Jeff Sandusky Arrested

"Sandusky's adapted son". Didn't he and his Eva Braun like wife adapt a total of 6 kids? So they are all "Foster" kids? Sounds alot like all of the victims doesn't it? Me thinks there was definitely a sick, demented pattern here and Dottie is about as guilty as Jerry.

I guess because Jerry is behind bars, JoePa is dead and the other 3 relieved of their duties, that no one chose to go any further, but IMO, without even an Oliver Stone like conspiracy or skepticism, there was a whole lot more going on than came out in court. The victims who came forward were merely the tip of the iceberg. Jerry's entire adult life have been about preying on disadvantaged kids. And he sent forth so many red flags, either the good folks of State College are the dumbest friggin people on the face of the earth, or this was a coverup of the highest magnitude. Still is.

I am just waiting for one of the kids to sing like a canary.
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The only ones with Egg on their Face over this continued Tragedy for Children are some PSU CULT DOLTS & John Zeigler that have been discredited on a number of occasion.

Respecting Chis Peak's Only Thread Let's Just Sum Up:

First Great Fact:
Great to see Children not afraid to Report and Alert Authorities and Investigations do not take 30 or 14 or 5 Years Investigations anymore. This alone in spite of such Tragedies needs to keep in mind on such Crimes now. SPOTLIGHT & PSU ABUSE SCANDALS bring out Brave Victims when most take on average 30 years to admit and discuss according to Experts. Today that number is going way down. Let Society celebrate that FACT because SILENCE no longer rules with shame but breaking it is BRAVERY.

Gerry Sandusky has his case on Appeal asking for a new Trial and Constitutional Issues are different from Factual Events and that does not make him innocent only a Convicted Felon requesting he did not have proper counsel. Jeff Sandusky is also innocent until proven Guilty, but the Texts are hard to defend just like what is coming out at Baylor, MSU, and Kansas. Jerry also claims he was abused and so does Spanier. Matt Sandusky has made it his mission to try and help Victims. This can impact not only the Gerry's Appeal as well the upcoming Penn State Trials! Judges and Jurors read Headlines.

Only John Ziegler & some Penn State "CULT DOLTS" Posters feel all the children were lying for the money. Even Ray Blehar disagreed with Ziegler and feels Sandusky is Guilty, but that is just an opinion like all of us too! Now the world will see if Jeff Sandusky joins his Brother Matt Sandusky in admitting he was abused by Gerry too? The Sandusky's adopted 6 children more could come out too now.

This has nothing to do with Penn State University and in fact could be proof the Penn State Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms and Penn State Children Protection Center and University New Reform Policies on Employee and Student Orientations is a credit to Society and University Athletic Integrity Compliance Reforms.

What Penn State Alumni Fans and CULT DOLTS Posters still refuse to recognize is that the Freeh Report was vastly about the 119 Recommendations of Penn State Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms needed because Federal Title IX Laws were being ignored by University, Educational Clery Act Regulations were not recorded by Curley & Schultz, Athletic Integrity Code of Conduct for Players rejected by Paterno and NCAA Rules not followed by Spanier and Trustees. In addition to some Trustees being Business with Penn State University Athletics, Football and Undisclosed Conflicts of Interests. The New Reforms have changed that now.

The Department of Education $2.4 Million Fines proved what Freeh recommended above was accurate and needed Athletic Integrity Reforms. So, did the NCAA Sanctions Oversight Monitor that saw them go in and weer so good recommended reductions in Sanctions but not full removal as many Penn State Posters still think. Penn State University paid for every dime and more on implementing the Reforms and still climbing in costs and expenses.

The subsequent PMA Insurance Disclosures when 3 men came forward and told police that they were abused in the 1970s or 1980s by Sandusky. They are the first men to allege abuse before the 1990s. Whether Paterno believed it or knew were discounted publicly by Penn State but still awaiting Media Release. Even Ray Blehar did not address these issues in details and also believe Sandusky is Guilty but how Penn State handle the Scandal is what they contest as well as as the PAOAG Investigation not including the Second Mile, DPW, and others. I am with them on this issue and they have a right to ask why The Second Mile was not properly investigated, in my view. I also believe Joe was told earlier but did not believe it, but at some point realize, like in Hindsight, he should have done more. But Joe's Testimony at the Grand Jury was far more accurate what Joe was told, and is being used against the Penn State Three that claim they were told it was" Horse Play?AG Kane really hurt the Prosecution by not appealing Obstruction of Justice on Appeal and she is now going to Prison but not for that.

Finally, just remember this and it will be brought up in Trial:
The report by a special investigative group headed by former FBI Director Freeh Louis commissioned by the Penn State Board of Trustees is more vindicated today and Clemente is being sued today for $700 million. Freeh after interviewing over 400 people and reviewing over 3.5 million documents, the crux of the report's findings, which were released July 12, 2012, were mostly about 119 Recommendations. Only part of it is addressed below and why Paterno and Spanier filed a Lawsuit that is still pending.

