O.T. -- Adam Breneman, TE for the Nits, ends injury-plagued career.


By Adam Breneman

Dear Penn State,

What an exciting few years it has been. It seems like just yesterday that I was standing in the Cedar Cliff High School gym announcing my commitment to Penn State University. Prior to writing this letter, I spent time reflecting on the past three years, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts with all of you. There have been many memories along the way. The amazing support I have received from the fan base at Penn State has had an everlasting impact on me and my family. The journey has been amazing and unforgettable.

I will never forget the "rush" I felt when I committed to Coach O'Brien. I will never forget the tears I cried when the sanctions were announced on that summer day in 2012. I will never forget the look of pride in my parents' eyes when I told them I would stay committed to Penn State through thick and thin. I will never forget playing against Michigan in 2013 and winning one of the most exciting games in history. I will never forget the feeling I experienced when looking into the crowd after my first touchdown against Purdue. I will never forget scoring the 68-yard touchdown which led to our upset win against Wisconsin. I will never forget the way my heart sank when I received that last call from Coach O'Brien on New Year's Eve. I will never forget our first team meeting with Coach Franklin, or the trying times during this past season. These are just a few of the amazing memories I will forever cherish.

I have given everything I have to this great university and to you faithful fans. For some time I feared that the time would soon come when I would have to write this letter, and now it has become a reality. After very long and hard discussions with my doctors, coaches, trainers, family, and friends, we have come to the realization that now is the time for me to move on. Although I had successfully overcome multiple surgeries since 2010, the injury I sustained to my left knee in 2014 has been much more complicated.

I know many of you will be disappointed, which I understand, but I ask that none of you feel sorry for me. I have truly lived a dream at Penn State that so few people ever get to experience. I have played in huge games and scored touchdowns in front of the best fans in the country. I have played for some of the best coaches in the game.

Of course, I wish I could have contributed more on the field to this great school and to my teammates. I want nothing more than to make my teammates, my coaches, my family, and the amazing Penn State fans proud. I am not sure what the next chapter of my life will entail, but I promise no matter where I am or what I am doing, I will never ever stop fighting for Penn State.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever supported me during my career. Thank you to Coach Joe Paterno for first offering me a scholarship. Thank you to Coach Bill O'Brien for believing in me and constantly wanting the best for me. Thank you to Coach Franklin for supporting me and being there during the difficult times. And of course, none of this would ever be possible without the hard work and vision of my high school coach, Jim Cantafio.

Additionally, thank you to Tim Bream, Wes Sohns, Travis Baughman, Dr. Scott Lynch, Dr. Pete Seidenberg, Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli, Dr. Brian Bixler, and Dr. Brian Ulmer. The medical care I received throughout my career has been first-class. The people I named have supported me in so many ways and have fought for me when many have doubted. I will always be thankful for their hard work.

I have always said that what makes Penn State such a special place is the people. And the people that surrounded me during my time here are really what made my experience so special.

I will love Penn State and I will love the people of Penn State for as long as I live. A day will not go by that I do not wake up and thank God for sending me to this great school. I always knew since a young age this was the place I belonged. It did not always go the way I planned, but I trust this was the plan for me. I would rather go through the challenging times at Penn State than have any other experience anywhere else.

Thank you, Penn State. I will bleed blue and white forever and ever. I love you, Dear Old State, and I will forever be indebted to you.

For the glory,

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He is and always was a cultist. Not to be mean but I could give a rip. Lots of kids careers end early due to injury
A talented kid who deserved much better. Suffered his first of several knee injuries in high school, and never fulfilled what might have been a great career.

Best of luck to him down the road.

Ditto! Never want someone to lose their dream. Seems like a good and smart kid so I am sure he will do fine!

To hell with that punk kid. his open letter praising Jo(k)e Pa shows him to be another cultist. He cried over the sanctions.

*uck him and the horse he rode in on!
To hell with that punk kid. his open letter praising Jo(k)e Pa shows him to be another cultist. He cried over the sanctions.

*uck him and the horse he rode in on!
To hell with that punk kid. his open letter praising Jo(k)e Pa shows him to be another cultist. He cried over the sanctions.

*uck him and the horse he rode in on!
You never saw us saying this when Conner was diagnosed but whatever...
Real classy, taking shots at a kid after he learns he can never play the game he loves.
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The kid got a bad break. He was a top recruit that happened to love his school. There is no reason to wish anything but the best for the kid. I, personally, wish the kid the best in his future without football. It is a shame when a young person has illness or injury that hinders their dreams. It happens but it is a shame that it does. Good luck to Adam.
I stand by my comments, I could give a rip. I don't wish him ill, but could care less

By Adam Breneman

Dear Penn State,

What an exciting few years it has been. It seems like just yesterday that I was standing in the Cedar Cliff High School gym announcing my commitment to Penn State University. Prior to writing this letter, I spent time reflecting on the past three years, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts with all of you. There have been many memories along the way. The amazing support I have received from the fan base at Penn State has had an everlasting impact on me and my family. The journey has been amazing and unforgettable.

I will never forget the "rush" I felt when I committed to Coach O'Brien. I will never forget the tears I cried when the sanctions were announced on that summer day in 2012. I will never forget the look of pride in my parents' eyes when I told them I would stay committed to Penn State through thick and thin. I will never forget playing against Michigan in 2013 and winning one of the most exciting games in history. I will never forget the feeling I experienced when looking into the crowd after my first touchdown against Purdue. I will never forget scoring the 68-yard touchdown which led to our upset win against Wisconsin. I will never forget the way my heart sank when I received that last call from Coach O'Brien on New Year's Eve. I will never forget our first team meeting with Coach Franklin, or the trying times during this past season. These are just a few of the amazing memories I will forever cherish.

