There just isn't value there for Kaepernick. He turns 30 this year and he can't be a pocket passer. Even if he is your starter and you tailor your offense to him, what is the upside? A #17-30 starting QB, who isn't going to improve at all and is an injury risk because of his style? That is worth very, very little as a starter and almost nothing as a backup because most teams don't have a starter, who fits a similar mold. So, you add that all up and consider the BS protesting, crazy gf/fiancé, extra media attention, and possibility he spoils the locker room? No value, at all. And all that is said considering he takes vet minimum with no guaranteed money. If he wants legitimate backup or low end starter money, there is negative value. I think there is a team or two out there who would bring him in at vet min and let him compete to be a backup in their offense, but he extracts more value from grandstanding via ESPN than being someone's #2 or 3 QB or potentially getting cut.