"Taking into account the available witness statements and evidence, the Special Investigative Counsel finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University — Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley — repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse from authorities, the University's Board of Trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large................."A striking lack of empathy for child abuse victims by the most senior leaders of the University"; a failure of oversight by the Board of Trustees; a University President "who discouraged discussion and dissent"; "a lack of awareness of child abuse issues"; and "a culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community".

Freeh Sporkin; Sullivan, LLP (July 12, 2012). "Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Actions of The Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky — p. 16".

Chris Peak is right to limit the topic, this New Allegation and still Civil Lawsuits that now includes McQueary Jury Award on Appeal and the Criminal Trials will take up the whole Board and you can read most of it on BWI anyway. Just not all the Details.

Lets talk some Football it never goes away on the Lair only if you try and post on BWI. The Penn State University Football Program Scandal will have more Books, Movies, and Articles written the next 20 years.

Pitt Football is every day and forevermore.

Captain, here is what some PSU fans will take from your post. You kept on referring to a "Gerry" Sandusky. It is "Jerry" Sandusky. Therefore, I cannot believe anything in your entire post. It is all BS and conjecture full of inaccuracies.

Mind you Captain, I AM NOT SAYING THIS, I am just making a point this is how John Ziegler and alot of Joebots have read every report, GJ testimony, media article, looking for one small, innocuous miscue and then trying to discredit the entire article and source because of it.
Mike's email to the OAG introduced in his whistleblower suit proved they lied.

Freeh has been discredited.

The BoT has been proven to be hiding things.

Who has "discredited" Freeh? Just asking for a friend.

Him and his bwi friends sit around and repeat the same conspiracy theories over and over again, eventually the tin foil craziness becomes facts in their minds.
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Captain, here is what some PSU fans will take from your post. You kept on referring to a "Gerry" Sandusky. It is "Jerry" Sandusky. Therefore, I cannot believe anything in your entire post. It is all BS and conjecture full of inaccuracies.

Mind you Captain, I AM NOT SAYING THIS, I am just making a point this is how John Ziegler and alot of Joebots have read every report, GJ testimony, media article, looking for one small, innocuous miscue and then trying to discredit the entire article and source because of it.
His name is Gerald! It cuts either way and do not mind if you don't agree;). I will use Jerry just for you.

By the way, his full name is Gerald Arthur Sandusky...Initials "GAS"! :eek:
His name is Gerald! It cuts either way and do not mind if you don't agree;). I will use Jerry just for you.

By the way, his full name is Gerald Arthur Sandusky...Initials "GAS"! :eek:

Cap. That was not my point. My point is something so trivial like that was constantly used by Ziegler and the Joebots to try and discredit any report or media article that suggested any kind of guilt. Something as trivial as a minor spelling error in their eyes is enough to cause any findings to be discredited. It is not an insult at you, but them.
The Gerry Sandusky from Washington TV may wish that you return to the common spelling. And he may make you. He took a load of crap when the whole thing blew up
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Cap. That was not my point. My point is something so trivial like that was constantly used by Ziegler and the Joebots to try and discredit any report or media article that suggested any kind of guilt. Something as trivial as a minor spelling error in their eyes is enough to cause any findings to be discredited. It is not an insult at you, but them.
I know that Owtie why put a Wink and I enjoyed, your post and many other post you have put up. I did not take offense.

I also feel this entire tragedy never happen, it has destroyed so many people and i take no delight in Jerry or his sons Jeff or Matt being part of it.
Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew
A New Judge has been appointed to hear Jerry Sandusky Post-Conviction Appeal as well. The Jeff Sandusky Arrest and alleged charges were not the best time to come out, but this Appeal is up to one Judge to decide and not a Jury and won't come out for months. It can be Appealed too but does not mean it will be heard only 2% to 3% usually get another Appeal Hearing in higher courts many just get refused.

Morover, as not to Cloud Up The Lair with another PSU Scandal Cases Report. Here is the latest on the Trials Pending. Once again Graham Spanier Defense Team is using Interlocutory Appeals to try and delay the trail again. This is permissible under Pennsylvania Law and It means when The Trial Judge makes a Ruling on a Motion before or during Trial you can Appeal his Ruling to a Higher Court and wait for a Ruling or find out it was denied and that could be Appealed to the Supreme Court. I recall one case on Child Molestation Violation Trial actually took 13 years using this tactic and charges finally dismissed. Whether this Defense Tactic will work to delay the start of this Trials is up to Appeal Courts.

The Jeff Sandusky Arrests at this time could impact on the Jury Pool and this is not a good time for the Trails if he Pleas and make Statements on the Record if he he will admit that he was abused. Headlines at this time is not a good thing. This includes impacts on Baylor and Michigan State Rapes Allegations and Title IX Violations Criminal and Civil.

In addition, this is about the time where Plea Negotiations can take place. Whether it is Curly or Schultz. I do not think Spanier is going that route right now. If anyone flips and cops a Plea then the other two may too. We shall see?

