It is a tad bigger than that it also involved U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah. He was once in charge of Research Grants Fattah funding some of the largest science agencies in the federal system (NASA, NSF, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). He lived in Centre City and got caught up with his own problems. Fattah was sentenced to 10 years in prison but Lord got Immunity on that, so I think the McCord thing is being over blown.
Al Lord is a well meaning advocate of Political Contributions to both Parties, Nationally and Pennsylvania, big in Finance and strong advocate of Penn State Reforms, and help bring the Penn State Trustees Board to work together after the scandal. He was leader with PS4RS and helped heal wounds more than rubbing salt in them, but the Curley & Schultz Pleas is now game changer.
The one area that is big concern before the scandal was Conflicts of Interests especially and included a few areas that now the Board discloses after Freeh Recommendations.
In addition, to be fair, the way the Scandal unfolded and took so much time and how it was handled from 2008 to 2011 was sloppy and slow, but Penn State became a better University after all the Freeh Reforms now makes all on the Trustees Disclose any Business Interests with Penn State.
However, now that things are falling apart again on Curry and Schultz Plea Deals, some might be blowing back on those that opposed Reforms? Some still, think they can reverse everything. instead it may lead to more revealings as predicted years ago here on the Lair.
The PMA-PSU Insurance Case, Treasurer McCord Conviction Case, Clery Act-Title IX Findings, and some others were wearing recorders for over 2 years, and included many in Positions of Power in Washington, Harrisburg, New York, Philadelphia, and both OAG & FBI!
Sometimes it is better to understand during and after a Scandal it is best to accept Reforms, Changes and move on. Instead some at Penn State chose to file the Civil Lawsuits are going to cause more revelations than the Criminal ones some say, we shall see! I predict the better path is consider settlement, sealed and move on now all NCAA Sanctions are over, Fines paid, and down to one Criminal Trial.
What few understand is that the Paterno Family's Report prepared by the family's attorney and other experts who were paid has been largely seen as presenting alternative theories to the fact patterns that Freeh had uncovered. It was often quoted, but deeply flawed on not addressing Paterno's influence on demanding only he could discipline his Players as cited by DOE Fines.
The big problem is it could not refute the Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms Recommendations. The Paterno Report did not bring any new facts out that would change the arc of the story and what Freeh uncovered on Penn State lacking Clery & Title IX Compliance and specifics why Reforms were required.
I agree with the Paterno's that Joe Paterno did not arranged or even partook in a malevolent whitewash is based on indirect evidence and some things told to Joe does not mean he believed them all the time. Joe also reported the incident is also correct and his honest testimony at Grand Jury was why he was not indicted. I know he is hated by many but I admire many other aspects about him. Joe got old and should have retired and after he got sick it only made judgments worse, but those are not intentional crimes. Just me, others can differ with no offense.
However, this is why I said let the Criminal Cases and Civil Lawsuits Cases play out before judging Paterno's Report in full against Penn State and NCAA. Now Curley & Schultz have to testify and Spanier has to defend. They will make clear what Joe knew and when and said too. This is only my narrative but Joe was not in charge of Penn State although he had great influence it.
It was Graham Spanier that was President and he has to defend against the alleged charges pending and Joe was never indicted due to the honesty of his testimony with McQueary that differs from the other three. This is what Spaneir Defense Team must now confront the incident in question was not reported to police investigators or to child welfare officials for a proper inquiry, and more children were abused as a result.
However, the Paterno Report ignored authentic evidence that remains harmful to the late coach's reputation caused by Joe and no one else. The Freeh Report, PMA-PSU Victim’s Under Oath Confidentiality Unsealed, DOE Clery Act Findings and the Curry-Schultz Pleas now do indeed show JVP was at least aware Sandusky was accused abusing children on university property many years ago.
There are now multiple confirmations in addition to Paterno's own words under oath and now will be backed up by Curley and Schultz that back up or make more clear Freeh's Investigation on those Criminal aspects.
The Paterno's Commercial Disparagement was hurt by PSU, NCAA, and Freeh. Opening up the PMA-PSU Children Under Oath Dispositions now Sealed is even more dangerous now showing Joe did not pass it up to PSU Higher Ups way back in 1970s-80s is not good to re-open again, in my view.
Add in influencing Players having No Code of Conduct, treated different than Students, and would not be subject to any On Campus or Outside investigations anytime without his approval even after they were arrested, are factually proven now in the Department of Educations that resulted in Fines & Findings.
Even Undisclosed Business Interest with some PSU Trustees were needed in Freeh Reforms Recommendations on Athletic Integrity.
As stated, when one files a lawsuit on Defamation or Commercial Disparagement, the Truth Is An Absolute Defense, and they find it can come back on them, and all that happens is both end up with sinking and stinking and makes great copy for Media Movies without requiring any permissions if made in Court Public Documents.In addition Joe's Own Words he should have done was even accepted by the Paterno Report undercutting their quibbles over what Curley & Schultz & spanier will tell at trial.
Making Penn State Better and Moving On was the right thing to do, not trying to undo what made Penn State Better now that most of it is over, is just foolish Nittany Lion Pride from a Lion's Den based on Myths, Promotional Slogans.
Penn State Trustees own hiring of an Outside Investigator is Proof not everything run at Penn State was Legal, Lack Athletic Integrity, and violated various rules and now with Curley and Schultz Pleas proves the Trustees did the right thing and hard to refute and take anything back now!
As stated many times, this was Penn State University Football Program Scandal created of Penn State, by Penn State, and for protecting Penn State but once it was exposed, it had to be investigated by outsiders and Penn state Insiders had to Reform itself....and some New Outside Trustees seeking to reverse it, can't undue what is now known and Court Cases will produce more truth than they ever dreamed of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.