Junker’s replacement

The sports media in Pgh in their defense have some very, very narrow wiggle room to deal with, when you think about it.

The biggest, most rigid requirement is that harsh criticism of the Steelers, particularly the head coach or ownership, is expressly verboten. No matter how obvious, or poor the results, or bad a decision that was made in a game.

Steelers GM is typically OK to be mildly critical of, in matters such as specific drafts or signings. But not too much. And it will be interesting to see if it’s allowed at all when Khan takes over.

Steelers coordinators are OK to be critical of, at least their strategy or tactics. That criticism must somehow position that the coordinator totally made his idiotic decisions in a vacuum, with no orders or even agreement sought from the HC.

individual players are murky to criticize. Subtle signs must come from the team. For example, Leveon or AB. These two had been PIA (esp AB) well before their public contract disputes, but the team itself must not have given the ok to go after them (too much).
When the public crap began to proliferate, you could tell the team made its subtle nod to let loose, because seemingly overnight, both were pariahs.

In fact, when a Steeler will not be retained you can almost predict it…you can feel the vibe by the change in media treatment. For example, with James Conner. Seemingly overnight in the media he became this fumbling, bumbling albatross on the running game. Never mind that the two backs brought in to challenge him did totally nothing, somehow the horrible OL was only a problem for Snell and McFarland (and Ben, but not for Rudolph).

(I’m not being critical, just noting how challenging it is to work within such rigid confinement when covering the Uber-Topic of the town.)

As for other topics:

Penguins: With Mario now less directly involved with Penguins ownership, they can now be more safely criticized. Not Crosby of course (not that he deserves much if any). But after 4 straight playoff flops it’s become ok to go after Geno ages Letang.

Pirates: Almost too easy to attack, you’d think. Ah, but no so fast. They provide a ton of subject matter esp in the dead summer months; Pgh geezers who still like newspapers also still like baseball; and 162 plus exhibition games are on the Fan. They can’t be nearly as critical as the Bucs deserve.

Penn State: Golden boys. Untouchable. Local and adored when they are good. Outright don’t exist at all if they lose, especially embarrassingly. It used to be because the old farts in the media were in the Paterno cult. But even the new wave of media are total gushers.

Pitt. Easy whipping boys. Grudging acknowledgement when there is success, though it is minimized. Losses and attendance are aggrandized to the hilt. When nothing else is allowable to criticize, Pitt is the favorite go-to
More likely the middle sized media market that is pittsburgh just isn’t that attractive -
I mean look how terrible the newspaper sports writing is?
The sports talk radio is unlistenable
Yeah. It’s frustrating to be a Pittsburgher. We can’t field a baseball team, or expect long term viability With Pitt football and basketball. And we can’t attract media talent. But you can’t tell me there are local people who can’t do these jobs.
When there is too much of anything it becomes boring, repetitive. And there is too much, especially in a market like Pittsburgh. Rarely are there national stories discussed. Many of these guys outright despise certain sports and even local teams. I understand some guys liking a sport and being more knowledgeable about it than others but here, it is really bad.

And Stillers. Stillers. Stillers. Stillers. Stillers. NFL. Stillers. But I can't blame them, they only do this for ratings. I am sure many of these guys when they stray too much from the Steelers, they get told about it, and likely backed up with ratings to support.
I know that madden always rips the B team guys for always talking Steelers. But honestly they know where their bread is buttered. I wouldn’t tune to them to listen to hockey talk so they know what’s in the wheel house and it’s not hockey.

and the B team does try with Pitt, but Pitt doesn’t usually illicit calls so back to Steelers again. Lol.
some of these shows locally will talk nba or national sports for a segment and it goes nowhere, zero calls. same with pitt really. Dunlap will bring up pitt and ask for callers and no one calls so back to stiller talk.