Graham Spanier, former Penn State aides take a new shot at pre-empting scheduled criminal trial:
By Charles Thompson |
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on February 14, 2017 at 8:11 PM, updated February 14, 2017 at 9:18 PM

Three former Penn State administrators accused of what amounts to criminal negligence in failing to act on 2001 reports of sexual misconduct by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky are taking one more shot at winning their case without a trial. State prosecutors have alleged that by failing to take information to police or child welfare authorities in 2001, the trio left Sandusky free to assault at least three more boys over the next seven years, including one in a Penn State shower. Their trial on child endangerment charges is currently scheduled for March 20, in Dauphin County Court. But that date became a little more tentative Tuesday. Former President Graham Spanier, former senior vice president Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley all filed motions seeking a rare, pre-trial review of lower court orders permitting the case to go forward. Judge John Boccabella, a senior judge from Berks County presiding over the case, ruled earlier this month that the child endangerment case should proceed to trial.
Tuesday's motion asks Boccabella to endorse an immediate review by state Superior Court, on grounds that there are highly contested questions of law at stake that are best considered pre-trial. There is no automatic right of appeal for such pre-trial rulings. If Boccabella agrees to "certify" the new motions, attorneys say there would be a greater chance that the appellate court would take the case. Sam Silver, Spanier's trial counsel, told PennLive Tuesday the reason for this week's filing is simple: "We believe very strongly in our clients' legal and factual innocence." Tuesday's motion goes directly to the legal questions. If the defendants' can get a winning ruling on those, the factual questions become moot. The gist of the defense case is:

    • Prosecutors have failed to prove Spanier, Schultz or Curley - as senior university leaders - ever had any direct duty to care for any of Sandusky's child victims, whom the former coach groomed through his Second Mile youth charity.
    • The state has improperly suggested the former Penn State administrators' failure to take the 2001 report against Sandusky to police or child welfare authorities was a continuing course of conduct.
    • Prosecutors are unfairly applying 2007 expansions of the law that pertain to preventing or interfering with making a report of suspected child abuse to the administrators' 2001 inaction.

Sandusky, a longtime top assistant to legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, was arrested in November 2011 on a battery of child sexual abuse charges, and convicted in June 2012. He is currently serving a 30-year minimum prison term in a state prison in western Pennsylvania. Spanier, Curley and Schultz were charged in part because when they were alerted by Paterno to the 2001 shower-room incident witnessed by then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary, they opted to handle the incident in-house. The theories prosecutors have been basing their child endangerment case on flow in large part from the Philadelphia District Attorney's hotly-contested prosecution of a former Roman Catholic Church official in 2012. Former Msgr. William Lynn was convicted of child endangerment because he knowingly reassigned Catholic priests with credible allegations of child sex abuse in their past to new positions where they would have access to children. While the state Supreme Court has permitted the legal underpinnings for Lynn's prosecution, attorneys for Spanier, Curley and Schultz have argued the fact pattern is different enough in the Penn State case that the case should fall. A spokesman for Attorney General Josh Shapiro said the office has "received the filing and are reviewing it."

What is settled is Spanier, Shultz and Curley's longstanding commitment to fight every step of the case against them at every level - a decision no doubt made easier by the fact that Penn State is still paying the defendants' legal fees. The defendants won a similar interlocutory appeal at the Superior Court level last year over issues raised during the grand jury investigation of the Sandusky case. The appellate court last January overturned a 2015 decision by the late Judge Todd Hoover that initially set the case for trial, tossing perjury, obstruction of justice and other counts based on the defendants' grand jury testimony because of violations of their attorney / client privilege. Then-Acting Attorney General Bruce Castor did not contest that ruling.

The March 20 trial date for the remaining charges still stands, at the moment. If the Superior Court decides to take up the Boccabella ruling now, however, the Spanier, Curley, Schultz case would likely be sent back into a chronological limbo while the court considers the case.
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spanier, curley and schultz decide to go to the authorities
joe talks them out of it
they don't report it, but worry they are at risk

what am I missing here?
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Did not avoid it, I plan to answer some of it later, it needs a careful response and it is good question and article, and will contribute to understanding a very murky, unsealed, and still some Info still unknown. The Penn State Football Program Scandal is far deeper than the The People Versus OJ Simpson and with far more Lawyers and over 5 years old now, and since 2008, 2001, 1998 and dating back 1970s. Not just one year like 1994 for OJ in California and there is multiple episodes on that on Netflix now?

Not only that, is not far from over, and some People will be able to make a lifetime living off of it, I kid you not?

You asked a good question, I'll address what I can later. I still own KSquared an answer he asked two months ago too?
A New Judge has been appointed to hear Jerry Sandusky Post-Conviction Appeal as well. The Jeff Sandusky Arrest and alleged charges were not the best time to come out, but this Appeal is up to one Judge to decide and not a Jury and won't come out for months. It can be Appealed too but does not mean it will be heard only 2% to 3% usually get another Appeal Hearing in higher courts many just get refused.

