NFL Fan Fight thread

Not a widespread issue? There's 0 in college football. 0 in European soccer. And just isolated ones in the other American sports. There has been 1 death this season and there will be more.
Post the stats, how many fights at NFL stadiums yesterday? How many total this season? Last season's totals? Totals by team? Provide links? Proof?

European soccer zero? lol! I guess you don't count the gang fights in the street before and after the games :)
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Post the stats, how many fights at NFL stadiums yesterday? How many total this season? Last season's totals? Totals by team? Provide links? Proof?

European soccer zero? lol! I guess you don't count the gang fights in the street before and after the games :)

The NFL doesn't keep fan fight stats but I would say probably an average of 2 per game. The 49ers definitely have to lead the league though.
This is exactly what I said. If the NFL is going to continue to serve alcohol and allow rival fans to sit next to each other, they need to put an octagon in each stadium and monetize these fights.

Not a widespread issue? There's 0 in college football. 0 in European soccer. And just isolated ones in the other American sports. There has been 1 death this season and there will be more.
None????? Lololololololol my a$$
The NFL doesn't keep fan fight stats but I would say probably an average of 2 per game. The 49ers definitely have to lead the league though.
You would say? Based on what?

Also PROVE there are no fights at college football or European soccer, I've seen a fight at a Pitt game before.
there are about 100 on youtube but they are all age restricted. european soccer fans fighting take it to another level. not drunk fat guys swinging and missing but riots in the streets and stands where you need to censor it online for people under 18..

you trying to sell this as an American professional football fan issue only might be the most ridiculous take you've had on here..
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there are about 100 on youtube but they are all age restricted. european soccer fans fighting take it to another level. not drunk fat guys swinging and missing but riots in the streets and stands where you need to censor it online for people under 18..

you trying to sell this as an American professional football fan issue only might be the most ridiculous take you've had on here..
Euro soccer stadiums have huge fences between segregated sections, so the fans don't kill each other, in American we sit all mixed together and there are very few fights.
there are about 100 on youtube but they are all age restricted. european soccer fans fighting take it to another level. not drunk fat guys swinging and missing but riots in the streets and stands where you need to censor it online for people under 18..

you trying to sell this as an American professional football fan issue only might be the most ridiculous take you've had on here..

Post them. You'll notice they arent in stadiums for 2 reasons:

1. Very few drunk people attend soccer matches. There's no tailgate scene and they are there to watch the game, not to get drunk.

2. Visiting fans are not allowed to sit with home fans.

There's bar fights and street fights all over the US every hour. That's great. I'm talking about stadium fights.
There's no tailgate scene and they are there to watch the game, not to get drunk.
Then there's no use going in person, you see the game better on TV, you can get stuff to eat and drink cheaper at home, it's a huge hassle to get to the stadium and fight through the crowds and traffic just to walk straight to your seat totally sober, better to have a tailgate BBQ in your back yard and watch on your 58" flat screen HD TV. the only reason to go in person is because it's an event, you go specifically for the party. It's not just about seeing the game.
There's bar fights and street fights all over the US every hour. That's great. I'm talking about stadium fights.
Like I said, I've been to over 70 pro football games and about the same number of college games and have seen maybe 3-4 actual fights close up, of course if something was happening on the other side of the stadium maybe I didn't see it, but from my anecdotal experience it's rare. and just like me, you have no stats, you're using anecdotal YouTube experiences and extrapolating that it's happening everywhere all the time, when it really isn't.