And the unbelievably way that Narduzzi blew Pickett's redshirt. The lack of attention to details like that. Pickett is having some rough times, but essentially he should be a RS Freshman.
Yeah I know he won the Miami game, but hindsight, that was another of those "big Pitt wins" that did absolutely NOTHING for the program, and in fact probably damaged it because Narduzzi for some reason got a ridiculous 7 year extension. Why 7 years? Why do we always have to "go big" on mediocre coaches, but can't afford to pay good coaches?
Anyways.......all of the other stuff, but let's not forget this, this was a huge and glaring oversight and mistake by Narduzzi.
He is just not a Head Coach at this level.
Yeah I know he won the Miami game, but hindsight, that was another of those "big Pitt wins" that did absolutely NOTHING for the program, and in fact probably damaged it because Narduzzi for some reason got a ridiculous 7 year extension. Why 7 years? Why do we always have to "go big" on mediocre coaches, but can't afford to pay good coaches?
Anyways.......all of the other stuff, but let's not forget this, this was a huge and glaring oversight and mistake by Narduzzi.
He is just not a Head Coach at this level.