Morover, as not to Cloud Up The Lair with another PSU Scandal Cases Report. Here is the latest on the Trials Pending. Once again Graham Spanier Defense Team is using Interlocutory Appeals to try and delay the trail again. This is permissible under Pennsylvania Law and It means when The Trial Judge makes a Ruling on a Motion before or during Trial you can Appeal his Ruling to a Higher Court and wait for a Ruling or find out it was denied and that could be Appealed to the Supreme Court. I recall one case on Child Molestation Violation Trial actually took 13 years using this tactic and charges finally dismissed. Whether this Defense Tactic will work to delay the start of this Trials is up to Appeal Courts.

The Jeff Sandusky Arrests at this time could impact on the Jury Pool and this is not a good time for the Trails if he Pleas and make Statements on the Record if he he will admit that he was abused. Headlines at this time is not a good thing. This includes impacts on Baylor and Michigan State Rapes Allegations and Title IX Violations Criminal and Civil.

In addition, this is about the time where Plea Negotiations can take place. Whether it is Curly or Schultz. I do not think Spanier is going that route right now. If anyone flips and cops a Plea then the other two may too. We shall see?

Graham Spanier, former Penn State aides take a new shot at pre-empting scheduled criminal trial:
By Charles Thompson |
Follow on Twitter
on February 14, 2017 at 8:11 PM, updated February 14, 2017 at 9:18 PM

Three former Penn State administrators accused of what amounts to criminal negligence in failing to act on 2001 reports of sexual misconduct by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky are taking one more shot at winning their case without a trial. State prosecutors have alleged that by failing to take information to police or child welfare authorities in 2001, the trio left Sandusky free to assault at least three more boys over the next seven years, including one in a Penn State shower. Their trial on child endangerment charges is currently scheduled for March 20, in Dauphin County Court. But that date became a little more tentative Tuesday. Former President Graham Spanier, former senior vice president Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley all filed motions seeking a rare, pre-trial review of lower court orders permitting the case to go forward. Judge John Boccabella, a senior judge from Berks County presiding over the case, ruled earlier this month that the child endangerment case should proceed to trial.
Tuesday's motion asks Boccabella to endorse an immediate review by state Superior Court, on grounds that there are highly contested questions of law at stake that are best considered pre-trial. There is no automatic right of appeal for such pre-trial rulings. If Boccabella agrees to "certify" the new motions, attorneys say there would be a greater chance that the appellate court would take the case. Sam Silver, Spanier's trial counsel, told PennLive Tuesday the reason for this week's filing is simple: "We believe very strongly in our clients' legal and factual innocence." Tuesday's motion goes directly to the legal questions. If the defendants' can get a winning ruling on those, the factual questions become moot. The gist of the defense case is:

    • Prosecutors have failed to prove Spanier, Schultz or Curley - as senior university leaders - ever had any direct duty to care for any of Sandusky's child victims, whom the former coach groomed through his Second Mile youth charity.
    • The state has improperly suggested the former Penn State administrators' failure to take the 2001 report against Sandusky to police or child welfare authorities was a continuing course of conduct.
    • Prosecutors are unfairly applying 2007 expansions of the law that pertain to preventing or interfering with making a report of suspected child abuse to the administrators' 2001 inaction.

Sandusky, a longtime top assistant to legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, was arrested in November 2011 on a battery of child sexual abuse charges, and convicted in June 2012. He is currently serving a 30-year minimum prison term in a state prison in western Pennsylvania. Spanier, Curley and Schultz were charged in part because when they were alerted by Paterno to the 2001 shower-room incident witnessed by then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary, they opted to handle the incident in-house. The theories prosecutors have been basing their child endangerment case on flow in large part from the Philadelphia District Attorney's hotly-contested prosecution of a former Roman Catholic Church official in 2012. Former Msgr. William Lynn was convicted of child endangerment because he knowingly reassigned Catholic priests with credible allegations of child sex abuse in their past to new positions where they would have access to children. While the state Supreme Court has permitted the legal underpinnings for Lynn's prosecution, attorneys for Spanier, Curley and Schultz have argued the fact pattern is different enough in the Penn State case that the case should fall. A spokesman for Attorney General Josh Shapiro said the office has "received the filing and are reviewing it."

What is settled is Spanier, Shultz and Curley's longstanding commitment to fight every step of the case against them at every level - a decision no doubt made easier by the fact that Penn State is still paying the defendants' legal fees. The defendants won a similar interlocutory appeal at the Superior Court level last year over issues raised during the grand jury investigation of the Sandusky case. The appellate court last January overturned a 2015 decision by the late Judge Todd Hoover that initially set the case for trial, tossing perjury, obstruction of justice and other counts based on the defendants' grand jury testimony because of violations of their attorney / client privilege. Then-Acting Attorney General Bruce Castor did not contest that ruling.

