A large line of credit or working capital! We have for years lived off a budget of what comes in gets spent. With no profit coming in we have never been able to spend to upgrade the coaches on staff. Unless of course, we get lucky. If we had say a $10 million cash infusion to hire a Dan Mullen and staff, (I'm not advocating firing Narduzi at this time) the increase in attendance and game day revenue and ancillary revenue would pay for it 10x over. But we keep hearing Pitt doesn't have that type of money. Well, it takes money to make money in every business in America, especially the business of major college athletics! We would never get an Urban Meyer, but what if we did? Don't you think we'd get 68,00 at Heinz? If we won 10 games per year we wouldn't get the following? Please don't state attendance figures in the late 70's early 80's. Times have changed. We speak of donations? More are likely to come in to support Pitt. Will this ever happen? Of course not. But in reality, the only way to rebuild this program in the current state of NCAA athletics is a major infusion of faith in what you are doing and cash. Not "what we can afford"