Definitely right.
Elliott is paying a tougher penalty right now (and for now, until reduced) because of heat the NFL took for totally blowing off what Ray Rice did. It's absolutely a cynical PR ass covering on the NFL part. They couldn't give a flying fish about right or wrong or the victim.
Going deeper the victim often knows all too well what kind of situation she or he has and that getting the hell away before the bomb goes off is the physically prudent thing to do. But not the bling - prudent or easy life style prudent. It's never ever ever ever a reason or excuse for the violence. (Wish I could make that bold with the phone). But this cynical attitude of the person who ends up the victim is what allows the opportunistic to seize on to get the perpetrator off and people to mostly shrug.
Jesus, when the majority of PSU fans cite that they think Sandusky was innocent and Paterno did everything right, because some victims (who were SEVEN YEARS OLD ORPHANS oR thereabouts when assaulted) eventually got a few shekels as settlements, it is easy to figure out why there is no sympathy for an adult woman who was content to be with this guy who wad likely a violent jerk to her all the time BUT had a famous and lucrative lifestyle.
And Ron Cooks opinion (which is actually Jerry Micco' s opinion) will/would be 180 degrees different for a former OSU Buckeye (subject of PSU envy) now a Cowboy (hated by Steeler fans, me included) than if it were Sasquatch (or whatever) Barkley who was now a Steeler, beating his girlfriend. Its been proven exactly true with the likes of James Harrison (who didn't even bother to deny he abused his wife). Brushed off by Rooney himself (he called it "a religious disagreement"... while at the same time cutting Cedric Wilson whose wife threatened to shoot HIM in a "disagreement"). Wilson, a decent guy by most counts but mediocre WR, was cut and tainted as an possible abuser (though as mentioned, it wss his WIFE who went nearly postal). Harrison, a surly ahole by most counts but defensive MVP and (my thinking anyway) maker of one if 5 best SB plays in history, kept and worshipped as a god by Steeler nation.
Cynicism and opportunism rules.