The March 20 trial date for the remaining charges still stands, at the moment. If the Superior Court decides to take up the Boccabella ruling now, however, the Spanier, Curley, Schultz case would likely be sent back into a chronological limbo while the court considers the case.
The AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION just announced that it is bestowing it's Inaugural "Wealthy Client Who Pays in time and in full" award to the Pennsylvania State University.
ABA President Dewy Cheatum calls Penn State "the best thing to happen to the legal profession since Lincoln." Cheatum concluded by opining "the charges keep coming, the appeals endless and Penn State continues to defend and indemnify with no end in sight. The pool of money is deep and plentiful. Our lawyers feel like kids at Christmas. Penn State is our personal Santa."
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Q: When did you — did you do something with that information?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I can’t be precise.

I ordinarily would have called people right away, but it was a Saturday morning and I didn’t want to interfere with their weekends.

So I don’t know whether I did it Saturday or did it early the next week.

I’m not sure when, but I did it within the week.
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hey captain or to the scores of bwi lurkers, just wondering what is the cult's tin foil excuse for this? they don't talk about this very much
To be fair, informative and with Civil Lawsuits and Criminal Trial Preparation both Prosecutors & Defense and Sandusky's own Post Conviction Appeal that are Constitutional issues,still going on, and throw in still Unsealed Documents to be released and changes at Attorney General Office and New Judges appointed and now only a few Charges remaining and Jeff Sandusky's Allegations it is easy for many to get confused, many forget, and many argue how it will all come out and WHY I LEAVE IT UP TO THE CRIMINAL COURTS & CIVIL LAWSUITS to decide and anyone thinking they know it all even Penn State Lawyers, Penn State Defense Team, Sandusky Lawyers, and Civil Lawsuit Lawyers for Paterno, Trustees, Alumni, NCAA, McQueary, and add in Franco, Zeigler, Blehar, Bagwell, and Outside Pundits and this one full sentence above just shows why the saying......"When Anyone Tells Lies And Others Tell Half-Lies. And A Man Who Tells Lies, Like Sandusky Has Done For Years, Merely Hides The Truth. But When Others Tells Half-Lies Have Forgotten What He Remembers And Causes More Confusion."

So, I try to stick what I do know and let more of Truth Come Out Later from Court Cases. If it changes i will report it as best I can but not until all comes out. Here is what I do know for now from all i read, talked to some experts, and close Penn State Friends, Boosters and Alumni that have the highest character I know of dating back to 1970s.

Articles dating back to 2012 are not as Reliable as Articles Today For example:

1. Penn State Did Have An Athletic Integrity Cultural Problem:
All Penn State University Football Athletic Integrity Programs are now in Compliance from Freeh Report Investigation, 119 Recommendations, NCAA Sanction Monitor, and those are Facts that led to Reduction of Sanctions and cannot be refuted they were needed showing Penn State University did the right thing in correcting its Past Program's Athletic Integrity Compliance Mistakes and Illegalities. Only CULT DOLTS think and cannot prove otherwise. This is and has been my Primary Argument, Prediction, and Factual Outcome from Day One after reading the Freeh Report. Nothing has been discredited whatsoever on Title IX, Clery Act, Undisclosed Trustees and Paterno Influence not to allow Athletic Integrity Code of Conduct Oversight of his Program. New Policies Put In, Fines Paid, and END OF ANY DEBATE!

2. Penn State University Football Program Is In Full Compliance:
This means Penn State University and its Football and Athletic Programs are in Full Compliance and for critics that both Hate & Love Penn State time to move on and accept those changes were required by outsiders, insiders, and did a remarkable job that Sandusky Crimes exposed the Non-Compliances. Penn State University is better for it and Model of Outstanding Compliance many Universities are now copying and a Law Firm now a Boutique of Expertise. In my view, calling "PSU" names like "PEDU" should not happen anymore than "PITT" being called "SPIT"! But that is up to every poster, I don't post it, but that is just me. At the same time, calling Posters Names by PSU Fans saying nothing happen and the Freeh Report has been discredited is outright Nittany Lying and blaming a Media Narrative is just pure ignorance. Both sides should accept Penn State University is better and has Outstanding Athletic Integrity now and due to the Trustees, Freeh, Prior President & AD & Administration, and Outside & PSU Lawyers that admitted the mistakes and cleaned it up and certified by the NCAA Sanctions Monitor, Department of Education Clery Act, Department of Justice on Title IX, NCAA-Senate-PSU Consent Decree Revised and Big Ten Athletic Integrity Agreement Sanctions are over and done. END OF THAT DEBATE!

3. All Posters Need To Wait On Penn State Criminal & Civil Lawsuits Outcomes:
Now regarding the Criminal Aspects, Charges, and Constitutional Protections parts of the PAOAG Investigations, Prosecution, Convictions of Sandusky & Jerry's PCRA Appeal Arguments, Freeh Report Details on Criminal Evidence Parts On PSU 3, PMA Insurance-PSU Unsealed Documents, Paterno-PSU-NCAA still in Discovery, and other aspects are another matter. These are still being decided and I'll take up some below and try to keep it short.

