Keith Jackson, Bob Greise et al..


Head Coach
Nov 5, 2003
All right everyone have at me...but, enough with the in game interviews. Never comfortable and take away from the game. Poor Keith saying he thought Billy Sims would lead Oklahoma to the win because Jack Ham was out with an injury and Penn State's defense would be lost without him just made poor Heribsreit have to act like a caring great grandson instead of calling the game.....
That was sad. Not to make fun of him, but Keith Jackson was Grandpa Simpson, or the Grandpa from South Park who calls everyone "Billy". He was just talking jibberish. Hated to see that. That being said, he was as cogent as Dick Groat is.

No one can beat Father time. No one.
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They had him on way too long. It was painful to listen to. Not sure if anyone remembers when they had former President Reagan calling a part of the all star game. But this was comparable.
Exactly. Surely they knew he would have trouble stringing sentences together. Should have been 2-3 questions and congratulations on his storied carrier.

Also to end they should have asked him to say "whooaaa nelly"

They had him on way too long. It was painful to listen to. Not sure if anyone remembers when they had former President Reagan calling a part of the all star game. But this was comparable.
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Exactly. Surely they knew he would have trouble stringing sentences together. Should have been 2-3 questions and congratulations on his storied carrier.

Also to end they should have asked to say "whooaaa nelly"
They should have taped it....

That was brutal and no disrespect because he was one of the best ever.....but jeez didn't ANYBODY in that booth or producing that show have a clue???

After about the second question Herbie had to be thinking how do I end this gracefully.
They had him on way too long. It was painful to listen to. Not sure if anyone remembers when they had former President Reagan calling a part of the all star game. But this was comparable.
LMAO--that Reagan moment is EXACTLY what i was thinking when poor old Keith was speaking. "Jo-zee Can-sick-co"......I have utmost respect for KJ, he was the voice of college football as I know it and he is sorely missed, but they should never have put him on the air. The body language of Herbie and Fowler while Keith was speaking said it all.
LMAO--that Reagan moment is EXACTLY what i was thinking when poor old Keith was speaking. "Jo-zee Can-sick-co"......I have utmost respect for KJ, he was the voice of college football as I know it and he is sorely missed, but they should never have put him on the air. The body language of Herbie and Fowler while Keith was speaking said it all.
Very painful to watch. Fowler can't shine his shoes.
It was painful in the way of visiting your grandparents that you idolozided your entire life, living in a nursing home. That said, he was at the granddaddy of them all and I soaked in that moment as a college education football fan
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the funniest was Jackson's closing comment about the dangers of over-saturation of the market with too many games on TV. Idiot Herbie & Fowler (and the rest of ESPN) were cringing big time on that one.
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All right everyone have at me...but, enough with the in game interviews. Never comfortable and take away from the game. Poor Keith saying he thought Billy Sims would lead Oklahoma to the win because Jack Ham was out with an injury and Penn State's defense would be lost without him just made poor Heribsreit have to act like a caring great grandson instead of calling the game.....
They should be ashamed for having put him on there.
the funniest was Jackson's closing comment about the dangers of over-saturation of the market with too many games on TV. Idiot Herbie & Fowler (and the rest of ESPN) were cringing big time on that one.
along those lines I sure was more familiar with the teams of the PAC10 30 years ago and more interested in the Rose Bowl then than I am today now that I have access to a multitude of Pac12 games week in week out...
They should have taped it....

That was brutal and no disrespect because he was one of the best ever.....but jeez didn't ANYBODY in that booth or producing that show have a clue???

After about the second question Herbie had to be thinking how do I end this gracefully.

That would have been great if he kept on referring to Herbie as "Billy".
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Very painful to watch. Fowler can't shine his shoes.
Fowler is pretty good, knows his stuff for a play by play man unlike Musberger, but KJ is a legend. he wasn't the best Xs and Os guy but he was the voice of college football for sure, much like Mel Allen was the voice of MLB for so long.
All right everyone have at me...but, enough with the in game interviews. Never comfortable and take away from the game. Poor Keith saying he thought Billy Sims would lead Oklahoma to the win because Jack Ham was out with an injury and Penn State's defense would be lost without him just made poor Heribsreit have to act like a caring great grandson instead of calling the game.....
ESPN has been sucking Big Time on such Non-Game Salutes that miss great plays in games they Broadcasted. They also put up Graphics and keep them up too long missing some plays. Keith Jackson couldn't talk and did not know where he was at and these salutes to overpaid, overrated, and over arrogant Broadcasters stinks compare to the Players playing the game. ESPN lost many Subscribers this year and they should know why.....they think it is about them, but it is about the game, players, and fans watching the games, not those shames of salutes to them????

Did the same thing in NU-PITT Games too!
the funniest was Jackson's closing comment about the dangers of over-saturation of the market with too many games on TV. Idiot Herbie & Fowler (and the rest of ESPN) were cringing big time on that one.
Thought the same thing. Good for Keith. ESPN bigwigs did not like that comment, but it is the truth. I did feel bad for him though.
Keith Jackson couldn't talk and did not know where he was at and these salutes to overpaid, overrated, and over arrogant Broadcasters stinks compare to the Players playing the game.

