I'm a Pitt fan and it's sad to see....


Jun 26, 2013
people being pissed over HCPN saying screw you for not signing with us. The guy spends countless hours hunting these kids and showing them all they can do for them. We've had DBs get to the league lately and the kid signs with a team that gets on him for 2 weeks. Good for HCPN stand tall and let the chips fall where they may. You can't act like its not important...I like that HCPN gets pissed it means he cares and wants local kids to help Pitt. It pisses me off cause most of this board is Wanny wanny wanny ...WPIAL and now you have someone who actually trying to deliver that (when available limited number now a days) and we complain more..... go ahead cry and complain about my post....
people being pissed over HCPN saying screw you for not signing with us. The guy spends countless hours hunting these kids and showing them all they can do for them. We've had DBs get to the league lately and the kid signs with a team that gets on him for 2 weeks. Good for HCPN stand tall and let the chips fall where they may. You can't act like its not important...I like that HCPN gets pissed it means he cares and wants local kids to help Pitt. It pisses me off cause most of this board is Wanny wanny wanny ...WPIAL and now you have someone who actually trying to deliver that (when available limited number now a days) and we complain more..... go ahead cry and complain about my post....
Here is my "rub" with his comment. Come out and say something like, "We want kids to stay home and if they don't they don't" Sorry, you don't come out and tell a kid or the community we "won't win with him if he came here anyway" (paraphrasing). That's just plain stupid. I love his fire and passion, but that is just bad and unprofessional move on his part and the university. Just not a good look. WHY WERE WE EVER RECRUITING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE IF WE DIDN'T THINK THEY COULD HELP US!
They would rather have him blow smoke up their collective azzes. Personally, I like when a coach says how he feels about things.

He said- if you don't want to be here and come anyway; they won't be productive here. Sounds about right.

The WPIAL is pretty terrible at the moment. Even many of recent "superstars" have not been not productive.

people being pissed over HCPN saying screw you for not signing with us. The guy spends countless hours hunting these kids and showing them all they can do for them. We've had DBs get to the league lately and the kid signs with a team that gets on him for 2 weeks. Good for HCPN stand tall and let the chips fall where they may. You can't act like its not important...I like that HCPN gets pissed it means he cares and wants local kids to help Pitt. It pisses me off cause most of this board is Wanny wanny wanny ...WPIAL and now you have someone who actually trying to deliver that (when available limited number now a days) and we complain more..... go ahead cry and complain about my post....
people being pissed over HCPN saying screw you for not signing with us. The guy spends countless hours hunting these kids and showing them all they can do for them. We've had DBs get to the league lately and the kid signs with a team that gets on him for 2 weeks. Good for HCPN stand tall and let the chips fall where they may. You can't act like its not important...I like that HCPN gets pissed it means he cares and wants local kids to help Pitt. It pisses me off cause most of this board is Wanny wanny wanny ...WPIAL and now you have someone who actually trying to deliver that (when available limited number now a days) and we complain more..... go ahead cry and complain about my post....
Gee, I don't recall Duzz mentioning Devonshire by name. Do you?
I have from a very good source that Wannstedt took it personally whenever a local kid decided to go somewhere else. It pissed him off, but he never came out and said it. He took the high road.

Walt Harris also dodn’t like kissing up to local teenagers and their coaches to get them to consider Pitt.

Yes, it is frustrating, but you have to restrain yourself when speaking in public.
Here is my "rub" with his comment. Come out and say something like, "We want kids to stay home and if they don't they don't" Sorry, you don't come out and tell a kid or the community we "won't win with him if he came here anyway" (paraphrasing). That's just plain stupid. I love his fire and passion, but that is just bad and unprofessional move on his part and the university. Just not a good look. WHY WERE WE EVER RECRUITING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE IF WE DIDN'T THINK THEY COULD HELP US!

I understood that he said they wouldn't win anyway if they didn't like Pitt or the city of Pittsburgh. That is a completely different connotation.
Here is my "rub" with his comment. Come out and say something like, "We want kids to stay home and if they don't they don't" Sorry, you don't come out and tell a kid or the community we "won't win with him if he came here anyway" (paraphrasing). That's just plain stupid. I love his fire and passion, but that is just bad and unprofessional move on his part and the university. Just not a good look. WHY WERE WE EVER RECRUITING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE IF WE DIDN'T THINK THEY COULD HELP US!
“Coach Speak” he ain’t! How refreshing to hear a coach be un-politically correct.
The WPIAL players and coaches have been dissing Pitt for years; while Pitt has been kissing their collective buttocks.
At this point I applaude Narduzzi.
All he has to do now is win. I realize that’s a big IF but so what. Pitt was fair to mediocre with the WPIAL. They can be fair to mediocre without the WPIAL.
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You can take the kid out of Youngstown but can't take Youngstown out of the kid.
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People who are turning sour on him will look for tiny things to blow into catastrophes.

