true, used to be limited to just daytime game shows. The two worst offenders are still on, Price is Right & Let's Make a Deal. They humiliate people for money. The funny thing is, especially Price is Right, prizes aren't necessarily that great. I mean, if you live in an apartment, what are you going to do with a home gym and sauna? But the contestants still make fools of themselves to try and win. The other thing is if you win, they immediately whisk you off to a backstage office and give you the tax bill for the prize you won. You can either choose to pay the bill and accept the prize, or walk away with nothing.
But back to the new reality. It all started with MTV's the Real World. I liked the first season, but the havoc it created with television is undeniable. Survivor is in it's 25th year or something like that? There is nothing original that happens on that show. And reality TV even spawned a president of the USA. Seems kind of appropriate in this day and age.