BoB was the most beautiful TV series ever. It was very realistic, but not overwhelming.
The Pacific was equally as well done, but it was so brutal it overwhelmed me.
Most certainly the greatest generation.
We would differ on why things are different today vs then.
A lot of cheerleading and false patriotism today.
People are MUCH too casual about sending our troops into battle because it is all volunteer now.
A lot easier to be all puffy chested about things when the call to service isn't compulsory and you or your child aren't real likely to be sucked up by the draft and end up on the shores of Normandy.
We didn't go into WWI or WWII casually. Back then we were a speak softly and carry a big stick nation.
Now, we have 100 million people cocking off with a couple hundred thousand brave souls actually putting their necks out.