Frankly the real problem is that the few of us on this board are the only ones noticing what he says at all, these days.
All this angst over what most would consider a marginal recruit if he wasn't local.

Maybe focusing on the WPIAL is the WRONG STRATEGY. The WPIAL is a shell of what it was, and frankly it's bad football. The kids aren't ready to play or contribute like kids from other areas.
They would rather have him blow smoke up their collective azzes. Personally, I like when a coach says how he feels about things.

He said- if you don't want to be here and come anyway; they won't be productive here. Sounds about right.

The WPIAL is pretty terrible at the moment. Even many of recent "superstars" have not been not productive.
Agree. Va., Oh., Ga., Fl., NJ. are producing many more prospects than Pa. More times than not the recruits from those states that come to PItt are equal or better than the high profile high school players in the WPIAL.
It seems only a few WPIAL programs produce D1 kids anymore anyway. Most Friday night around here it is the few haves playing the have nots and blasting them by 60 points. I have no problem shifting focus from the WPIAL to the south. I have been hard on the Duzz, and would like recruiting to be better. That said, Devonshire was a douche who was going to go anywhere but Pitt, as evidenced by his committing to kentucky after they spent about three weeks time recruiting him.

I would like to see us get Donald's nephew and maybe a few other higher level recruits. We still have to offer, if they show no interest it is on them. The Duzz does not need to be planting kisses on the asses of WPIAL coaches. If the local coaches don't want to guide their players toward the local school, screw them. There are plenty of solid players he can get elsewhere.
I have from a very good source that Wannstedt took it personally whenever a local kid decided to go somewhere else. It pissed him off, but he never came out and said it. He took the high road.

Walt Harris also dodn’t like kissing up to local teenagers and their coaches to get them to consider Pitt.

Yes, it is frustrating, but you have to restrain yourself when speaking in public.


you have to take the high-road, otherwise it comes back to bite you. In this case, it will further fray his relationship with H.S. coaches.

they view his move as childish and unprofessional

those on here that defend Duzz' move, and find it "refreshing," . . . you folks simply don't get it

you have to take the high-road, otherwise it comes back to bite you. In this case, it will further fray his relationship with H.S. coaches.

they view his move as childish and unprofessional

those on here that defend Duzz' move, and find it "refreshing," . . . you folks simply don't get it
Devonshire was not coming to PItt, he proudly stated that he received a call from ups Terry Smith while on official visit to PItt. HCPN and PItt was his very last choice and when UK offered he accepted the offer. Ohio State may have been his choice but the offer never came, other schools such as WVU offered but waiting I think for Ohio State cost him his 2nd or 3rd choice. I don’t believe for one second that the finalist were UK and PItt. He will play some football there, enjoy life as a college student and then move on with his life. I’m sure HCPN and staff have moved on, upsetting West Pa. high school football coaches for not taking MAC or lower prospects is absurd.
All this angst over what most would consider a marginal recruit if he wasn't local.

Maybe focusing on the WPIAL is the WRONG STRATEGY. The WPIAL is a shell of what it was, and frankly it's bad football. The kids aren't ready to play or contribute like kids from other areas.

To your point, I know Penn-Trafford’s FB coach well enough to know that if Devonshire went there instead of Aliquippa the coach would not take it personally to the point that he steered future recruits away from Pitt if that’s where they wanted to go. Is said coach the exception instead of the rule? I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t have a big enough sample size. Still, I would imagine that most of them are professional enough to take this approach and not interfere with an athlete just to get back at Narduzzi.

College football coaches are transient and unethical and just because Narduzzi coaches at Pitt doesn’t make him any better. Kelly, Harbaugh, and Franklin are all “great guys” too depending on who you talk to. HS coaches are much less predatory and even if most of the guys around here systematically hold it against him the only thing that will be affected is perception anyway. Not every WPIAL recruit is going to be Whitehead or to a lesser extent Sanders.
Getting pissed off because Pitt won't offer a scholarship to your player who has no chance at making an impact at this level is childish and unprofessional as well, and it seems as if as time goes on WPIAL coaches are cornering the market on those things.

Bingo. Some of these WPIAL gym teacher/coaches really do hold a grudge because Pitt did not offer their MAC level player.