Just to clarify, you aren't saying Jackson is arrogant and overrated, right? The ESPN crews are generally average at best but I have no problem paying tribute to greats like Jackson and Lundquist. Musberger will warrant the same when he hangs it up, even if he has slipped a bit in recent years. I just don't see any of the younger national play by play guys having nearly the same impact as these broadcasting icons.
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"CaptainMurphy, post: 1747649, member: 1768"]Just to clarify, you aren't saying Jackson is arrogant and overrated, right?
No, Jackson old school but they treated him like a Pet, ESPN just sucks more every day.

The ESPN crews are generally average at best but I have no problem paying tribute to greats like Jackson and Lundquist.
I agree, but that was not a Tribute and it missed the game, it is about the game, not Annoucers and Good Annoucers know how to do both, neither of them did, they put themselves ahead of the game. .

Musberger will warrant the same when he hangs it up, even if he has slipped a bit in recent years.
Jimmy Greek once punched him out and he deserved it. Musky is better than most ESPN today.

I just don't see any of the younger national play by play guys having nearly the same impact as these broadcasting icons.
ESPN has been sucking Big Time on such Non-Game Salutes that miss great plays in games they Broadcasted. They also put up Graphics and keep them up too long missing some plays. Keith Jackson couldn't talk and did not know where he was at and these salutes to overpaid, overrated, and over arrogant Broadcasters stinks compare to the Players playing the game. ESPN lost many Subscribers this year and they should know why.....they think it is about them, but it is about the game, players, and fans watching the games, not those shames of salutes to them????

Did the same thing in NU-PITT Games too!

Was it ESPN/college football game that had eminem on for one of these interviews? That was the worse.
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Was it ESPN/college football game that had eminem on for one of these interviews? That was the worse.
ESPN is losing Subscribers so fast they have hired many Consultants and then there are Consultant's Broadcasters have hired on their own. They are trying to relate so much to everything they have forgotten how to let the game be the the featured product and let the Coaches and Players be the Prime Entertainers.

They miss plays using graphics and staying up too long, they ignore plays as Eninem or Keith Jackson talk about nothing relevant to the current game, and they stink on their analysis and taking 5 minutes to get calls right, and even then get the calls wrongs many times.

Even there score graphics below are so lame as they give scores of FCS Games, or statistics no one can read, and then go on to other Sports like Soccer no one cares about, pure nonsense, stupidity, and think they are informing when they are actually boring and don't do their Homework anyway before the games.

I once talked to some Big Wigs at a Network and ask why can't they hire a Local announcer like Hillgrove from Pitt then another from Penn state like Jack Ham and then have a National Announcer in between that way they have 2 informative Announcers that follow the Programs and share and argue together.

They said the Major Advertisers like to go out with their FB Announcers all week in New York and talk about Football and get Autographs and take pictures with them and that is how it works??? Pure stupidity, it is like we have our format, we do what Insiders wants, and forget the Fans watching......well those are the customers today and you are losing them because of your ego's, afraid to change, and hiring Announcers that won't speak their minds on bad calls, afraid to offend, and talking about Enema Eninem insights are more important than the Game playing.

Here is what many do not know, most Football Games last 11 to 17 Minutes from Hike to Whistle in actual play. everything else is filler, play calling, crowd showing, cheerleaders, and TV promotions? I have quit watching the NFL until the late 4th Quarter. On CFB I like to watch the entire game but that is changing now.

If most plays are taking 10 Seconds or less, do you think they can concentrate on them when they are happening and figure out, tell your Guest wait, until the Play is over? Howard Cosell was able to do it on Monday Night Football.

I now do what a Sports Lawyer told me to do, I streaming Radio Broadcasts from the other Teams Radio Analysts and learning what they say, praise, or talk about Pitt but learn far more about the Coaches, Players, Pitt is playing. I call it Educational Football Sharing and it is far more interesting than watching the ESPN games.

ESPN Format and now Game Announcing is a liability to them and they lack credibility the more they use the formats and duds on the show that can't dress even right anymore. They just stink and Local Radio Broadcasts Streaming is so much informative about the Players, Coaches, Universities, and Programs.
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That was sad. Not to make fun of him, but Keith Jackson was Grandpa Simpson, or the Grandpa from South Park who calls everyone "Billy". He was just talking jibberish. Hated to see that. That being said, he was as cogent as Dick Groat is.

No one can beat Father time. No one.
and Dick is calling our games
and Dick is calling our games
Groat is informative and Hillgrove is exciting for Pitt & Steelers and Cope was entertaining and Keith Jackson and Howard Cosell all help Build CFB & NFL into Enjoyable Content because they let the Game & Players being on the Air even when doing Interviews, and interrupted comments by Guests that stood by until plays were over.

