I didn't see the game yesterday but was shocked to see the score. I wasn't shocked that we lost, ND always always has good 3pt shooters and reminds me a little of Syracuse without the zone but I was surprised to see that we basically got blown out at home. We usually can compete with our toughness, defense and competitiveness especially when our offense struggles and the other team is shooting well. I'm hearing that we didn't have much if any of that yesterday. It might be most disappointing to hear that some of our key players didn't show the effort or competitive drive that Pitt has become known for.... There's no excuse for that and the players and coach has to be held accountable.
Therefore, when the coach continues to talk about immaturity and not knowing how to handle success, I thought I knew what he's referring to. I thought he was referring to a team that may become complacent, not work as hard as they need to, lack of focus, under estimate their competition, etc.... but I'm starting to rethink that. I'm now wondering if players on this team (and maybe last's year team) are having trouble with understanding or even accepting their roles on this team. Again, I didn't see the game yesterday but I'm starting to get the sense that certain players have an expectation as to what success they need on this team to reach their goals. This is not unique since all major programs have several stars and it's the job of the coach to set expectations and manage to these issues. I'm always impressed how Kentucky, NC, Duke, etc... can continue to recruit multiple 4 and 5 stars players each year and somehow keep them all happy.
We don't have any 4 and 5 stars but when you're young and find your name in the paper after having a great game, that can be good or bad. It's great if helps you believe in yourself and what you're capable of doing, however, it can be bad if you feel you need to do that every night and/or get frustrated or even a little jealous with you see another name(s) getting the attention. If you think about it, X, Toney, Tres, Justin and even Horton all have had good and even great games and I think it bothers them when they don't and it shows on both sides of the court. That's a sign of immaturity and a coach has to be all over this.
I don't know for sure if this is the issue but I'm starting to get concerned. This is a key part of coaching and I know that Coach Capel understand this since he's publicly stated that he had worked with X and his role on the team. Saying that, this may continue to be an issue for X as others regarding their ability to accept their role and other's on the team.
Therefore, when the coach continues to talk about immaturity and not knowing how to handle success, I thought I knew what he's referring to. I thought he was referring to a team that may become complacent, not work as hard as they need to, lack of focus, under estimate their competition, etc.... but I'm starting to rethink that. I'm now wondering if players on this team (and maybe last's year team) are having trouble with understanding or even accepting their roles on this team. Again, I didn't see the game yesterday but I'm starting to get the sense that certain players have an expectation as to what success they need on this team to reach their goals. This is not unique since all major programs have several stars and it's the job of the coach to set expectations and manage to these issues. I'm always impressed how Kentucky, NC, Duke, etc... can continue to recruit multiple 4 and 5 stars players each year and somehow keep them all happy.
We don't have any 4 and 5 stars but when you're young and find your name in the paper after having a great game, that can be good or bad. It's great if helps you believe in yourself and what you're capable of doing, however, it can be bad if you feel you need to do that every night and/or get frustrated or even a little jealous with you see another name(s) getting the attention. If you think about it, X, Toney, Tres, Justin and even Horton all have had good and even great games and I think it bothers them when they don't and it shows on both sides of the court. That's a sign of immaturity and a coach has to be all over this.
I don't know for sure if this is the issue but I'm starting to get concerned. This is a key part of coaching and I know that Coach Capel understand this since he's publicly stated that he had worked with X and his role on the team. Saying that, this may continue to be an issue for X as others regarding their ability to accept their role and other's on the team.