Montae Nicholson officially lost his starting job at MSU

The "two hand touch" comment by the Sparty fan, and the comment that he wasn't physical in HS is the biggest concern. Most of the guys Narduzzi is recruiting are guys who are willing to run through a wall. We don't know how Narduzzi feels about his toughness, but that will be key to him coming here or not if he decides to transfer.
You could be right too. I'm just saying after hearing rumors, if it's true, there is no point in still playing him. Didn't mean to make it sound like I know what's going on, but if they think and/or know he's going to leave, he realistically has probably played his last snap there and will just be a bystander for the rest of the season.

Think about that for a minute Pittx9. I think every coach is going to play whoever think can best help them win today. They aren't going to change the roster based on who is going to be around next year. Otherwise, why not just go ahead and bench every senior?