Narduzzi Alliance 412 interview

Love how duzz is still willing to shite on players and coaches that have already left
Love how duzz is still willing to shite on players and coaches that have already left
I’m not watching an hour of that, so I can’t speak specifically on that interview. I will say that is a big reason that I think he is a jackass.
I'm not sure pitt is doing him favors my publishing this.. .

Says California plays a soft brand of foot all so won't recruit it. Glad we play cal and Stanford.

Says the roster is better because they ran off some bad players. Calls them weeds.

If you like Duzz "telling it like it is" then this interview is for you.

If you think Duzz should be more diplomatic to not burn so many bridges, then this video is for you too.
Listen, Pat should be worried about 1 thing only, winning more than 5 this year which will be an uphill battle. His recruiting sucks, his attitude towards former players sucks, I think his philosophy towards football in general is dated and sucks. But, if he wins 8-9 games, he’ll be at Pitt in perpetuity. If this thing goes off the rails again and they win 3-4 games, the pressure is going to be back on Heather to answer some tough questions.

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