Instead of ESPN getting better they really need a change at Top Management just like the did when a 30 Year ESPN Executive laughed at Big ten's Jim Delany when he said pay and show our games or we will create our own network.....that Dummy does not work at ESPN anymore...they need another change now.

The Game makes Sports Entertaining not any one Entertainer at anytime and anywhere, ESPN brought this on themselves!
You guys are essentially jerks Respect elders don't crush them like you smart asses do here. What jerks and jagoffs. Your day will come punks
Young Men like that ESPN 30 Year CEO way back then....Think Old Men are Fools, but Old Men know Young Men are Fools like that Dummy at ESPN back when he worked there and help create the Big Ten Network with Fox Sports on his own Arrogant Stupidity!

ESPN's Management, Producers and Announcers are doing in their own Network and nobody else. Much like The Fan 93.7 Management too. The Games are important not Announcers that are hired to describe them.

The Major Networks, like the Music Industry, and TV now are becoming Dying Dinosaurs not adapting to ever changing environment caused by High Tech meteoric rising impacts and it is still about the Game not ESPN Personalities, just like the overpaid, overrated, and over advertised News Anchors of today.

There is a saying....."When You Want Sell Manure Advertise it!"

ESPN is selling Manure more than the Game these days! The Game sells itself except when the Broadcasts mess it up!
You guys are essentially jerks Respect elders don't crush them like you smart asses do here. What jerks and jagoffs. Your day will come punks
time and a place for said respect...time not during the Rose Bowl play by play telecast.
Groat is informative and Hillgrove is exciting for Pitt & Steelers and Cope was entertaining and Keith Jackson and Howard Cosell all help Build CFB & NFL into Enjoyable Content because they let the Game & Players being on the Air even when doing Interviews, and interrupted comments by Guests that stood by until plays were over.

Instead of ESPN getting better they really need a change at Top Management just like the did when a 30 Year ESPN Executive laughed at Big ten's Jim Delany when he said pay and show our games or we will create our own network.....that Dummy does not work at ESPN anymore...they need another change now.

The Game makes Sports Entertaining not any one Entertainer at anytime and anywhere, ESPN brought this on themselves!
I'm.sorry Captain, but listening to Hillgrove call a Pitt football game is a lesson in futility.
He misses by yards now, the play is over before he calls it. He doesn't call the actual play and he just flat out whiffs on many plays.
He should retire and do the sideline stuff if he wants to stay active.
All right everyone have at me...but, enough with the in game interviews. Never comfortable and take away from the game. Poor Keith saying he thought Billy Sims would lead Oklahoma to the win because Jack Ham was out with an injury and Penn State's defense would be lost without him just made poor Heribsreit have to act like a caring great grandson instead of calling the game.....
I honestly could not understand what Keith was saying and was utterly embarrassed for him. I could not believe they kept on trying to interview him. That was shameful
"Saboteur, post: 1748770, member: 5688"]I'm.sorry Captain, but listening to Hillgrove call a Pitt football game is a lesson in futility.
I understand and it is a personal thing and private taste and no question I admit I am bias. I have great memories of his Broadcasts in 1976 when I was driving Home Back from PSU Game and listen to him describe "The Hawks" NCAA Breaking Year after his last game at PITT before the Heisman and NCS Game. It was a Tribute I can never forget.

I thank you for your posts and views here too, you are a true Fan of CFB and Pitt and always agree or disagree with respect. This is enough for me and why it is a pleasure to read, share, and learn on the Lair. There Are A Few Of Us Older Posters Of Yesterday & The New Posters Are Pitt's Tomorrows. I always defer to the future of Pitt!

Myron Cope had to be told by the steeler's to hang it up, Joe Paterno refused and it came back on him for ignoring it, and maybe Bill Hillgrove time has come, and others will judge it not me.

He misses by yards now, the play is over before he calls it. He doesn't call the actual play and he just flat out whiffs on many plays. He should retire and do the sideline stuff if he wants to stay active.
I can't and nor will attempt to defend Old Age and I accept that it is always a Young Turks Game being one myself a long time ago.

I listen to Johnny Cash Songs Lyrics on when it becomes Time to end what was once thoughts and dreams that have long since gone by without regret and just cherish That's Life as Times Are A Changing. Happens to all especially Athletes.

"I Cannot Move A Mountain Now;
I Can No Longer Run.
I Cannot Be Who I Was Then:
In A Way, I Never Was."
September Comes Lyrics!

Good Honest Post!
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I honestly could not understand what Keith was saying and was utterly embarrassed for him. I could not believe they kept on trying to interview him. That was shameful
That's what I saw as well. And I have utmost respect for KJ. That was just a really bad play by the network that had the net effect of tarnishing a sports icon's image. No other way to characterize it.
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That's what I saw as well. And I have utmost respect for KJ. That was just a really bad play by the network that had the net effect of tarnishing a sports icon's image. No other way to characterize it.
Exactly, and the two ESPN Jerks & Producer that kept doing it while not allowing the TV Fans to see the progress in the Game being Run was not Professional, just outright condescending and not doing their jobs in following the Game?

They should apologize but too afraid to do it!

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