Article talking how the Rooney Old School Owners will diminish and New Money Owners will want to remove Rules, Salary Caps, and Free Agency rules to buy, pay, and select what Players they want to win Super Bowls and relocate Clubs to gain more money to do it. Shared Competitive Rules will no longer be the norm slowly eroding sooner or later.
Articles & Excerpts:
NFL's revenue gap could drive more relocation
The gap between rich and poor teams in the NFL has gotten so wide in recent years that three of the underprivileged franchises have taken drastic action: In the past 15 months, the St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders all decided to leave their home markets and move to cities that offered better stadiums and more local revenue potential. By 2030, several more of the NFL’s low-revenue teams might face the same pressure: Do they risk shrinking financial margins as costs go up for all teams with rising player salaries? Or do they relocate to where they can better keep up with teams that have bigger markets or better stadiums?...........
Articles & Excerpts:
NFL's revenue gap could drive more relocation
The gap between rich and poor teams in the NFL has gotten so wide in recent years that three of the underprivileged franchises have taken drastic action: In the past 15 months, the St. Louis Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders all decided to leave their home markets and move to cities that offered better stadiums and more local revenue potential. By 2030, several more of the NFL’s low-revenue teams might face the same pressure: Do they risk shrinking financial margins as costs go up for all teams with rising player salaries? Or do they relocate to where they can better keep up with teams that have bigger markets or better stadiums?...........