OT: Here's what they think of the cult in other parts of the country

National tour? I'm all for that because you know people will try to do things to it. Someone should send this author the video of the people wanting to be BOT members. The rest of the country should see that too so they can see how messed up these people truly are. I mean I don't think America knows the half of it.
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Given t
Haha …..this would be a great way for a study on cults to attract their subjects!

Given the comments from the nitwits, I think we need to stop referring to that
place as Ped State or Creepy Valley or PoSU. We should call it by a more accurate
name -- North Korea West. These people with their cult of personality are as
brainwashed as anybody in Pyongyang. The only difference is that in Pyongyang,
the people are never allowed to hear the truth, while in State College the Joebots
simply refuse to hear it.
What's funny...or if given all the energy the cult has wasted on this effort how many minds have they changed? Answer?... not even one I bet if they are being honest...nope the bubble people still live in their bubble while those outside the bubble see what was really up in the the echo chamber folks all talk to each that horrendous BOT town hall...trying really hard to sound bright..informed...capable...but unable to recognise that their word salads don't amount to anything but trivial bar talk....from someone who is not only annoying to listen to but also mentally ill. .....

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