Jeff Sandusky Arrested

Such a Disturbing place in history. Only one person has gone to prison at Penn State. Disgusting.
The fact that our legal justice system in PA. has allowed this to progress as it has really has me disgusted. All they are doing is rewarding those w/ the big bank accounts, lawyers & powerful political connections to bury any of the complete true story.
You cannot convince me that no one or more than one in a position of power within the State College hierarchy knew nothing about who Jerry Sandusky really is just not possible & too many of the victims gave every indication starting way back when....and those are just the few we know about. I bet there have been many more whose lives were destroyed that if something had been done when they first indicated many lives could have been rescued.
Someone needs to have the balls to open this thing up.....until we begin putting those who wear suites & ties in a real State Penns. w/ high walls, barbed wire fences & automatic locking solid steel doors then this shit will continue because there is no consequences for doing nothing as disadvantaged pre teen boys will be the play toys for privileged.
If Jerry Sandusky is the only person to ever face jail time another crime will have been committed on the citizens of the state of Pa.

H2 PITT !!!
Well, Jeff Sandusky is a completely different set of circumstances in that it's a different case with different kids than Jerry. But somehow PA is a breeding ground for pedophiles and I really can't figure it out. It's good that the PSP took this seriously and moved forward with charges but if you read the timeline, it sure took a long time. Meanwhile, the local Central PA papers all had different cases of child molestation today. Sad.

Quick recap:
Jerry - rotting in jail
Matt - got a settlement for being abused by Jerry
Jeff - defended Jerry and now charged
Dottie - never heard a thing
Uncle Ziggy - still the lovable crackpot that is trying to get you believe Jerry is the fall guy to crucify a saint

Sad and scary...
FYI: This will be the only thread about this topic on this board. Further threads will be deleted or moved to the Locker Room board.

The only ones with Egg on their Face over this continued Tragedy for Children are some PSU CULT DOLTS & John Zeigler that have been discredited on a number of occasion.

Respecting Chis Peak's Only Thread Let's Just Sum Up:

First Great Fact:
Great to see Children not afraid to Report and Alert Authorities and Investigations do not take 30 or 14 or 5 Years Investigations anymore. This alone in spite of such Tragedies needs to keep in mind on such Crimes now. SPOTLIGHT & PSU ABUSE SCANDALS bring out Brave Victims when most take on average 30 years to admit and discuss according to Experts. Today that number is going way down. Let Society celebrate that FACT because SILENCE no longer rules with shame but breaking it is BRAVERY.

Gerry Sandusky has his case on Appeal asking for a new Trial and Constitutional Issues are different from Factual Events and that does not make him innocent only a Convicted Felon requesting he did not have proper counsel. Jeff Sandusky is also innocent until proven Guilty, but the Texts are hard to defend just like what is coming out at Baylor, MSU, and Kansas. Jerry also claims he was abused and so does Spanier. Matt Sandusky has made it his mission to try and help Victims. This can impact not only the Gerry's Appeal as well the upcoming Penn State Trials! Judges and Jurors read Headlines.

Only John Ziegler & some Penn State "CULT DOLTS" Posters feel all the children were lying for the money. Even Ray Blehar disagreed with Ziegler and feels Sandusky is Guilty, but that is just an opinion like all of us too! Now the world will see if Jeff Sandusky joins his Brother Matt Sandusky in admitting he was abused by Gerry too? The Sandusky's adopted 6 children more could come out too now.

This has nothing to do with Penn State University and in fact could be proof the Penn State Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms and Penn State Children Protection Center and University New Reform Policies on Employee and Student Orientations is a credit to Society and University Athletic Integrity Compliance Reforms.

What Penn State Alumni Fans and CULT DOLTS Posters still refuse to recognize is that the Freeh Report was vastly about the 119 Recommendations of Penn State Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms needed because Federal Title IX Laws were being ignored by University, Educational Clery Act Regulations were not recorded by Curley & Schultz, Athletic Integrity Code of Conduct for Players rejected by Paterno and NCAA Rules not followed by Spanier and Trustees. In addition to some Trustees being Business with Penn State University Athletics, Football and Undisclosed Conflicts of Interests. The New Reforms have changed that now.

