Much respect for Duke and their coach. Conner related

That's very cool. Thanks for passing it along.

Hard not to like Cutcliffe and root for Duke football. he has done wonders there.
That said, you didn't show the postscript at the bottom: P.S.: "BTW James, when you recover, if you're interested in talking transfer, hit me up on my cell at 919-BLU-DEVL. I look forward to your call!"
PS glad youre out...we dont need you putting 4-5 TD's up on us again...whew...Thanks again
David Cutcliffe has always been a class act and one of the best offensive coaches in the country for quite some time now. Already had a very impressive track record and now look at what he's done with Duke.
As long as you're talking about Coach Cut, I can get on board with this. Coach Rat Face, on the other hand... Not so much.