Devonshire was not coming to PItt, he proudly stated that he received a call from ups Terry Smith while on official visit to PItt. HCPN and PItt was his very last choice and when UK offered he accepted the offer. Ohio State may have been his choice but the offer never came, other schools such as WVU offered but waiting I think for Ohio State cost him his 2nd or 3rd choice. I don’t believe for one second that the finalist were UK and PItt. He will play some football there, enjoy life as a college student and then move on with his life. I’m sure HCPN and staff have moved on, upsetting West Pa. high school football coaches for not taking MAC or lower prospects is absurd.

Yes, I recall how pumped he was Terry called him while he was on his official to Pitt. Very clear Pitt was a back up plan. Don’t get me wrong I wanted Pitt to sign the kid. But maybe many of us are wrong and we are overrating was said in an earlier post if he was not a WPIAL kid most would say no big deal if his biggest offers were Pitt & Kentucky.
I have from a very good source that Wannstedt took it personally whenever a local kid decided to go somewhere else. It pissed him off, but he never came out and said it. He took the high road.

Walt Harris also dodn’t like kissing up to local teenagers and their coaches to get them to consider Pitt.

Yes, it is frustrating, but you have to restrain yourself when speaking in public.

I agree with you. I can't figure out how Narduzzi or EJ hasn't figured out how to teach Narduzzi what to say to the medi. It's mind boggling and tells me this is Narduzzi talking on his own.

I hope he wins for the sake of the Pitt fanbase, but i've made a 180 and think Pitt is no longer a program that can hire an assistant and teach them to be a HC. The next coach hired a year or 2 from now needs to have HC experience. I don't like how narduzzi talks in front of media.
Devonshire was not coming to PItt, he proudly stated that he received a call from ups Terry Smith while on official visit to PItt. HCPN and PItt was his very last choice and when UK offered he accepted the offer. Ohio State may have been his choice but the offer never came, other schools such as WVU offered but waiting I think for Ohio State cost him his 2nd or 3rd choice. I don’t believe for one second that the finalist were UK and PItt. He will play some football there, enjoy life as a college student and then move on with his life. I’m sure HCPN and staff have moved on, upsetting West Pa. high school football coaches for not taking MAC or lower prospects is absurd.

Funny thing is the HS coach got mad at Narduzzi, but didn’t seem to be bothered by WVU and OSU not honoring their offers, and PSU not offering at all despite meeting with him late. At least Pitt still was an option and Narduzzi may have felt dissed but at least thought enough of him to get upset.
Funny thing is the HS coach got mad at Narduzzi, but didn’t seem to be bothered by WVU and OSU not honoring their offers, and PSU not offering at all despite meeting with him late. At least Pitt still was an option and Narduzzi may have felt dissed but at least thought enough of him to get upset.
Agreed - why isn’t he pissed off at those other schools? MJ tweeting out he just had a good talk with Smith while on his Pitt visit was disrespectful as well.
Regardless, Duzz can't kill himself locally, it will be the end of him. You can be pissed etc but some things are better left unsaid. I hope Pitt allows future coaches to learn on the job elsewhere before we hire them.
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Do some of you live under a rock? Since when did it ever matter what a Pitt coach said to the local media? Pat says nothing, he'll just get killed for losing a mediocre WPIAL drama queen to Kentucky. Pat speaks his mind, he's petty. Big f'ing deal.

I'm glad he spoke his mind. It takes balls to say what he thinks. The ones who think they're too good for Pitt won't come and the ones who want to come will. It's not going to hurt him one bit.

People bitch and moan just to bitch and moan.
Pitt is no longer a program that can hire an assistant and teach them to be a HC. The next coach hired a year or 2 from now needs to have HC experience. I don't like how narduzzi talks in front of media.

Nobody in the Pitt AD is teaching anyone to be a head coach, and I appreciate Narduzzi's candid nature in front of the media.

Capel just basically told everyone the recent transfers don't matter because they stunk. Nobody cared because they weren't WPIAL prima donnas.
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Nobody in the Pitt AD is teaching anyone to be a head coach, and I appreciate Narduzzi's candid nature in front of the media.

Capel just basically told everyone the recent transfers don't matter because they stunk. Nobody cared because they weren't WPIAL prima donnas.

Nobody cared, because nobody in Pittsburgh cares about basketball.
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Funny thing is the HS coach got mad at Narduzzi, but didn’t seem to be bothered by WVU and OSU not honoring their offers, and PSU not offering at all despite meeting with him late. At least Pitt still was an option and Narduzzi may have felt dissed but at least thought enough of him to get upset.

