Maryland President-UNC Death Penalty


Nov 6, 2015

Interesting that a Big 10 President would give an opinion relating to UNC in regards to getting the death penalty for the academic scandal being part of the conference with Penn St who got a slap on the wrist for quite possibly one of the biggest sports scandals in history.

And I am not defending UNC, I have said numerous times they are one of the Colleges I think cheats the most so I don't care if they do or do not get the death penalty. They would deserve whatever comes their way frankly.

But after Penn St got off without the death penalty, I don't know how any college/university will ever get it going forward.

Interesting that a Big 10 President would give an opinion relating to UNC in regards to getting the death penalty for the academic scandal being part of the conference with Penn St who got a slap on the wrist for quite possibly one of the biggest sports scandals in history.

And I am not defending UNC, I have said numerous times they are one of the Colleges I think cheats the most so I don't care if they do or do not get the death penalty. They would deserve whatever comes their way frankly.

But after Penn St got off without the death penalty, I don't know how any college/university will ever get it going forward.
Yeah, that was the perfect opportunity for the UNC president to ask whether Maryland's president had the same opinion re: the Nits and their football program.

As ugly as UNC's academic scandal remains, it pales in comparison to what went on in State College, PA, where the participants in their scandal were either found to be guilty or died.
So if he feels UNC should get the death penalty for academic cheating he must feel that Pedo St should be completely shut down for covering up a child rapist!
Huge difference here. It just so happens that Maryland is in the BIG now, with the Peds as his brethren. You better believe he wouldn't be saying this if Maryland was still in the ACC.

He's entitled to his opinion but there will never be another death penalty. This was proven when the Peds didn't get it.
"pitt2533, post: 1869192, member: 22646"] Interesting that a Big 10 President would give an opinion relating to UNC in regards to getting the death penalty for the academic scandal being part of the conference with Penn St who got a slap on the wrist for quite possibly one of the biggest sports scandals in history.
It Was, Still is and Always will be The Worst College Football Scandal in History, and it will take a far more bigger Scandal to ever overcome the Shaming of Penn State Name to win 409 Legacy of Stains of Pain for Children allow to be molested in Silence even after being told it was happening?

Penn State has paid a heavy Price to do a 409 Clean Up...Investigations in Millions Payments, Lack Of Insurance Costs Coverage, Convictions, Sealed Settlements, NCAA, DOE, DOJ Fine$ & Lawyers Fees, 116 Athletic Integrity Reforms Costs, Free Admissions Applications, Attendance Losses, Big Ten Bowl Ban & Funds Not Shared, PSU Buyout Losses, Court Case Losses, Higher Salaries for Many Administrators, New Coaching & Staffing, Athletic Director & Her Staffing, Director Of Ethics Compliance & Athletic Integrity Officer & Staffing, NCAA Sanctions Monitor & Staff Costs, The Second Mile Dissociation Costs Funds Dissolution, Student Riots Costs, Continued Civil Lawsuits Costs Still Undermined And Most Of All The Paterno Statue Removal Costs proved all of it was indeed a Football Scandal along with Big Ten removing Paterno's name from the Big Ten Championship Trophy, again proving it was the Greatest Sports Scandal to date in World History?

No one removed Penn State Firrst Mascot Old Coaly The Mule Bones that helped build The Pennsylvania Farmer;s High School Old Main in State College? Coaly's Bones are still there and his Ghost too looking down on those that Shamed Dear Old State's Name, as Franco seeks Due Process and Albert Lord looks down on "So-Called 7 Figure Net Worth Victims" caused by his Alma Mater that cause him to resign in disgrace?

And I am not defending UNC, I have said numerous times they are one of the Colleges I think cheats the most so I don't care if they do or do not get the death penalty. They would deserve whatever comes their way frankly.
Well, that is fine, but Maryland President first ran Maryland Athletics into financial disasters, had to paid the ACC $35 million to leave, and then was proven wrong claiming to be an Legal Wizard on Liquidated Damages Clauses and lost that legal costs of his litigation by running to the Big Ten doing back room deals not exactly becoming a bastion of beauty looking for more cash at the cost of his own character of any University President himself and hard to see him ripping on UNC with his own record in ill repute?

