OT: Amazon HQ

The proposals are to include multiple sites serving different functions throughout each bidding metro area, not just a single mega-building. The Pittsburgh hired firm is soliciting input from a 10 county ring around Pittsburgh for possible satellite locations. While I doubt it would stray too wide from the urban concentration to be viable, regional presences could touch a variety of communities beyond the likes of Downtown/Oakland to spots like the airport region, Southpointe, Cranberry, etc.

I don't think Pittsburgh is as long of shot as many may think.

Until the unions get involved and demanding their cut and then it is sayonara.
Not a penny of state funds will be used for the airport upgrades. Most of the funding will be come available when the debt on the existing airport is substantially retired in 2018.

Boston is not viable option for Amazon given the high cost of housing stock there.
Hope you Pittsburghers get selected. Loudoun County VA is trying for it despite many many residents opposed.

We love our semi-rural horse and wine country and detest the encroachment of the D.C. Suburbs into the Eastern end of the county just beyond Dulles airport where the metro extension will end. A lot of us will be campaigning to get county commissioners favoring Amazon coming here voted out of office.

We don't have an unemployment problem and don't need the revenue Amazon would bring.
That's another thing. Another benefit. If Amazon would come here, no doubt one of the big airlines would have us as a Hub. It is so hard to get direct flights anymore other than to the major cities.
Good for the obscure bowl games in less than accessible places that Pitt invariably gets!