True. Why not be mad at OSU because they strung him along as a backup plan & never offered. PSU & Terry call on his visit but they didn’t think he was good enough to offer so why not get mad at them. Get mad at WVU. But no he is mad at Pitt...the school who wanted the kid smh.
Do some of you live under a rock? Since when did it ever matter what a Pitt coach said to the local media? Pat says nothing, he'll just get killed for losing a mediocre WPIAL drama queen to Kentucky. Pat speaks his mind, he's petty. Big f'ing deal.

I'm glad he spoke his mind. It takes balls to say what he thinks. The ones who think they're too good for Pitt won't come and the ones who want to come will. It's not going to hurt him one bit.

People bitch and moan just to bitch and moan.

Remeber the classic exchange in Animal House between Boone and Otter after Bluto mentioned how the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Much like in that case, I’m going to implore you to just “forget it” the WPIAL apologists are rolling.
not newsworthy

WPIAL sucks

HCPN is saying and doing the right thing
It's akin to being marginally the prettiest girl or best looking guy in a class of dogs. You look great by comparison, but out in the real world, you ain't much.
The WPIAL isn't a player anymore. But it's players and coaches have copped an attitude. Look around and ask yourselves this question. How many great coaches work in the WPIAL? How many great players play in the WPIAL? Time to stop wasting time in the WPIAL with the primaddonas. Find out in camp if they want Pitt and if they don't, go to Florida and find a better, faster one.
You can take the kid out of Youngstown but can't take Youngstown out of the kid.
Recall reading that Kook once said his biggest mistake was going to Pitt and the 2nd biggest mistake was staying there.

Must have thought mistakenly that Johnny Mike was recruiting him as a Run, Option, Pass QB......
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I think you are misreading his comments.

If your heart isn't into being here; you are not going to be successful here anyway. Is how I took his comments.

Bingo. You can’t prevent snowflakes from becoming outraged when they lack the ability to comprehend the English language

Again some of these kids have no intention of going to Pitt either because they don’t like the campus, simply want to get away from home, want to play on front of a fan base that’s far more supportive or what ever the reason. In those cases of the kid is any good there’s not a coach around who could get them to come to Pitt. Conversely if Pitt is a match some comment a Pitt coach makes is not going to make them go somewhere else

This is being way over analyzed
If we are misreading it, how do you think other people (i.e. potential recruits, HS coaches, etc) are reading it?

It really doesn’t matter. The only people agonizing over everything Duzz days are on this board
I agree with you. I can't figure out how Narduzzi or EJ hasn't figured out how to teach Narduzzi what to say to the medi. It's mind boggling and tells me this is Narduzzi talking on his own.

I hope he wins for the sake of the Pitt fanbase, but i've made a 180 and think Pitt is no longer a program that can hire an assistant and teach them to be a HC. The next coach hired a year or 2 from now needs to have HC experience. I don't like how narduzzi talks in front of media.
Agree, the other thing that is a bit concerning is how he said in the same "presser" that he would rather play for a ACC Championship every year and would rather go 7-6 (something like that) than go 10-2. WTF!!!! Are you serious? Kids want to play in major bowl games. We need to be going 10-2 and playing in the ACC championship game, not freaking 7-6. What BS!
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It really doesn’t matter. The only people agonizing over everything Duzz days are on this board
I work in Beaver County. I was off sick from work Wednesday and Thursday. Went back yesterday. I had at least a half of a dozen people ask me WTF is Narduzzi doing burning bridges with the 'quips. Some of these people are Pitt fans while others are what I call casual fans, They are all fans of the local high schools and WPa football. There is pride there whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. No different than us getting butt hurt when some local WPIAL coach calls us out.

Yes, it does matter. Especially, when you need every little edge that you can get with recruiting. Narduzzi gets a rep with people, whether it is right or wrong. Perception is reality and next thing you know, BOOM, he is an a$$ and that becomes the word on the street. It keeps growing then.
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I like Narduzzi. I want him to succeed. But lets face it, one of the things that we like about him is his "bravado". Yet, this is one of his weaknesses too. He gets TOO emotional and forgets to think. He goes off of his gut and this often costs him (see play calling from 1st and goal from inside VT one yard line. See 4th and short vs PSU this year)).

His players love the "mine is bigger than yours" attitude. What player wouldn't love that. However, he gets paid to coach not to measure things. I want him to actually "out think" his opposing coach more often than not. He has to be a little more "cranial".