1. 30 second shot clock
- We all knew this was coming. I dont agree with it. Neither does Andy Toole:
“In college basketball (as opposed to the NBA), the skill level isn't the same and it takes time for guys to make decisions,” Toole said. “It takes time to break down defenses. Guys are not as talented to create their own shot. Teams that play zone (defense) will have an advantage because it's harder to find shots against a zone. (Offensive players) need more time to find a good shot.”
2. Teams can only carry-over 3 TO's to the 2nd half instead of 4.
- I like this a lot. We need to eliminate overcoaching and let the players think for themselves more. This also will cut down the game time although it'll probably incent coaches to call an extra TO in the first half since they don't like them at half....so maybe it wont have as much of an effect
3. TO's called within 30 seconds of a scheduled media TO will take the place of the media TO.
- I like this more. For years, I've been saying they should eliminate 1 TV TO per half. Most posters thought that was a dumb idea because sponsors wouldn't go for less commercials but that's what they are doing here. If you call a TO with 8:28 left in the game, for example, that becomes the TV TO so instead of the sponsors getting a few commercials in at 8:28 and then at 7:57, the 7:57 break is eliminated. Less commercials. Faster game. Fantastic. I'm going to start charging for some of these ideas.
4. Coaches won't be allowed to call TO's in live ball situations.
- I dont care much.
5. The 10 second to get the ball across halfcourt rule does not reset after a timeout or other stoppage.
- I guess it makes sense but I dont like the idea of a foul being called with say, 7 seconds left on the 10 seconds, and the team has to make it the whole way down the court in only 7 seconds. I think the shot clock should be used and the buzzer go off when it reaches 25 so its easy to tell. Teams like Louisville and VCU will really benefit from this.
6. Teams only get 15 seconds instead of 20 to sub in a player after a foul-out and referrees will award a 1 shot technical foul after one warning if teams do not comply.
- I doubt this will be enforced.
7. Video reviews can be used for potential shot-clock violations
- Good.
8. Video replays can be used to penalize players for "flopping."
- Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. People knock soccer all the time because players fake injuries to try to get the other team carded. Flopping in basketball is the closest thing. It shouldn't be part of the game. Its not good defense. Lets get rid of it!
9. Class B technical fouls, such as hanging on the rim and delay of game will be 1 shot instead of 2.
- OK. Not a big deal.
10. Players can dunk during warmups now.
- dont care much
11. No more 5-second closely guarded rule
- I like the 5 second rule though but you rarely see it called.
12. NIT, CBI, and CIT will use 6 fouls.
- I think 5 is enough.
- We all knew this was coming. I dont agree with it. Neither does Andy Toole:
“In college basketball (as opposed to the NBA), the skill level isn't the same and it takes time for guys to make decisions,” Toole said. “It takes time to break down defenses. Guys are not as talented to create their own shot. Teams that play zone (defense) will have an advantage because it's harder to find shots against a zone. (Offensive players) need more time to find a good shot.”
2. Teams can only carry-over 3 TO's to the 2nd half instead of 4.
- I like this a lot. We need to eliminate overcoaching and let the players think for themselves more. This also will cut down the game time although it'll probably incent coaches to call an extra TO in the first half since they don't like them at half....so maybe it wont have as much of an effect
3. TO's called within 30 seconds of a scheduled media TO will take the place of the media TO.
- I like this more. For years, I've been saying they should eliminate 1 TV TO per half. Most posters thought that was a dumb idea because sponsors wouldn't go for less commercials but that's what they are doing here. If you call a TO with 8:28 left in the game, for example, that becomes the TV TO so instead of the sponsors getting a few commercials in at 8:28 and then at 7:57, the 7:57 break is eliminated. Less commercials. Faster game. Fantastic. I'm going to start charging for some of these ideas.
4. Coaches won't be allowed to call TO's in live ball situations.
- I dont care much.
5. The 10 second to get the ball across halfcourt rule does not reset after a timeout or other stoppage.
- I guess it makes sense but I dont like the idea of a foul being called with say, 7 seconds left on the 10 seconds, and the team has to make it the whole way down the court in only 7 seconds. I think the shot clock should be used and the buzzer go off when it reaches 25 so its easy to tell. Teams like Louisville and VCU will really benefit from this.
6. Teams only get 15 seconds instead of 20 to sub in a player after a foul-out and referrees will award a 1 shot technical foul after one warning if teams do not comply.
- I doubt this will be enforced.
7. Video reviews can be used for potential shot-clock violations
- Good.
8. Video replays can be used to penalize players for "flopping."
- Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. People knock soccer all the time because players fake injuries to try to get the other team carded. Flopping in basketball is the closest thing. It shouldn't be part of the game. Its not good defense. Lets get rid of it!
9. Class B technical fouls, such as hanging on the rim and delay of game will be 1 shot instead of 2.
- OK. Not a big deal.
10. Players can dunk during warmups now.
- dont care much
11. No more 5-second closely guarded rule
- I like the 5 second rule though but you rarely see it called.
12. NIT, CBI, and CIT will use 6 fouls.
- I think 5 is enough.