I know we've shared before, but our family has a tradition of Christmas Eve Mass and then movies. We vote and the lineup this year: "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" "Die Hard" and our only constant, "Christmas Vacation".
Christmas Vacation - Numero UnoI know we've shared before, but our family has a tradition of Christmas Eve Mass and then movies. We vote and the lineup this year: "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" "Die Hard" and our only constant, "Christmas Vacation".
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Christmas Vacation
Batman Returns
Jingle All The Way
Christmas Carol (1984)
Nightmare Before Christmas
Rare Exports
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Arthur Christmas
It's A Wonderful Life
Shop Around The Corner
The Escape Clause
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol as well as Christmas Vacation.I know we've shared before, but our family has a tradition of Christmas Eve Mass and then movies. We vote and the lineup this year: "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" "Die Hard" and our only constant, "Christmas Vacation".
Uncle Billy? old man potter stole 5k.. like he needs it.. Then he's talking sh*t on Jimmy telling him he is worth more dead than alive which basically drives him to suicidal thoughts.. Old buzzard. I blame George for giving such responsibility to an alcoholic employee..I'm old school (and old) -- "It's a Wonderful Life."
Uncle Billy gets off the hook every time, but the ending still brings a tear to my eye.
Go Pitt.
damn movie makes me cry every time at the end when they are around the Christmas tree a year later. . Not sure why either, I know Diane Keaton is alive and well.The family stone
It's a wonderful life. If you haven't seen it take a couple of hours off and watch it. I also like the old, old version of a Christmas Carol with Alistair Sim.I know we've shared before, but our family has a tradition of Christmas Eve Mass and then movies. We vote and the lineup this year: "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" "Die Hard" and our only constant, "Christmas Vacation".
I know we've shared before, but our family has a tradition of Christmas Eve Mass and then movies. We vote and the lineup this year: "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" "Die Hard" and our only constant, "Christmas Vacation".
Eh, I do like it. But, it's somewhere around Scrooged and Bad Santa for me. Good stuff though. I don't mean to slight it. It's a very charming movie with a very likeable cast.No Elf...
Jingle All The Way is one of the weirdest, absurdist Christmas movies for me. I love it for the right and wrong reason. Always loved Phil Hartman too. And, he's in rare form in it. Arnold riding around in the Turbo Man suit is so full of wonkiness and then follow that up with Sinbad dressed as the Dementor. Just kills me. It has a bonkers, go-for-broke deranged energy unlike any Christmas movie not named Christmas Vacation.Christmas Vacation and Jingle All The Way are tops for laughs. Silent Night was a really good Christmas movie, not many have heard of it.
Uncle Billy? old man potter stole 5k.. like he needs it.. Then he's talking sh*t on Jimmy telling him he is worth more dead than alive which basically drives him to suicidal thoughts.. Old buzzard. I blame George for giving such responsibility to an alcoholic employee..
Every time I watch that movie, a small part of me wishes George Bailey leaves Mary and runs off with Violet.. Donna Reed is hot but violet is the kind of girl that lets you do weird things to her..
"Merry Christmas movie house! Merry Christmas Emporium! Merry Christmas you old wonderful Building and Loan!" They don't write'em like that anymore!
After "It's a Wonderful Life," I'd go with "White Christmas." Big fan of Danny Kaye in that movie. "Ah Haaayy!!"