The Department of Education $2.4 Million Fines proved what Freeh recommended above was accurate and needed Athletic Integrity Reforms. So, did the NCAA Sanctions Oversight Monitor that saw them go in and weer so good recommended reductions in Sanctions but not full removal as many Penn State Posters still think. Penn State University paid for every dime and more on implementing the Reforms and still climbing in costs and expenses.

The subsequent PMA Insurance Disclosures when 3 men came forward and told police that they were abused in the 1970s or 1980s by Sandusky. They are the first men to allege abuse before the 1990s. Whether Paterno believed it or knew were discounted publicly by Penn State but still awaiting Media Release. Even Ray Blehar did not address these issues in details and also believe Sandusky is Guilty but how Penn State handle the Scandal is what they contest as well as as the PAOAG Investigation not including the Second Mile, DPW, and others. I am with them on this issue and they have a right to ask why The Second Mile was not properly investigated, in my view. I also believe Joe was told earlier but did not believe it, but at some point realize, like in Hindsight, he should have done more. But Joe's Testimony at the Grand Jury was far more accurate what Joe was told, and is being used against the Penn State Three that claim they were told it was" Horse Play?AG Kane really hurt the Prosecution by not appealing Obstruction of Justice on Appeal and she is now going to Prison but not for that.

Finally, just remember this and it will be brought up in Trial:
The report by a special investigative group headed by former FBI Director Freeh Louis commissioned by the Penn State Board of Trustees is more vindicated today and Clemente is being sued today for $700 million. Freeh after interviewing over 400 people and reviewing over 3.5 million documents, the crux of the report's findings, which were released July 12, 2012, were mostly about 119 Recommendations. Only part of it is addressed below and why Paterno and Spanier filed a Lawsuit that is still pending.

"Taking into account the available witness statements and evidence, the Special Investigative Counsel finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University — Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley — repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse from authorities, the University's Board of Trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large................."A striking lack of empathy for child abuse victims by the most senior leaders of the University"; a failure of oversight by the Board of Trustees; a University President "who discouraged discussion and dissent"; "a lack of awareness of child abuse issues"; and "a culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community".

Freeh Sporkin; Sullivan, LLP (July 12, 2012). "Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Actions of The Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky — p. 16".

Chris Peak is right to limit the topic, this New Allegation and still Civil Lawsuits that now includes McQueary Jury Award on Appeal and the Criminal Trials will take up the whole Board and you can read most of it on BWI anyway. Just not all the Details.

Lets talk some Football it never goes away on the Lair only if you try and post on BWI. The Penn State University Football Program Scandal will have more Books, Movies, and Articles written the next 20 years.

Pitt Football is every day and forevermore.
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"pittdan77, post: 1807948, member: 3668"]Well, Jeff Sandusky is a completely different set of circumstances in that it's a different case with different kids than Jerry. But somehow PA is a breeding ground for pedophiles and I really can't figure it out. It's good that the PSP took this seriously and moved forward with charges but if you read the timeline, it sure took a long time. Meanwhile, the local Central PA papers all had different cases of child molestation today. Sad.
Quick recap:
Jerry - rotting in jail
Matt - got a settlement for being abused by Jerry
Jeff - defended Jerry and now charged
Dottie - never heard a thing
Uncle Ziggy - still the lovable crackpot that is trying to get you believe Jerry is the fall guy to crucify a saint
Sad and scary...
Why Freeh Got It Right On The Need For Athletic Compliance Reforms:
On August 24, 2012, as reported by the Associated Press, the individual known as "Victim 1" who testified at the trial of Sandusky brought suit against Pennsylvania State University. They reported that the suit charged the University's conduct with regard to the complaints that Sandusky had acted towards boys with sexual impropriety was "deliberate and shameful", saying that Penn State engaged in "purposeful, deliberate and shameful subordination of the safety of children to its economic self-interests, and to its interest in maintaining and perpetuating its reputation."

