OT: Penn State Administrator Who Failed To Report Sandusky Sex Crimes With Minors Received $330,699 Public Pension

Unions…until that stops state,federal,teachers,cops…this country will be broke before you know it.
Easy to scapegoat unions, but I seriously doubt any of these guys belonged to a union.
The real culprit are the gutless legislators who pass on these programs, including themselves, without serious negotiation or limits.
Lots of "blame" to go around, but unions advocating for members are only a small part of it. Most union members are family people leveraging their labor against big corporations and business interests who want work done as cheaply as possible.

Everything is negotiable. No one says management HAS to accept the union demands. The key to any negotiation is compromise and deal making where you meet in the middle where neither side is happy but can live with it. It's called reaching consensus. A lost art in today's us vs. them take no prisoners society.
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That’s not necessarily how it works - your pension is calculated based on the average of your three highest consecutive if you worked for 34 years as a janitor, you’d need to work three straight years as Vice President to get the full benefit. So it takes a little more planning than what you’re saying, but not much.

Keep in mind, too, two things: (1) your pension plan is based on when you entered, so his pension is the one that existed 40 years ago, which is several rounds of pension reform (read: benefit tightening) ago. There are also incentives in place to reward employees who stay employed for longer than ~30 years, and also incentive programs to get people to retire before they work for that long.

It’s also a ton of money, but at the end of the day the guy spent 10 years basically running all of the non-teaching parts of a huge university with tens of thousands of on campus students, thousands of employees, and thousands of buildings spread across the entire state, with a budget in the billions. Not excusing his failures as a person, but $350K doesn’t seem unreasonable for those responsibilities.
It is when it's our dime