But after Penn St got off without the death penalty, I don't know how any college/university will ever get it going forward.
The Death Penalty was not smart in the first place and the NCAA is on record it ever gave it to SMU, don't forget the NCAA did not investigate Penn State when it had and decided to miss chances to do it, and in fact anointed Paterno 409 Wins by making sure Bobby Bowden lost 15 of his, and FSU President got rid of bobby back laughed his way to Penn State doubling his own Salary as he covered up for Winston's own problems and has experience on doing that kind of thing?

Baylor's Scandal is bad but it won't be as bad as Penn State hard to ever top it!
Huge difference here. It just so happens that Maryland is in the BIG now, with the Peds as his brethren. You better believe he wouldn't be saying this if Maryland was still in the ACC.


As I understand it, years of long-standing animus between Maryland and the Tobacco Road schools (particularly UNC) precipitated the Terps' decision to bolt the ACC. That wouldn't have anything to do with his point of view, now would it?
Penn State. Baylor. Miami's repeat offenses. UNC's outwardly obvious academic fraud. It is obvious that the NCAA just is no longer in the policing business of college athletics anymore.
Penn state and Baylor should've been the only schools to ever be considered for the death penalty. The NCAA even said after SMU they realized how crippling and severe that punishment was. Well in the cases of psu and Baylor, something that severe needed to be done. Carolina though, no chance and it shouldn't even be in the discussion.

They should be punished severely. They literally undermined the integrity of collegiate athletics by basically eliminating the collegiate part. Phony classes and diploma mill degrees are small violations. IMO they should be ineligible from post season play for a long time. But when you're talking death penalty, it's gotta be something so above and beyond what goes on at almost every big money athletics program at any university.

Interesting that a Big 10 President would give an opinion relating to UNC in regards to getting the death penalty for the academic scandal being part of the conference with Penn St who got a slap on the wrist for quite possibly one of the biggest sports scandals in history.

And I am not defending UNC, I have said numerous times they are one of the Colleges I think cheats the most so I don't care if they do or do not get the death penalty. They would deserve whatever comes their way frankly.

But after Penn St got off without the death penalty, I don't know how any college/university will ever get it going forward.
UNC sacrificed the mission of the university for sports. Thats as bad as it gets. Why have a college. They should get the worst punishment of all time.
I am always amazed at how often highly intelligent over educated people say really stupid things.

Wallace Loh is a dope.
As I understand it, years of long-standing animus between Maryland and the Tobacco Road schools (particularly UNC) precipitated the Terps' decision to bolt the ACC. That wouldn't have anything to do with his point of view, now would it?

That's not why Maryland left. They left because they were broke. That's it.
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UNC sacrificed the mission of the university for sports. Thats as bad as it gets. Why have a college. They should get the worst punishment of all time.
UNC is still considered a better school than Pitt. And with another NC notched on its lipstick case, It's an even wealthier one now, given the loads of money from more donations, merchandise sales, higher ticket prices etc, because they won. Much of which can then benefit the real university.

Nobody confuses college sports with the actual university. It's pro sports that the school advertises itself on, like the Tide logo on a race car. The coaches and players (and in our case even the ADs), of the sports that matter anyway, are renegades out for the best deal. Nobody but perhaps the walk ons are actually concerned about the education.

The NCAA gets a cut of that money too, and isn't about to cook the golden goose. It might pluck a symbolic feather so it can beat its chest. Too "tough" though, and UNC, heck the entire state, will file PSUesque lawsuits, and the NCAA will shrivel like George Costanza in a cold pool.

More likely, before it gets that far again , UNC will propose to 'self sanction' itself and nail its lacrosse or synchronized swimming team with scholarship cuts.
Death penalty will never be used again. It is too harsh and almost impossible to come back from. NCAA won't go that route ever again.
UNC sacrificed the mission of the university for sports. Thats as bad as it gets. Why have a college. They should get the worst punishment of all time.

As bad as it gets???? Right athletic employees and school president covering up children being raped by a monster football coach is nothing compared to the mission of the university.

No one is defending UNC as I said in my post. I don't care what happens to them. As far as I am concerned they cheat as bad as any university out there.