Keep in mind, new developments under the New Child Protection Laws that came from the Penn State Scandal have produced monumental change. Just this past month there has been many Arrests and Prosecutions on Children Abuse Cases throughout Pennsylvania and especially in Central and Eastern Pennsylvania on Child Abuse Rings.

Again, these events and information are over a span of time from 1970-2017 and some are over, and more to come.
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spanier, curley and schultz decide to go to the authorities
joe talks them out of it
they don't report it, but worry they are at risk

what am I missing here?
What is missing is Joe Paterno at a Very Old Age & with Cancer had his own Lawyer and testified honestly to what he had to remember over 8 and 11 years ago, and how it was told to him by McQueary to him as a "Inappropriate Sexual Touching" and some other details before a Grand Jury Under Oath and this Testimony is in direct conflict with what Spanier, Schultz, and Curley testified too saying they were told it was Horsing Around.

Moreover, Jerry Sandusky was very good at lying to everyone, selecting troubled Children Victims that often lied to their Parents, Investigators, School Officials, and the other side of being given gifts and special treatment and live din shame afraid to talk about what happen to them and why it was so hard to stop when no one would believe them. Matt Sandusky talks about that as well as some Victims and many Victims are not allow to talk about it right now since signing settlements, and now Jeff Sandusky also has a story and Right to a Defense I might add and maybe against PSU too if under SOL.

The Penn State Superb Defense Team have worked hard to get all other Charges dropped including Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and other Charges due to poor PAOAG early and lengthy initial Investigations due to a child that kept saying one thing at certain times, and then recanting it later, and with a Illegally Leaked Grand Jury Presentment full of many errors that Freeh corrected finding Evidence PAOAG did not know and even had the year wrong.

If this happen to anyone Father, Brother, and Son they all have Constitutional Rights to Defend Themselves and the Defense Team is doing what it should do, delay, denied, and demand using all Laws meant to protect all of us.

At the same time, this is not unlike The People Versus OJ Simpson Cases including Criminal and Civil, whereby the PAOAG and its methods on Investigation and Prosecutions especially from 2008-2011 and subsequent Political Changes from 2011 to Today with an Attorney General also going to Jail for Leaking Grand jury Information and then lying about it, and no Investigation in 2011 when leaks happen then and no Investigation of The Second Mile, DPW, and others is fair game to Defense Teams Publicity, Tactics, and Arguments as well as Legally Permissible Delays and during a Judicial-Prosecutorial Porn Scandal that resulted is some Judges Resignations but no Prosecutions except for AG Kane.

As stated, this is way bigger and longer than the OJ Simpson Cases and it is not over and still going on in 2017 from in some aspects the 1970s?
Did not avoid it, I plan to answer some of it later, it needs a careful response and it is good question and article, and will contribute to understanding a very murky, unsealed, and still some Info still unknown. The Penn State Football Program Scandal is far deeper than the The People Versus OJ Simpson and with far more Lawyers and over 5 years old now, and since 2008, 2001, 1998 and dating back 1970s. Not just one year like 1994 for OJ in California and there is multiple episodes on that on Netflix now?

Not only that, is not far from over, and some People will be able to make a lifetime living off of it, I kid you not?

You asked a good question, I'll address what I can later. I still own KSquared an answer he asked two months ago too?

That's really you brought up OJ. Because I was rewatching the OJ Made in America ESPN documentary and it is amazing all of the people that were interviewed, that were friends of OJ and Nicole, who adored them, then realized as time went on, there was something not right, that OJ's true self and demons would surface more and more. And now hindsight, these people are connecting the dots and many of them have a decent degree of guilt that "they didn't do more". Now obviously it is different as the victim is dead, and OJ in jail, but you wander if you could start interviewing townspeople, coaches, ex players, 2nd Mile execs if they would also start replaying events and process them as "oh my god, that was a flag". That has to exist, has to exist in at least a dozen people. But the cult up there really circled the wagons.
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Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew Joe knew
I have different and my own Narrative at this time based on all I read, and that could change until I read the "Unsealed Documents, and outcomes of Civil and Criminal Cases!" Others can differ and with no offense taken.

I do believe Joe was told and so was the Athletic Director but they did not pass that up to PSU, and told in 1970s and 1980s, but there is big difference in being told at THAT TIME, and believing IT AT THAT TIME, and it is very unknown how Joe handled it at THOSE TIMES with Sandusky. It is easy to judge but do not judge them on Today Societal Standards that did not exists the same way in 1970s.

Sandusky like the Catholic Priest and Prosecutions & Civil Lawsuit Settlements in the Movie Spotlight and Higher Ups Bishops had no clue what to do, and dealing with carefully Chosen Victims known to have problems, family problems and did not know how to talk abut and feared the shame in Society AT THE TIME, kept many Domestic Problem in SILENCE.

