OT: PIT airport TSA line / CLEAR

I'm pretty sure the TSA staffing is solely done by DHS, so it's not like the airport has any control of the staffing. And the lines are all because of not enough TSA agents....and also TSA agents that don't work hard/quickly. Though I suppose lack of physical space for more TSA agents/lanes could be blamed on the airport. But hey, we gave away a bunch of physical space to CLEAR so as long that company is fine and making money, no problem.
Yeah, and like someone said earlier in the thread, the physical space concerns are a big reason why they’re building the new terminal, so fingers crossed that this will be the last summer travel season where that’s the case.
Great article here on CLEAR:

This is the money quote from that article:
"Because airports collect extra revenue from those who sign up for CLEAR, an exasperating experience for non-CLEAR passengers has an upside. After all, the annoyance of watching CLEAR members go ahead of them in security lines could induce more people to enroll in CLEAR"

Because PIT airport now has incentive for people to buy CLEAR - they get a cut - they also have incentive to make the wait miserable for non-CLEAR customer. At the least, they have no incentive to make things better for the non-CLEAR customers. I still say it's no coincidence the lines at PIT airport suddenly became the worst ever right after CLEAR was introduced there.
I have owned a few shares of VISA stock going back about 5 years now. It’s delivered some nice returns. Thanks to all and keep charging !
So I take it that CLEAR is some sort of premium service so you don't wait to go through security, and the airport has rigged the process so that it now takes one longer if they don't buy CLEAR. Sounds about right.
I have owned a few shares of VISA stock going back about 5 years now. It’s delivered some nice returns. Thanks to all and keep charging !
I pay everything with my Sam’s MC. Carry nearly zero cash. Pay it off monthly.
Have earned over $600 in rewards. Free stuff at Sam’s club is awesome..
Yes. Keep on charging.
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It is hilarious that you call someone simple minded while sticking up for a person who thinks that passenger travel at the Pittsburgh airport finally getting back to where it was five years ago is some sort of proof that the economy is booming.

It's just like when he talked about the stock market finally getting back to it's previous high as proof that people have a ton of money, without understanding that if you have essentially the same amount of money today that you did four or five years ago that because of inflation you aren't actually ahead, you've actually fallen well behind.

In short, you are sticking up for the personification of simple minded. It's f'n embarrassing that someone could be so damned sure about something that they are clearly clueless about.

I will leave it to you to decide if that applies to just SMF, or you as well.

Yep. I explained to you exactly what you don't understand and why you were completely incorrect. In reading your response, you are now either embarrassed by your mistake or just a simple minded clown.

FWIW, this should be common sense but there's actually research on travel and the state of an economy.
Over 50% of the inflation we have experienced was corporate price gouging. Bills to address this problem were killed in congress.

The fed was late acting but given the results to do- if you have a problem with the fed; you don't understand what they just navigated.

The primary cause of the wage inflation is not having enough workers. We need to start bringing in enough immigrants to fill the void and we are not even close at this point.
Wage inflation is a direct result of what people wanted and voted for. To the victors go the spoils.

The direct result of higher wages was always going to be higher prices - there's no way around it. I get they want to blame corporations now, and there's likely some examples you can find like always. However, it would take massive collusion and price fixing to raise prices across the board like we've seen.

The fed has been acting irresponsible since 2008. They can and should help during dire times, but they became the economy's crutch for 15 years. Sooner or later you have to pay the piper.

I have no issue with migrants. Document them and make them pay taxes. This country was built on immigrants doing the work Americans didn't want to do.
How low is the pay? Maybe you start low but after awhile, arent you making an upper middle class wage?

This is one of the greatest skits ever on TSA

Starting pay in Pittsburgh is $17 per hour with opportunities for pay increases after six months.

Applicants do not need previous experience working in security or law enforcement fields. The newly hired officers will receive extensive training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and they will be paid while undergoing training.

working at the airport has to kind of suck. getting in and out every day. i am assuming they hve preferential parking and arent like us shlubs waiting in a security line for an hour and a half but still kind of a pain to get to / from work every day. WOuld you want to work as a cashier at a fast food or even one of the retail stores in a major airport and deal with that when you can most likely get the same exact job at any strip mall or store in your neighborhood?

