Listened to Pastners presser ..getting tired of


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001
these opponent coaches saying Pitt is young...they run great sets...we have a hard time preparing for them..yea right ...they love it and are burying us as they say it
Coach pressers are for the most part a waste of time. They rarely tell the truth.

Ya, Coach K said good things about Stallings after his team ran the Panthers out of the freaken buildin!

He probably does respect KS for real tho b/c he's been coaching for a long time but it doesn't mean he agrees with the hire by Pitt tho...
Why wouldn’t opposition coaches compliment?

It’s the easiest team they will face .
The gt players already gave up the ghost- their scout team is harder to play against.

Exactly. Remember how mad paterno was when we fired Fazio? Said he couldn't believe we fired such a good coach. But he hated Jackie Sherrill. Wonder why? One kicked his arse and the other was incompetent.

I'm convinced that's why we continually here such praise for Stallings from opposing coaches