putting on the field... but posts his ass off fixated on Pitt's shortcomings.

So pleased to put him on IGNORE.
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So TRUE! This McKee Place nay-kabob is a tedious, dour self-loather with an entitlement complex and the single-note tune of "everyone cheats (pays players) but us... so we can't compete". And then tells us he doesn't have time for the piss poor team he's certain that Pitt is putting on the field... but posts his ass off fixated on Pitt's shortcomings.

So pleased to put him on IGNORE.

I never put anyone on Ignore.

It's important to listen to everyone even those I disagree with, fake fans, worthless fans and others who never have a positive thought.

There are many posters on this site who post all day yet never support PITT in any way ( tickets, donations, attendance).
I never put anyone on Ignore.

It's important to listen to everyone even those I disagree with, fake fans, worthless fans and others who never have a positive thought.

There are many posters on this site who post all day yet never support PITT in any way ( tickets, donations, attendance).
Just trying to educate. And focus unhappiness in the proper direction of those who are responsible.

Hint. Those who are to blame ain't the alumni like myself who have donated, bought tickets, traveled to bowls and away games, gone to countless fans fests and kickoff luncheons. To be where we are on this day in 2019 ... not expecting to even be able to score, let alone compete, in a game with a rival, in a season when they aren't even anything great.

That's legit reason to gripe.
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Just trying to educate. And focus unhappiness in the proper direction of those who are responsible.

Hint. Those who are to blame ain't the alumni like myself who have donated, bought tickets, traveled to bowls and away games, gone to countless fans fests and kickoff luncheons. To be where we are on this day in 2019 ... not expecting to even be able to score, let alone compete, in a game with a rival, in a season when they aren't even anything great.

That's legit reason to gripe.

Ok. So i was talked out of IGNORING McKee. For now.

That said - YOU are expecting no scoring from Pitt. YOU are predicting disaster in this game and season. YOU are unhappy with a team that won their division competition last year.

Yes, we had a couple very good backs. But neither of them were Dorsett or Ironhead or Shady McCoy. Last year's O-line was at least as fragile after 2 games as this one has shown to be - but jelled into an effective group. I think this group will be at least as good.

The Defense, to the naked eye watching a game, is much better than any I've seen at Pitt under HCPN. Faster, stronger, swarming to the ball much better.

Duzz has knocked off some VERY good teams in his tenure - and almost knocked off others. It looks like he's slowly building a better pipeline of recruits and certainly better coaches. I think the OC and DC are the best combo he's had. Charlie Partridge is an under-appreciated gem of a coach/recruiter.

So i'll avoid self-immolation and sit tight in hope that Pitt can send Slippin' Jimmy Franks off like Walt sent GodPa away.
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Ok. So i was talked out of IGNORING McKee. For now.

That said - YOU are expecting no scoring from Pitt. YOU are predicting disaster in this game and season. YOU are unhappy with a team that won their division competition last year.

Yes, we had a couple very good backs. But neither of them were Dorsett or Ironhead or Shady McCoy. Last year's O-line was at least as fragile after 2 games as this one has shown to be - but jelled into an effective group. I think this group will be at least as good.

The Defense, to the naked eye watching a game, is much better than any I've seen at Pitt under HCPN. Faster, stronger, swarming to the ball much better.

Duzz has knocked off some VERY good teams in his tenure - and almost knocked off others. It looks like he's slowly building a better pipeline of recruits and certainly better coaches. I think the OC and DC are the best combo he's had. Charlie Partridge is an under-appreciated gem of a coach/recruiter.

So i'll avoid self-immolation and sit tight in hope that Pitt can send Slippin' Jimmy Franks off like Walt sent GodPa away.
Talked out of it, eh?

FWIW I unfortunately DO expect it to be very difficult to score on offense, including the shaky kicking game, hence my prediction. Im not happy to be predicting a bad loss, but it's hard to have watched those first two games and the QB play of last year and not conclude that (as a poster above wrote) "we have no offense."
And it's an offensive game today.

But I certainly hope the same as your last paragraph. I'll be the happiest hypocrite if we win, gushing verbally all over the board and gleefully taking my comeuppance for posts like these.

The poster above told me to avoid bridges ... well, the river patrol better be prepped with extra boats to drag the rivers (and the lake they dumped Gricar in) should PSU somehow blow this game with us. It'll literally destroy many of their worlds. And I'll be on the shore... laughing my tail off. Nobody deserves that fate more than them.
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That's why they play the games.

Turnovers and doing things that Franklin didn't prepare for will be key.
Franklin is a coach whose football plans run off a script in a programmed way.
He's not a good on the fly adjustment guy.

Neither is Narduzzi. He's proven that in the first two games.

For that reason, let's hope Pitt's original game plan works well enough, or else it could be another beat down.
If Kenny could just lead the offense to at least 2 TDs in the first half and at least 1 in the second, then yes, there is a chance.

Unfortunately, Pitt's offense (with Pickett as QB) has failed to score a TD in the second half of 7 games last year (and remember that was with two proven RBs).

In fact, they have not scored a second half TD in their last 5 games. How is that supposed to make Pitt fans to feel confident about the offense Saturday.
The more i think about it, this game is on the offense. I feel like if the offense gets first downs and sustains drives and the defense isnt on the field 70+ snaps I believe our defense is actually good enough to hold them to under 21 points but if the offense does nothing it will hurt every aspect of the game.
The more i think about it, this game is on the offense. I feel like if the offense gets first downs and sustains drives and the defense isnt on the field 70+ snaps I believe our defense is actually good enough to hold them to under 21 points but if the offense does nothing it will hurt every aspect of the game.

Who would have guessed the answer to this question would be, "If Narduzzi could subtract 10 from 17."
I mean we all talked about needing a defensive or special teams touchdown. I think one of the big things nobody is talking about was their kicker. Besides making a 57 yarder his kickoffs took Ffrench return game away.