When you go away to school, it becomes your home and your friends become your family. It is it's own community and kids remember their four years there as the greatest times of their lives because in most cases it is the first time they have been on their own and away from their family.
Pitt is mostly commuter and hometown kids so there is none of what I typed above. Yes, there are many others that come from other places and stay the four years, but not as many as the other schools like PSU, OSU, WVU, etc.
Pitt is mostly commuter and hometown kids so there is none of what I typed above. Yes, there are many others that come from other places and stay the four years, but not as many as the other schools like PSU, OSU, WVU, etc.
Absolutely. I have mentioned this before. Part of the charm of college football Saturdays is when the alumni come back to town each weekend reliving memories. When you are a commuter, those memories are more of a traffic/parking nightmare. Plus, you lose something, the attachment as a commuter versus a resident student.