My family and I were on Grand Cayman over Thanksgiving and we happened ot be staying at the same resort that the KSU team and fans were staying at for the Cayman Classic tournament. Really nice bunch of kids and people. There was one really friendly, upbeat guy wearing KSU gear all the time who was casually mingling with everyone, making people laugh, smiling a ton, etc. I'm seeing this guy all over the place for like 3-4 days, like everywhere I turn. Turns out it was Jerome Tang, who I had never seen or even heard of before that week. Seemed like a really good guy, and clearly very well liked by KSU nation. Pretty big shoes to fill after Bruce Weber, but he's off to an impressive start.
I would add that LSU, Western Kentucky, Akron and their fans were also staying at the place, and fit really was a good bunch of kids and people. I also got to see what 7'5, 210 pounds looks like up close and personal. This guy's physique made the Diaz twins look like a couple of offensive tackles.