I believe Sue, Jay, Scott and all of the Paterno's when they say if they had known they would have NEVER allowed their own Children to play and be around Jerry, I don't care how much anyone HATES PENN STATE, you can't say they knew and clearly Joe did not discuss it either because he was working on only PSU Football his Second and Only Love next to Sue! Compliance Issues aside are another matter.

Think about it......and think back to 1970s-80s-90s and remember even in 1970s Pope John Paul II it has been proven that the Pope knew about the Complaints about abuse by Priests and also did little about it.

I believe if the POPE had some doubts, but it so easy for anyone to say, he knew and did nothing about it? When in Fact where would anyone even begin and especially hearing and dealing with Sinners and Repenters all their lives that include Catholic Priest, Nuns, and other with problems too? Back then being Gay was a SIN and many destroyed by Societal & Religious Laws and Values on the Books whereby Suicides, Prison, and Self-Hate prevailed and no one would take the time to listen anyway?

Why would anyone Judge Joe on what he knew when everyone at that time did not discuss such things? Unlike it is now well known today. Did anyone of you ever talk about such things I know i never did, and if that Topic came up back then, or even Domestic Abuse, it was what can we do? I turn off those Pet Abuse Commercial even today. I don't want to think about it. But I have been giving to Family Abuse Centers and Animal Recuse Humane Societies since 1980s. Heck I used to give to Green Peace in the 1970s.

Pedophiles know exactly how to choose Children to Prey upon while telling everyone they are Victims by being accused they are helping Wrongful, Wayward Children's that tell Lies. Joe was not Hearing Confessions like a Priest he was just Football Coach that cared about Sue, Family, and Penn State Football.

The Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and Priest all grew up listening and forgiving Sins that many people kept thinking were Sins and are SIns, but keep repeating them, like all of us have done, Still they believe in that everyone has a Divine of Light within them, to change and be better. It is not an easy simple judgment over time.

Look how many times Posters attack Football Coaches & Players for making mistakes that lose games. I do it many times but over time forget it.

I simply refuse to judge Joe in 1970-2000 on what he knew because it is also what many believed in silence unlike today. Now I'll address what happen after 1998 in another Post because KSquared asked me about that 2 Months ago upon my return from California.
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"Recruitsreadtheseboards, post: 1810898, member: 2328"]That's really you brought up OJ. Because I was rewatching the OJ Made in America ESPN documentary and it is amazing all of the people that were interviewed, that were friends of OJ and Nicole, who adored them, then realized as time went on, there was something not right, that OJ's true self and demons would surface more and more.
Now you are talking Turkey and spot on what can happen when Society or a University Fan Base turns mere Mortals into Gods and Saints! Now complicate that over 50 years not just 1 to 3 Years like OJ, who will get out this or next year.

And now hindsight, these people are connecting the dots and many of them have a decent degree of guilt that "they didn't do more". Now obviously it is different as the victim is dead, and OJ in jail, but you wander if you could start interviewing townspeople, coaches, ex players, 2nd Mile execs if they would also start replaying events and process them as "oh my god, that was a flag".
You are Correct Sir but even Nicole's Parents & Sisters missed those flags and would talk about them except with a few, and often said, what can you do. Today, if Domestic Abuse Happens Larry Johnson, Ray Rice, and others lose their Careers.

That has to exist, has to exist in at least a dozen people.
It does exist and still exists many think as they were raised, and even oppose the Gay, Transgenders, Lifestyle but now in Silence, yet, back when and then did the same on Domestic Violence, but Societal Laws have changed, and sometime that causes more Silence and Violence, and in the Case of Pedophiles right now if someone tells you about it, you can go to Jail or at least be prosecuted. It is by no means as cut and dry as we all think.

But the cult up there really circled the wagons.
It is a Tough Fan Base that is one Case does condemn "Jerry" and only a few still believe he is innocent and that grows smaller with every revelation. This goes for CSS too but again leave that to Judges & Juries.

Yet, many feel it was Unfair to attack Penn State Paterno and Football and feel the memories they grew up with can't accept he became bigger than Penn State and even Hate how Penn State handle his ouster, even in the face of Facts that Joe felt he KNEW more how to handle his Players better than Penn State Judicial Affairs and the real reason is Joe stayed too long, was bigger than PSU name, and Higher-Ups were too in Fear of losing Support and they weer to blame why Clery Act & Title IX, athletic Integrity Code Of Conduct, Big Ten and NCAA Rules were being ignored by Trustees, President responsible for them?

They blame every one but to be fair, Joe did say, in Hindsight he should have done more and that is what Joe really Knew before he passed away and I still greatly admire him today, and attacked on Lair & BWI either way. Joe lost his own way going for 409 and ignoring anyone could tell him how to run and Disciplne his Players back when and then.

How does one know what i just said is more right now???