The Settlements costing millions were Confidential until the PMA Insurance Case, the US Department of Education $2.4 Miilions Fines were investigated and paid, The NCAA Sanction Monitor Oversaw the Athletic Integrity Reforms costing Millions weer paid and Penn State University and Football program are better off due to them fixing and admitting in Hindsight and Fine$sight they had a Cultural Problem the prior years.

Football never stopped winning even under sanctions and good for them, but that Reputation of Athletic Integrity shamed Penn State University & Football name in the end in Hindsight!
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And the ncaa reduced their bowl ban from 4 to 2??? Total BS
The NCAA did reduce the Bowl Ban and let PSU play, but Big Ten held back Revenue Share for 3 years.

In July 2012, the league sanctioned Penn State with a four-year ban on bowl revenue in conjunction with a four-year postseason ban and other sanctions.Despite their participation in 2014-15, however, they will not see any revenue until 2015-16. Only one year (next year) has been lifted from the original four-year sanctions.
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Thanks! This is not even about Penn State.
Agree, it is no longer about Penn State Football Program but Gerry Sandusky Crimes did lead to uncovering problems with PSU Football Athletic Integrity and all of those have been fixed and now the University is working on resolving the Civil Lawsuits and Criminal Trials still pending are part of that too for the University as well as Sandusky's Appeal.

Penn State Football and all Sports have moved on and recovering better than ever and deserves great credit and Pitt Challenge is to rebuild its own Program. All other info on Jeff Sandusky belongs on Locker Room Board and I am not posting on any of it.

I said once after Title IX Clery Act Investigations and Fines that I predicted would prove the Penn State University Athletic integrity Problems and Freeh 119 Reforms Report that was the biggest part of the Report were over, Penn State Athletics moves on and Franklin has them humming with Top Recruits!

The Criminal and Civil Courtroom aspects belong in the Courts to decide and they are not over nor the fall out from them on that keep burdening the University among their own Alumni attacking them, and leave the up to the Owners of the Lair to decide what goes up and comes down and moves!

Pitt & Penn State Football and Lair Posters have a great challenge coming out and not in the Courts but at Beaver Stadium! This will dominate the discussion the rest of the season and I am happy to read all those Posts!
Such a Disturbing place in history. Only one person has gone to prison at Penn State. Disgusting.
True, but they caught the right one according to a majority Penn State Jury and had a Penn State Grad as his Lawyer but unfortunately took over 50 years? Yet, it was still a child that told his Father in this case, and help start the Investigation and that is good for children in the future.

Penn State whether you hate them or do not respect them, still made changes and created a Child & Women Protection Center and some of that NCAA $60 Million Fine was sent to every county in Pennsylvania to educate Victims on what to do? Also, but Jeff Sandusky is presumed Innocent until he gets a Defense too. I know that sounds sick but that applies to anyone arrested.

I credit and respect Penn State for doing it, and others can disagree.
Cap - You shouldn't have to set up a center to learn to treat people with respect. There is a cultural problem up there that is undeniable. In March, 3 of the administration will go on trial and maybe some truth will be shed.

If someone tells you they saw a murder and you tell your boss at work you do not expect to be absolved of reporting it.

True, but they caught the right one according to a majority Penn State Jury and had a Penn State Grad as his Lawyer but unfortunately took over 50 years? Yet, it was still a child that told his Father in this case, and help start the Investigation and that is good for children in the future.

Penn State whether you hate them or do not respect them, still made changes and created a Child & Women Protection Center and some of that NCAA $60 Million Fine was sent to every county in Pennsylvania to educate Victims on what to do? Also, but Jeff Sandusky is presumed Innocent until he gets a Defense too. I know that sounds sick but that applies to anyone arrested.

I credit and respect Penn State for doing it, and others can disagree.
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Jimmy knew
Even the students knew who would joked about it at the Creamery as they ordered a Sandusky which included a Banana, two scoops of ice cream appropriately placed and other stuff, figure it out! An honest Nitter alum from back in the Sandusky days who I worked with told me EVERYONE KNEW!

