"Recruitsreadtheseboards, post: 1810898, member: 2328"]That's really you brought up OJ. Because I was rewatching the OJ Made in America ESPN documentary and it is amazing all of the people that were interviewed, that were friends of OJ and Nicole, who adored them, then realized as time went on, there was something not right, that OJ's true self and demons would surface more and more.
Now you are talking Turkey and spot on what can happen when Society or a University Fan Base turns mere Mortals into Gods and Saints! Now complicate that over 50 years not just 1 to 3 Years like OJ, who will get out this or next year.
And now hindsight, these people are connecting the dots and many of them have a decent degree of guilt that "they didn't do more". Now obviously it is different as the victim is dead, and OJ in jail, but you wander if you could start interviewing townspeople, coaches, ex players, 2nd Mile execs if they would also start replaying events and process them as "oh my god, that was a flag".
You are Correct Sir but even Nicole's Parents & Sisters missed those flags and would talk about them except with a few, and often said, what can you do. Today, if Domestic Abuse Happens Larry Johnson, Ray Rice, and others lose their Careers.
That has to exist, has to exist in at least a dozen people.
It does exist and still exists many think as they were raised, and even oppose the Gay, Transgenders, Lifestyle but now in Silence, yet, back when and then did the same on Domestic Violence, but Societal Laws have changed, and sometime that causes more Silence and Violence, and in the Case of Pedophiles right now if someone tells you about it, you can go to Jail or at least be prosecuted. It is by no means as cut and dry as we all think.
But the cult up there really circled the wagons.
It is a Tough Fan Base that is one Case does condemn "Jerry" and only a few still believe he is innocent and that grows smaller with every revelation. This goes for CSS too but again leave that to Judges & Juries.
Yet, many feel it was Unfair to attack Penn State Paterno and Football and feel the memories they grew up with can't accept he became bigger than Penn State and even Hate how Penn State handle his ouster, even in the face of Facts that Joe felt he KNEW more how to handle his Players better than Penn State Judicial Affairs and the real reason is Joe stayed too long, was bigger than PSU name, and Higher-Ups were too in Fear of losing Support and they weer to blame why Clery Act & Title IX, athletic Integrity Code Of Conduct, Big Ten and NCAA Rules were being ignored by Trustees, President responsible for them?
They blame every one but to be fair, Joe did say, in Hindsight he should have done more and that is what Joe really Knew before he passed away and I still greatly admire him today, and attacked on Lair & BWI either way. Joe lost his own way going for 409 and ignoring anyone could tell him how to run and Disciplne his Players back when and then.
How does one know what i just said is more right now???
FACTS-If Penn State right now had such a Football Coach today after the Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms they would be FIRED, and that would go for Joe Paterno today. Happen to Briles, and goes for Narduzzi, Holgrosen, Saban, at Pitt, WVU and Bama and all College toaday.
This is why one knows the PSU Trustees had to let Joe go! It was not because of what Sandusky did, but what the Federal Department of Education and Justice found on what Joe influenced on Trustees Lack Institutional Control. Although Joe was not responsible for Athletic Integrity Compliance the University could not challenge Joe when he demanded only he could have discipline over his players and treated them differently from students.
Many Penn State Alumni refuse to accept that but it true, and one can still admire Joe's Coaching but it was under Lacking Athletic Integrity as seen by the $60 Million Sanction fines and $2.4 Million Educational Title IX & Clery Act Fines.
Any PSU Fan contesting what I just said, I can Link aspects of the Clery Investigation Report and none of that can be said to have been discredited. The CLERY ACT VIOLATIONS & FINES ARE HINDSIGHT TOO, FACTUALLY!