FACTS-If Penn State right now had such a Football Coach today after the Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms they would be FIRED, and that would go for Joe Paterno today. Happen to Briles, and goes for Narduzzi, Holgrosen, Saban, at Pitt, WVU and Bama and all College toaday.

This is why one knows the PSU Trustees had to let Joe go! It was not because of what Sandusky did, but what the Federal Department of Education and Justice found on what Joe influenced on Trustees Lack Institutional Control. Although Joe was not responsible for Athletic Integrity Compliance the University could not challenge Joe when he demanded only he could have discipline over his players and treated them differently from students.

Many Penn State Alumni refuse to accept that but it true, and one can still admire Joe's Coaching but it was under Lacking Athletic Integrity as seen by the $60 Million Sanction fines and $2.4 Million Educational Title IX & Clery Act Fines.

Any PSU Fan contesting what I just said, I can Link aspects of the Clery Investigation Report and none of that can be said to have been discredited. The CLERY ACT VIOLATIONS & FINES ARE HINDSIGHT TOO, FACTUALLY!
That myth has been busted.
One can argue it but what can't be argued is that some point in time between 1998 and 2011, even Joe acknowledged he should have done more and that is not a myth by any means. At some point, Joe realized Sandusky was lying, when can always be questioned, but by 2011, his admission cannot be taken back, or parsed by interpretation. Joe regretted it happen and asked for PSU Rioting Students to Pray for the victims and go Home and Study, but PSU Student chose burning and Riots.

Moreover, the subsequent Official Clery Findings and Fines are recorded, factual, accepted and paid by Penn State. They have Joe's Name listed and aspects that led to those violations and those are no Myths.

One view one can and should admire Joe's Coaching and Wins, but it was done without Athletic Integrity and required 2012 Reforms that has corrected that aspect of the Football Program and Penn State Athletics. Not a Myth Just Facts.

No University today will tolerate such behavior anymore by any Coach when such violations come out.
Why was Paturdo fired ?Also, a reduction in penalties does not indicate the NCAA disagreed with the penalties.....they were tired of the whining and crying by the cult members.
The biggest problem the NCAA had to face was their participation in anointing Paterno over Bowden, and not investigating Paterno earlier in 1996 or they might have found out problems that showed up in 1998, 2001, and 2004? The Enforcement Staff later was shaken up many retired, quit or were fired.

The very Fact Franklin Success this past year and terrific recruiting is due to Trustees, President Erickson, Athletic Director Dr. Joyner, and they put in the Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms under an NCAA Monitor that suggested they reduced the Sanctions, but did not erase the Two Years?

Nor did the Big Ten bring back Paterno's Name on the Big Ten Trophy, those Unsealed Documents also might add more Shame than Fame to Penn State's Name. Accept Joe's Great Coaching and leave everything else in Hindsight! O'Brien was chased away, don't do it to Franklin too!

Penn State Fans have every right and should take Great Pride with the Big Ten Championship, Top 20 Recruiting Classes, Top Ten Ranking, and going into 2017 in the Top Ten as well. I salute it and welcome the challenge for Pitt that is considerable to say the least.

The CULT DOLTS seem to forget Franklin's Success is due to the Penn State Trustees & Administration they still Hate Today?

Franklin is out recruiting and doing way better under Penn State Policies of Athletic Integrity better than Paterno ever did and time for Penn State Fans to move on and accept it!

Another hypocrisy of ignorance and arrogance and can't salute the People at Penn State that help bring Fame and remove the stain from the University by those that left Shame on Penn State's Name!

Ingratitude Is The Blackest Of Sins!
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Q: When did you — did you do something with that information?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I can’t be precise.

I ordinarily would have called people right away, but it was a Saturday morning and I didn’t want to interfere with their weekends.

So I don’t know whether I did it Saturday or did it early the next week.

I’m not sure when, but I did it within the week.
Because rape of kids just ain't a good enough reason to "interfere" with someone's weekend.
"Sandusky's adapted son". Didn't he and his Eva Braun like wife adapt a total of 6 kids? So they are all "Foster" kids? Sounds alot like all of the victims doesn't it? Me thinks there was definitely a sick, demented pattern here and Dottie is about as guilty as Jerry.

I guess because Jerry is behind bars, JoePa is dead and the other 3 relieved of their duties, that no one chose to go any further, but IMO, without even an Oliver Stone like conspiracy or skepticism, there was a whole lot more going on than came out in court. The victims who came forward were merely the tip of the iceberg. Jerry's entire adult life have been about preying on disadvantaged kids. And he sent forth so many red flags, either the good folks of State College are the dumbest friggin people on the face of the earth, or this was a coverup of the highest magnitude. Still is.

I am just waiting for one of the kids to sing like a canary.
I can't wait til Dottie burns in hell. That b***h is as much of a demented monster as jerry. With this story and the way she was in interviews, I have no doubts that she knew everything and would help jerry find kids to adopt basically for him to abuse. Just the sickest bunch of freaks I could ever even imagine.