Why do you think one of the best D coaches in the country retires to an office in a Cow Pasture in a town that didn't at the time even have a Walmart??? That's not even a town!
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Cap - You shouldn't have to set up a center to learn to treat people with respect. There is a cultural problem up there that is undeniable. In March 3 of the administration will go on trial and maybe some truth will be shed.

If someone tells you they saw a murder and you tell your boss at work you do not expect to be absolved of reporting it.
I said others can differ and respect others views that differ from my own.

Still, some Trustees & Administrators did everything they could do to put in Athletic Integrity, hired O'Brien &Franklin, put in a Children's Protection Center and are still condemn by some PSU CULT DOLTS, I can's defend stupid or improve their minds, they have to do it.

By what Penn State did also interdicted and contradicted those same PSU CULT DOLTS that demand nothing went wrong blaming it all a Media Narrative and Penn State actions ignored them and decided to Protect Children even from that same Cult Dolts Cultural Worshipers?

You remember how many have come over here claiming Liars on the Lair? I took them on one by one and all are gone?

The Penn State Name was Shamed and in the Alma Mater Song says to all Alumni never to do it, but some did at PSU.
I said others can differ and respect others views that differ from my own.

Still, some Trustees & Administrators did everything they could do to put in Athletic Integrity, hired O'Brien &Franklin, put in a Children's Protection Center and are still condemn by some PSU CULT DOLTS, I can's defend stupid or improve their minds, they have to do it.

By what Penn State did also interdicted and contradicted those same PSU CULT DOLTS that demand nothing went wrong blaming it all a Media Narrative and Penn State actions ignored them and decided to Protect Children even from that same Cult Dolts Cultural Worshipers?

You remember how many have come over here claiming Liars on the Lair? I took them on one by one and all are gone?

The Penn State Name was Shamed and in the Alma Mater Song says to all Alumni never to do it, but some did at PSU.

Cap, I like a lot of what you say. But will disagree with you on putting Athletic Integrity and Franklin in the same sentance. PSU hired a coach that used a Hostess program that ended up in Rape...and hired a President that covered up a rape at FSU. So while children may be protected...young women not so much. Having a daughter, this infuriates me.
Cap, I like a lot of what you say. But will disagree with you on putting Athletic Integrity and Franklin in the same sentance. PSU hired a coach that used a Hostess program that ended up in Rape...and hired a President that covered up a rape at FSU. So while children may be protected...young women not so much. Having a daughter, this infuriates me.
I don't put up Posts for praise and agreement, and respect very much other Posters that disagree with me if they don't go into Hissy Fits. Your posts are very well taken and have been noted and you were right to do it.

I think Franklin although at first was a great pick for PSU and he is proving it with Recruiting without a doubt, learned by changing his staff, and has been winning playing some lightweights more than heavy weights. However, I changed my mind on him after a while, and still don't think he is a good fit for Penn State as much as others on BWI. We will see how he handles 2017, and any less wins than 10 wins could be a disappointment. They are expecting a 11-1 or 12-0 year!

I think Pitt's Narduzzi is far better Coach but needs way more support with an Athletic Director that will help rebuild the Pitt Football Program.

On President Barron, he took the job because it gave him a Big Raise Boosts and is University Scandal President and is still dealing with it. it was President Erickson and AD Joyner that brought in O'Brien and Franklin and the Cult Dolts hate them, but love Franklin for now.

Most of my Posts are LINKS for other Posters to THINK and share on the Lair. I am glad you posted what you did and accept your different view that has equal merit! Thank You!
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Sadly, not that uncommon for people who were abused to later on abuse themselves.
This is the real evil behind it. The failure of people in power to stop this created two awful scenarios. The first was the continued rape of children. The next is the hurt, anger, evil left in the victims so this activity is perpetuated.

I'm not going to call out Penn State. But the trial of the 3 fools will begin soon and regardless of the outcome, 3 highly educated men will get on the stand and testify to just how naïve they were and how they did all they could.

It is reminiscent of Nuremburg in its level of denial.
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