Really, my complaint is the old outdated format of doing a call in show. i've lived outside of pittsburgh and the successful radio talk shows have stronger guests, better hosts and take very few calls. When your format is an opening monologue then just taking calls and giving replies, it's weak and you get nothing but stiller talk with penguin talk scattered in..

Stan and guy did this same format on tv back in 1990, basically did nothign but field calls and even then it was boring.. The "ill hang up and listen" callers shouldnt dictate the content of your show.

look back at all the successful radio shows, sports or not. stern, rush, mike and mike, jim rome, ferrell, dan patrick, kornheiser, my man Michael savage.. they didnt rely on callers, they took them occasionally but they carried the show by talking, having good guests, doing skits or whatever you call it but dont rely on john from aspinwall to provide your content..
I don't know what is worse, callers or the athletes themselves? Rarely has an athlete (at least active) been a good interview. I do like writers, especially national or opposing teams, beat writers because they usually give good information.

As for call ins, I love sometimes watching that KDKA/CW show on at 10:30 at nights the same reason why I sometimes enjoy Walmart. You just feel intellectually superior after that.
Snell and McFarland , Talk about two of the worst RB's in Steelers history and they both are still on the roster somehow.
Except he kept starting Stewart even though he sucked! Should have moved him to WR.
That’s a great example, actually. Stewart as Slash was a fantastic thing, way ahead of it’s time actually. But then (no doubt his wish, I’ll grant) they decide he’s exclusively to be a QB…but not to be a mobile QB (a 90s Lamar Jackson, which might have been great as well) … but to be a drop back seven step pocket QB; essentially they wanted Neil O’Donnell. Well, everyone saw what happened… Stewart was occasionally not awful, which is the best you can really say. It was always amusing when he’d forget what he was supposed to be, and break off a brilliant run, and they’d flash to the sideline and Bill was furious.

But none of that was never dared to be pointed out on the airwaves or in print. You might get Bill’s “glare down”. And then shortly thereafter relegated to the (bleh) Pitt beat.
Kordell would have been awesome if the Stillers just let him run the ball. Have him do some play action to keep defenses honest. Maybe not awesome, but awesome to watch I guess.
Kordell would have been awesome if the Stillers just let him run the ball. Have him do some play action to keep defenses honest. Maybe not awesome, but awesome to watch I guess.
just didnt have the right OC for him, to be able to utilize him and his skill sets. he was a poor pocket passer, just bad accuracy. But obviously great athlete and strong arm.
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Yeah. Was that OC the guy who had the jowls like a basset hound? Earnhardt or something.
Chan Gailey was 97, the year we lost to the bills i think in the afc game.. Erhart was 94 and 95, when we did the 5 WR set and had him at wr (And went to and lost the super bowl).

Ray sherman was in there somewhere and did horrible. I think Mularkey was the OC in 2001 where we went to and lost to the pats in the afc championship game..
Chan Gailey was 97, the year we lost to the bills i think in the afc game.. Erhart was 94 and 95, when we did the 5 WR set and had him at wr (And went to and lost the super bowl).

Ray sherman was in there somewhere and did horrible. I think Mularkey was the OC in 2001 where we went to and lost to the pats in the afc championship game..
Oh yes. “Chan”. That initial year they hired Chan, he was never seen, maybe he was a booth OC? Or we just had no idea what he looked like (and there was no Google Images to rely on). Anyway, so when the Steelers played during these years, there was often this rather portly Asian-American fellow wearing John Lennon glasses who stood on the sideline, looking very bored most of the time, but typically never very far from Cowher, though they never interacted (that I ever saw). And my wife (I swear, not me, though I always laughed) concluded that this guy must be the mysterious Chan. It was non-PC-ness straight outta a Seinfeld episode, which was at its peak then.
Kordell would have been awesome if the Stillers just let him run the ball. Have him do some play action to keep defenses honest. Maybe not awesome, but awesome to watch I guess.
Frankly he was Lamar Jackson before Lamar -
We just didn’t build the offense correctly for him