News Flash!!!!:: Kenny Pickett is NO better than Mason Rudolph was yet he’s allowed to throw less td’s, have a lower qb rating with BETTER receivers and backs, and never gets benched for bad play while Mason was benched after 6 bad quarters of football. That is what the Steelers wasted assets on. Trubisky signed and drafting Kenny when you could’ve had Lindenbaum. I want someone to explain for me why Kenny can be worse but never gets called out like Ben and Mason got called out for poor play?? When Kenny sucks its “ the line is bad” or “Canada sucks” or “ his receivers don’t get separation “……..but when Ben played bad it was “ Ben‘s arm is shot “ or Ben just can’t run anymore”.When Mason sucked Mason got ALL the blame, not the fact that Fikner had only been a OC at Arkansas State and had no QB coach his FIRST 2 YEARS in the NFL!!!! Nepotism at its best!!!! Because Mike Tomlin “likes “ Kenny and he can run he can suck has much as he wants. Mike Tomlin gots to go!!!!!! I want him gone!!!!! His Nepotism is killing this franchise and the Rodney’s are complicit in this.