I have given everything I have to this great university and to you faithful fans. For some time I feared that the time would soon come when I would have to write this letter, and now it has become a reality. After very long and hard discussions with my doctors, coaches, trainers, family, and friends, we have come to the realization that now is the time for me to move on. Although I had successfully overcome multiple surgeries since 2010, the injury I sustained to my left knee in 2014 has been much more complicated.

I know many of you will be disappointed, which I understand, but I ask that none of you feel sorry for me. I have truly lived a dream at Penn State that so few people ever get to experience. I have played in huge games and scored touchdowns in front of the best fans in the country. I have played for some of the best coaches in the game.

Of course, I wish I could have contributed more on the field to this great school and to my teammates. I want nothing more than to make my teammates, my coaches, my family, and the amazing Penn State fans proud. I am not sure what the next chapter of my life will entail, but I promise no matter where I am or what I am doing, I will never ever stop fighting for Penn State.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever supported me during my career. Thank you to Coach Joe Paterno for first offering me a scholarship. Thank you to Coach Bill O'Brien for believing in me and constantly wanting the best for me. Thank you to Coach Franklin for supporting me and being there during the difficult times. And of course, none of this would ever be possible without the hard work and vision of my high school coach, Jim Cantafio.

Additionally, thank you to Tim Bream, Wes Sohns, Travis Baughman, Dr. Scott Lynch, Dr. Pete Seidenberg, Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli, Dr. Brian Bixler, and Dr. Brian Ulmer. The medical care I received throughout my career has been first-class. The people I named have supported me in so many ways and have fought for me when many have doubted. I will always be thankful for their hard work.

I have always said that what makes Penn State such a special place is the people. And the people that surrounded me during my time here are really what made my experience so special.

I will love Penn State and I will love the people of Penn State for as long as I live. A day will not go by that I do not wake up and thank God for sending me to this great school. I always knew since a young age this was the place I belonged. It did not always go the way I planned, but I trust this was the plan for me. I would rather go through the challenging times at Penn State than have any other experience anywhere else.

Thank you, Penn State. I will bleed blue and white forever and ever. I love you, Dear Old State, and I will forever be indebted to you.

For the glory,

Class Act, graduating and tribute to Penn State University & Football Program!
He cried over SANCTIONS, not the kids who were hurt.

I see where his feelings are. If you feel more strongly over football sanctions than innocent children hurt, you are a sick individual.

And so what if he did?

17-year-olds are not necessarily that high on wisdom or perspective. Yes, they will cry over things that are lost to THEM.

Here's to you also gaining some wisdom and perspective in future years.
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As a Pitt fan, I have met Adam on several occasions and can tell you he is an exceptional person whom is dedicated to his community, his church, and to his education...He deserves NO disrespect on this page! I wished him good luck around the time of commitment to PSU, and wish him good luck in his future!
Why is writing such a letter as if he did anything at PSU. He was injured his Senior year and was promoting PSU when the scandal was in full bloom. That is why him and Hack are jackoffs, they kept the BS going. They are heroes to the cult for allowing the PSU myth to continue. Sorry F him.
This entire thread is "off the rails."
Noone on this site ( PITT fans) knows this kid and who cares. We've had plenty of PITT players in the same situation and I'm not sure there was a thread for each of them!
He stuck with a sick program, now he's praising the sick program, it's dead cult leader and he's part of the problem rather than part of the solution!
It's a shame? What's a shame? Kid got a free college education for having a good soph/junior year in high school. Wow, what a shame.. What a joke.. He literally got a free education for being a good high school football player. pardon me if I don't shed a tear or give my account info for the gofundme account for him..
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And so what if he did?

17-year-olds are not necessarily that high on wisdom or perspective. Yes, they will cry over things that are lost to THEM.

Here's to you also gaining some wisdom and perspective in future years.

How much wisdom and perspective do you need to understand the victimization of children is wrong?

This is what is wrong with society today, making excuses for something that should CLEARLY be inexcusable by any standard
He is and always was a cultist. Not to be mean but I could give a rip. Lots of kids careers end early due to injury

This is how I feel too. Don't get me wrong here. I'm certainly not pleased that this kid's career was injury plagued and has to end prematurely.

However, I don't really care either. He didn't play for Pitt. We've had plenty of kids whose careers came to a premature end and I don't expect any fans of any other team to cry for us over those losses either.

That's just part of the game.
How much wisdom and perspective do you need to understand the victimization of children is wrong?

This is what is wrong with society today, making excuses for something that should CLEARLY be inexcusable by any standard

I don't know the guy --- but I bet that Adam knew/knows that "victimization of children" was wrong.

Adam expressing sadness in July 2012 that he himself lost something does not mean he doesn't understand that.

Look, you may not like it, but his "open letter to Penn State" is NOT about or for the victims. Nor is it about or for non-Penn State folk. It is about him and for Penn State fans.

Which is fine. Some things --- the wise decision is to simply not comment, and let them pass and be.
I don't know the guy --- but I bet that Adam knew/knows that "victimization of children" was wrong.

Adam expressing sadness in July 2012 that he himself lost something does not mean he doesn't understand that.

Look, you may not like it, but his "open letter to Penn State" is NOT about or for the victims. Nor is it about or for non-Penn State folk. It is about him and for Penn State fans.

Which is fine. Some things --- the wise decision is to simply not comment, and let them pass and be.

No. The WISE decision would be NOT to post this on the PITT board. As you said, its intended for ped st fans.
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They had an article in the PG awhile back in which he thanked all the PS fans for the care packages they sent him. Umm.....can u say NCAA violation.
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