Same thing with a waitstaff at a restaurant in an airport. a lot of effort before and after your shift just getting there. Bartender i think would be decent because lets face it, you tip more because an "airport beer" is a top 5 beer in the grand scheme of life..
Starting pay in Pittsburgh is $17 per hour with opportunities for pay increases after six months.

Applicants do not need previous experience working in security or law enforcement fields. The newly hired officers will receive extensive training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and they will be paid while undergoing training.

Its a federal job though isnt it? Wouldn't you be making decent money eventually? Kinda like a teacher. Start really really low but finish at a good wage
Its a federal job though isnt it? Wouldn't you be making decent money eventually? Kinda like a teacher. Start really really low but finish at a good wage
not sure, i mean i hope soo. like most jobs, pay goes up with experience. if any job, federal or not, is capped off at the starting wage, no one will take it.
Wage inflation is a direct result of what people wanted and voted for. To the victors go the spoils.

The direct result of higher wages was always going to be higher prices - there's no way around it. I get they want to blame corporations now, and there's likely some examples you can find like always. However, it would take massive collusion and price fixing to raise prices across the board like we've seen.

The fed has been acting irresponsible since 2008. They can and should help during dire times, but they became the economy's crutch for 15 years. Sooner or later you have to pay the piper.

I have no issue with migrants. Document them and make them pay taxes. This country was built on immigrants doing the work Americans didn't want to do.

Do you mean in 2016?

There's 3 main factors- 1. Awful immigration laws not allowing enough workers in. Then Trump gutting the system to allow immigration in the manner you described 2. The awful covid response leading to too many deaths and the great resignation 3. (To a much lesser degree)- Post Covid federal investment. We have a created a lot of jobs in the private and public sectors since 2020.
Do you mean in 2016?

There's 3 main factors- 1. Awful immigration laws not allowing enough workers in. Then Trump gutting the system to allow immigration in the manner you described 2. The awful covid response leading to too many deaths and the great resignation 3. (To a much lesser degree)- Post Covid federal investment. We have a created a lot of jobs in the private and public sectors since 2020.
My last post on this. 1) It's not the thread's intent and 2) Because you're blind partisanship won't allow you to see anything other than what you want to see.

I don't care who is in office, this is not good, no matter what morons tell you it is.

Covid response was terrible, but not for the reasons you think. We shut down our economy and hid from the the flu, which has turned into the common cold now that everyone's had it. This should NEVER happen again. If you don't like it, stay home and wear a mask.
Starting pay in Pittsburgh is $17 per hour with opportunities for pay increases after six months.

Applicants do not need previous experience working in security or law enforcement fields. The newly hired officers will receive extensive training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and they will be paid while undergoing training.

That’s pathetically low wages
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My last post on this. 1) It's not the thread's intent and 2) Because you're blind partisanship won't allow you to see anything other than what you want to see.

I don't care who is in office, this is not good, no matter what morons tell you it is.

Covid response was terrible, but not for the reasons you think. We shut down our economy and hid from the the flu, which has turned into the common cold now that everyone's had it. This should NEVER happen again. If you don't like it, stay home and wear a mask.
The flu doesn't kill millions a year
My last post on this. 1) It's not the thread's intent and 2) Because you're blind partisanship won't allow you to see anything other than what you want to see.

I don't care who is in office, this is not good, no matter what morons tell you it is.

Covid response was terrible, but not for the reasons you think. We shut down our economy and hid from the the flu, which has turned into the common cold now that everyone's had it. This should NEVER happen again. If you don't like it, stay home and wear a mask.
I will say -
The “flu “ hit hospitals a helluva lot harder and mortality was worse pre-vaccine

Lots of the initial fear was justified due to it being novel
My last post on this. 1) It's not the thread's intent and 2) Because you're blind partisanship won't allow you to see anything other than what you want to see.

I don't care who is in office, this is not good, no matter what morons tell you it is.

Covid response was terrible, but not for the reasons you think. We shut down our economy and hid from the the flu, which has turned into the common cold now that everyone's had it. This should NEVER happen again. If you don't like it, stay home and wear a mask.

Too much projection to untangle in that post. Lol.